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<headius> fixed!
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<headius> lopex: I did not
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 6 new commits to truffle-kwargs: http://git.io/h2Fj
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs e4dac71 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Remove accidentally committed psych.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs 8f2adb4 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-kwargs
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs f9be3f6 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Child nodes need to be annotated.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 4 new commits to string-quagmire: http://git.io/h2bV
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire a823be5 Charles Oliver Nutter: Missing e <= p check from MRI.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 6fa1e10 Charles Oliver Nutter: More tweaks for tr.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire a8a36a7 Charles Oliver Nutter: Less confusing to just process all in the loop.
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<headius> well this is progressing faster than expected...test_m17n and test_m17n_comb are under 20 and 10 F/E respectively
<headius> dinnertime!
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to string-quagmire: http://git.io/haId
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 34b5582 Charles Oliver Nutter: Updated port of String#end_with?.
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<lopex> headius: that tr thing i really cool right ?
<lopex> *is
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<headius> lopex: really cool in what way?
<headius> I didn't realize tr was used for so many methods
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<GitHub57> [jcodings] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/ha0W
<GitHub57> jcodings/master 7c0d57e Charles Oliver Nutter: Replicas of dummy encodings should also be dummy encodings.
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<headius> I need to turn off those colors
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:4ba498c by Chris Seaton): The build passed. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/55108779)
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<chrisseaton> headius: are you ever tempted to move all the notifications to a separate IRC room? they can swamp any conversation sometimes
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<headius> chrisseaton: they don't bother me really
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<headius> it might be worth reducing the github noise down to one line
<headius> we can format it however
<chrisseaton> some new guy came here the other day and asked if this was just the notification room
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<headius> yeah I saw that
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<aewffwea> So how can I declare a new class inside a test/description/rspec if I want it to disappear at the end of the test?
<chrisseaton> foo = Class.new { }
<aewffwea> and what's the difference if I do class foo ?
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<chrisseaton> you can't do class foo, as the class name needs to be a constant - using .new allows you to assign the class to a local variable instead
<aewffwea> chrisseaton: but can it be a constant inside the implicit class defined by the describe method?
<chrisseaton> aewffwea: you might be able to put it there - I'm not sure if describe allocates a new class each time though, or just an instance
<aewffwea> chrisseaton: I tested it and it kinda works, but it seems to live after the test is finished... That's my problem
<chrisseaton> did you test the .new mechanism? and what do you mean by 'live' - it's not guaranteed to be GCd immediately if that's what you mean
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<aewffwea> chrisseaton: I used a class with the same name in another describe and it extended the original class
<aewffwea> I did something like
<aewffwea> class foo; end
<aewffwea> class Foo; end
<chrisseaton> ok - what about the .new technique instead then?
<aewffwea> I didn't try that... I'm just trying to understand what are the different options to learn more
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bensummers opened issue #2733: Compiling app with embedded JRuby has RELEASE_6 warning http://git.io/hVbz
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hVhn
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 711a1c5 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Rename PrimitiveNodes to TrufflePrimitiveNodes.
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<eregon> aewffwea: Declaring a constant in a Class.new block does not open a new namespace, so you end up defining it on the outer namespace, object if there is no module/class keyword wrapping it
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian created maven-3.3.1 (+2 new commits): http://git.io/hw1V
<JRubyGithub> jruby/maven-3.3.1 203ef11 Christian Meier: added maven extension.xml to use ruby DSL pom
<JRubyGithub> jruby/maven-3.3.1 44d9244 Christian Meier: no more pom.xml - as far as possible
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/hrsr
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 5f4bb39 Christian Meier: fix the creation of BigDecimal from a String...
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/hrGA
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master bba8243 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Fixed issues with strings not being fully initialized upon dup.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master d663235 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Completed String#{reverse,reverse!}.
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<lopex> nirvdrum: "ruby, where reversing a string requires phd"
<nirvdrum> Heh.
<nirvdrum> Maybe that's my problem. I stopped once I got my Master's :-P
<lopex> yeah, me too
<nirvdrum> That silly dup issue took me longer to figure out than it should have. Apparently there's no spec for that.
<lopex> I wonder how many places thwart array bounds check elimination due to those encodings
<nirvdrum> eregon: What's the flow for adding new specs now?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian force-pushed jruby-1_7 from 5f4bb39 to 9b8aa73: http://git.io/Y42-2g
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 9b8aa73 Christian Meier: fix the creation of BigDecimal from a String...
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<lopex> % 1
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hrCE
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 8421673 Christian Meier: Merge branch 'jruby-1_7'...
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<nirvdrum> lopex: Another thing I want to take a look at some time is JRuby and Rubinius both seem to have just ported String from MRI. While that helps in many regards, if MRI picked a suboptimal algorithm, we will have too.
