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<Sync> hmm eh.
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<azonenberg> soul-d: interesting
<wolfspraul> azonenberg: I'm in this channel :-)
<wolfspraul> decap is good, just go ahead
<wolfspraul> I took a fpgatools holiday break, but today I'm finally back at it
<wolfspraul> doing some work to support multiple packages (first is tqg144 and ftg256 of slx9)
<wolfspraul> since it's the first second package, I need to rewrite/cleanup a lot of places that make fixed assumptions which now need to be variable...
<azonenberg> wolfspraul: h/o. let me send a pic
<azonenberg> Top metal is boring though, i warn you :P
<azonenberg> And i need to get CMP working better to get deeper
<azonenberg> wet etching doesnt work well on modern small process tech
<Sync> ah speaking of which
<Sync> I got a surplus plate and some pads from work
<azonenberg> this is the smallest tech i've worked with yet so i may kill the first die processing it
<azonenberg> i actually scratched the passivation pretty badly during decap but luckily it only damaged the overglass so it should be fince once i get it off
<azonenberg> full color top-metal imagery of xc6slx4-2tqg144c
<Sync> wee
<Sync> I also found out last night that rectangular vacuum chambers are a damn pain
<azonenberg> i'm not trying to RE the whole device so i'm not particularly interested in the long-haul routing
<azonenberg> i just want to see one slice naked
<azonenberg> So my plan is to CMP down until i can see slice boundaries, then do SEM imagery of one slice at high res
<Sync> hmm
<Sync> that could be interesting
<azonenberg> Sync: i've worked iwth them before... what in particular?
<Sync> in theory cmp is not that hard
<azonenberg> My friend has done cmp in his lab, i have the slurry but no pads or plates etc atm
<Sync> well, the plate material has to be insanely thick
<azonenberg> you mean to make it super flat?
<Sync> that is my only rant (damn physics)
<azonenberg> oh
<azonenberg> i thought you meant for CMP
<Sync> yes that too but regular lathe finish should do
<Sync> if not, lap on surface plate
<azonenberg> Yeah, i just havent had the time to build myself any tooling yet
<azonenberg> a little thing called a thesis is getting mad and demanding my attention :P
<Sync> I don't seem to care much about university lately
<azonenberg> i'm expected to publish two papers by the end of the semester
<azonenberg> one of which i havent even started, the other is making decent progress
<azonenberg> wolfspraul: you can usually tell (paradoxically) that a chip is using very small process tech when the top metal layer looks featureless lol
<azonenberg> Because it means they have enough layers they can devote the top layer entirely to long-haul power routing and not do anything interesting
<Sync> the problem is that the frist 4-5 semester here are basic courses which are insanely boring
<azonenberg> vs something with say 3 or 5 metal layers will usually have signal routing all the way up to the top wit ha few big power buses snaking around it
<azonenberg> and oh lol
<Sync> kinda makes me want to give it up and climb trees full time
<Sync> :D
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> i just worked on my own projects and ran ahead of the curriculum
<Sync> that does not work here
<azonenberg> how so
<Sync> I can only take classes that are scheduled for my number of semesters or under
<Sync> or rather, I can go there but they will not accept my exams
<azonenberg> lol well i meant outside the curriculum
<azonenberg> working on my own stuff
<Sync> yeah
<azonenberg> but i also took advanced classes
<Sync> I do that
<azonenberg> if i hadnt taken crypto first semester i might have quit out of boredom :P
<Sync> still doesn't help the boring classes I have to do
<Sync> and climbing trees gets me 60$/h
<Sync> I probably will study for a while, it is free so there is no pressure at all
<soul-d> here they are reversing it making it more expensive to study
<soul-d> so any plans for quantum computing yet azonenberg ->
<azonenberg> lol, not yet
<soul-d> bet if you put some current on nyan cat's tail @ 0 K you probably have a catbit there
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> wonders if catbits have spin
<azonenberg> you should ask that in ##electronics lol
<azonenberg> there's a lot of kittehs there :P
<soul-d> done :P
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> doubt they will answer though
<soul-d> anyhow pdf is interesting although wish i knew bit more background physics / math with it
<soul-d> like so you can read what it say's + as plus (if not reading vhdl then it sucks lol ) instead of weird math symbol
<soul-d> so maybe uin hindsight not that good idea afterall :P
<azonenberg> i'll look at it at some point lol
<nmz787> howdy
<nmz787> soul-d: the boring classes are the hardest
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> i know the feeling
* azonenberg did rather poorly in a math class last semester as a result
<soul-d> yeah being bored is demotiving pretty quickly
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