hey guys, i'm having an issue, where uboot doesn't see my usb storage device
all of a sudden, sounds familiar ?
i see this: EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
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could anyone help me to make pulseaudio working on my board. The problem is that when I tried to reproduce streaming audio coming from my smartphone though bluetooth
the audio is orrible...
I think there is a problem with the decoder...
I tried changing the value for 'default_fragment' and 'default_fragment_size_msec' in daemon.conf in etc/pulse/ directory..
but no progress...
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or maybe a little bit...
but still orrible sound...too glitches!
furthermore, I passed to the udev module the argument tsched=0...
any lucky again...
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dv_: hi, do know if anyone has tested gstreamer-imx against wayland?
otavio is still working on wayland
dv_: is that getting wayland running or integrating gstreamer-imx?
he is trying to get wayland to run with vivante gpu support
before that I cannot integrate
dv_: should have news soon
jas-hacks, have you tested 2D performance with the 'fbdev' driver instead of the 'vivante' driver?
otavio: cool
jas-hacks, I've noticed that moving windows, regardless of their size, is noticeably smoother.
dv_: I'm testing outside Yocto ;), so can test if something is available
JBD1986: It should be smoother with fbdev
jas-hacks, why is that?
JDB1986: The x driver is not rendering on a vsync
jas-hacks, I see screen tearing with 'fbdev' and 'vivante' though
JDB1986: with fbdev, have you tried setting FB_MULTI_BUFFER=2?
no I haven't
JBD1986: the better results seem to be with wayland where I didn't notice any obvious tearing
jas-hacks, Ah, I see that this makes performance much worse
jas-hacks, is it possible to turn this feature off with vivante?
jas-hacks, it really only looks marginally better with that option enabled
oh, so is that value just in vivante by defualt?
default is 1
hi! is alsa-plugin available?
with wayland, frames are supposed to be perfect, so tearing should not occur
in yocto, how simple is it to test out wayland? All of our applications are designed for X11, so I'm not sure what complications I should expect to face
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br1_21: alsa-plugin for what?
I'm tring to use pulseaudio...but when I try to "aplay -vv -f cd -r 44000 -D pulse /dev/zero" just for testing I get this error: ALSA lib /media/buildDisk/sabrelite/master/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/ Unknown PCM pulse
even if alsa-plugin is installed...oh to be honest the version installed is "fsl-alsa-plugin"
a guy on pulseaudio IRC channel said me that I miss the PCM
but I do not what to fix it :-/
for this reason I was asking...
jas-hacks: ^^^
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br1_21: I'm guessing the sound devices are there 'aplay -l'
br1_21: given the error at "src/conf.c:3328" can you see if /etc/asound.conf is present
also check what code is doing at alsa-lib-
jas-hacks: yes the file is present
br1_21: temporary move it somewhere else
jas-hacks: but untouched. I try so set pulse in asound.conf
but I have more or less the same erro
someything missing...
oh anyway, this path /media/buildDisk/sabrelite/master/build/tmp/work/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/alsa-lib/ is not part of my board
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