<lopex> nirvdrum: if it has visible effects, then yes
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<lopex> nirvdrum: but most of the that algorithms dont matter
<lopex> nirvdrum: joni for example does a whole lot more optimizations than oniguruma
<lopex> it has 10 more instructions
<lopex> template sharing etc
<lopex> and it's own cow in ast nodes
<lopex> impossible things in c land
<lopex> or very hard at very least
<lopex> nirvdrum: bacref/matcher reusing makes String#scan like 10x faster than mri
<lopex> and those are not visible changes to ruby
<nirvdrum> Nice.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #719: jruby-openssl gem breaks PKCS5 http://git.io/hr0X
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #509: New failures in test_x509req.rb http://git.io/hrEt
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<lopex> nirvdrum: you said the hotspot nowadays does much better at inlining
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #197: uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::Session http://git.io/hrEr
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<nirvdrum> I don't know the details, but I'm certain it's better than 1.4 was.
<lopex> most of the time, there wont be ver long characters
<lopex> so the splits are still worth doing ?
<lopex> nirvdrum: in 1.4 GC barely worked :)
<lopex> it leaked like shit
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<nirvdrum> I was going to run through a few things with inline diagnostics on. They're per-platform limits so we'll still need to be cautious, but it'd give a more accurate picture of how things stand today relative to 6 or 7 years ago.
<lopex> nirvdrum: I guess many threasholds/settings are made adaptive now ?
<nirvdrum> I think enebo and headius has more details on that.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #1073: OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac_sha1 slowness http://git.io/hr28
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<lopex> I remember tweaking all possible inliing settings because there is a problem in bigs switches (like the one in joni interpreter)
<lopex> the bigger the switch the slower it got
<lopex> so it seemed it didnt use jump tables but balanced tree
<lopex> but that wasnt the case either
<lopex> still a mystery
<nirvdrum> I profess I'm still learning what HotSpot does here.
<lopex> multiple aproaches to splitting showed surprising behaviours
<lopex> even found where switches were being profiled in hotspot sources but werent used at all
<lopex> I wonder if anything changed
<lopex> nirvdrum: I got scared but the imensity of that thing
<lopex> nirvdrum: and hotspot folks said you need two years to be comfortable with that
<lopex> discouraging
<lopex> anyways, enough complains
<nirvdrum> Well, my investigations might not turn up anything. But it's worth taking half a day to look :-)
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hroO
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5d0ef7f Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Untagged some passing String specs.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2734: [Truffle] Adding more specializations of Array#delete_at. (master...truffle_array_delete_at) http://git.io/hrol
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/hrXG
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master ea56f15 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] JT: Do not die of Ctrl+C, only propagate to subprocesses.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 363daa7 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] JT: Spawn igv in its own process group....
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hr5z
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 418dab9 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Adding Array#sort_by! to array.rb.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton closed pull request #2734: [Truffle] Adding more specializations of Array#delete_at. (master...truffle_array_delete_at) http://git.io/hrol
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<tarcieri> _____ ____ ___ ____ _ __ ___ _ _
<tarcieri> | ___| _ \|_ _| _ \ / \\ \ / / | | |
<tarcieri> | |_ | |_) || || | | |/ _ \\ V /| | | |
<tarcieri> | _| | _ < | || |_| / ___ \| | |_|_|_|
<tarcieri> |_| |_| \_\___|____/_/ \_\_| (_|_|_)
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<elfuego> I’m trying to change my application log level at runtime, is there a standard way to do this?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #493: DirectJRubyEmbedding OpenSSL does not load http://git.io/hofA
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 3 new commits to truffle-kwargs: http://git.io/hoUP
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs d1dd8ab Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Re-implement optimizable test in RubyCallNode.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs 78024be Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Basic optimized keyword arguments working.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-kwargs 9ecd3dd Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Fix deopt on kwargs optimisation failure.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #1185: Jruby - Potential jruby-openssl-0.9.4 bug http://git.io/hotY
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #1190: jruby-openssl gem does not depends on krypt http://git.io/hoqf
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] kares closed issue #1160: ScriptingContainer.runScriptlet(PathType.CLASSPATH, filename) should throw a FileNotFoundException http://git.io/hoOo
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/hoWn
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master c55817b Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Work towards making the RubyClass.allocator field final....
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master d390326 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Fix naming.
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<nirvdrum> headius: That snakeyaml thing seems to block 9k installation with ruby-build, too.
<el_cristobal> Is this an alright place to ask about github.com/headius/jruby-pg ? I'm trying to require a specific ref of it in a Gemfile, since there doesn't seem to have been a release of it recently, but Bundler can't seem to find the gem definition.
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<headius> no lopex? what's the world coming to
<headius> I have to show him this great bug
<nirvdrum> He was around earlier.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/hKZA
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 e66cbd5 Christian Meier: adjust the big-decimal fix
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<GitHub99> [jcodings] headius pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/hKCp
<GitHub99> jcodings/master 3a752ef Charles Oliver Nutter: So that cast to unsigned char IS important after all...
<GitHub99> jcodings/master 208f44f Charles Oliver Nutter: Fix comment.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to string-quagmire: http://git.io/hK4A
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 6101605 Charles Oliver Nutter: Update String#chop(!) to match MRI.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 349f57b Charles Oliver Nutter: Use proper coercion for force_encoding.
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<nirvdrum> headius: The chop changes are interesting, since we're passing all specs there . . .
<headius> the specs are woefully inadequate to test m17n
<headius> there's thousands more tests and assertions and permutations in the MRI suite
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hKVS
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 84562e1 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Completed String#force_encoding.
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<headius> now this one is good
<headius> original code:
<headius> our code:
<headius> if ((code & 0xff0000) >= 0x800000) return 3;
<headius> if ((code & 0xff00) >= 0x8000) return 2;
<headius> either it was broken when originally ported, or someone else had a bad font like me
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hKrP
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 82ebb84 Christian Meier: revert commit 9b8aa73e2b54a9c166b0263afc4dca47a74fe5e2...
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<headius> we're going to have to rework how jcodings does error conditions
<headius> most of the MRI logic depends on C-style return value codes, but the jcodings stuff throws exceptions
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hKDm
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 9b1c709 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Completed String#dump.
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<nirvdrum> Hmm...
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<nirvdrum> I guess I'll need to bite the bullet and get the MRI suite running with Truffle, too.
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<nirvdrum> But at least I don't need to report fixes already in StringSupport.
<headius> nirvdrum: it would be a good idea
<nirvdrum> I'm trying to get String to 100% on specs right now, since half of Ruby seems to be just creating and passing Strings around.
<headius> at least
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<headius> after I'm done with this work, jruby proper should be 100% on encoding stuff...so you'll get to leverage that
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] enebo closed issue #2736: early return in each'd enumerator is jumping out of each and not method http://git.io/hoyG
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<nirvdrum> headius: Great.
<nirvdrum> I wish I were contributing a bit more than "this is all broken", but it's approximately symbiotic :-P
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<headius> :-)
<headius> no worries...this is progressing more quickly than expected
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hKhA
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 3456198 Thomas E. Enebo: Revert "Only consider break jumps actually originating from this proc."...
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<GitHub185> jcodings/master ff2183b Charles Oliver Nutter: Proper values for testing mbc codepoint length in EUC-JP.
<GitHub185> [jcodings] headius pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/hKj8
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<lopex> headius: the base/strict division is no longer needed
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<lopex> headius: and I'm overwhelmed by that facebook activity
<headius> lopex: that VANILLA stuff you mean?
<headius> oh or the BaseEUC
<lopex> headius: no, the base/strict etc was for 1.8/1.9 behaviour differences
<headius> lopex: yeah it's really excellent
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<headius> lopex: ahhh ok
<lopex> headius: the vanilla is without mri changes
<headius> that took me hours to figure out
<headius> MRI does a cast to unsigned char there but we didn't have that...it was in a macro so I didn't think anything of it at first
<lopex> yes, that 0xff is all over the place
<enebo> lopex: but 1.8.7 is still in 1.7.x?
<lopex> headius: grep for 0xff in jocodings/joni :)
<lopex> enebo: I guess, is it ?
<enebo> lopex: yeah
<lopex> headius: the vanilla thing might go away actaully I think
<headius> yeah, it has never been active...what was it?
<lopex> headius: yeah
<lopex> just to keep old oniguruma compatibility
<lopex> headius: later this summer I'll probably opensource a thing that might bring jruby some fame
<headius> oh really?
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<lopex> headius: it's not a framework, but an engine with more regime, - a tree based http api and the most flexible scaffolding I know of as an example functionality
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<headius> wow, sounds interesting...been working on it for a while, eh?
<lopex> yeah about two years, but it's more ideas than the code
<lopex> headius: it's like being disapointed with solutions like http://isis.apache.org/
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/h6q7
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 1b500a1 Kevin Menard: [Truffle] Filled out more of String#{<<, concat}.
<lopex> headius: that's why I asked once about cold code performance, since on startup I do lots of tree walking and expansions
<lopex> headius: like building a tree based on rdbms relation metadata
<nirvdrum> headius: Something occurred to me just now. Those m17n specs seem broken on 1.7, but String#b is a 2.0 method. I was seeing the failure in 1.9 mode.
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<headius> nirvdrum: 1.7 runs MRI tests from 1.9.3
<headius> so they wouldn't use b
<nirvdrum> So they were passing just because they didn't exercise that functionality?
<headius> they probably just did the long form .force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
<nirvdrum> Because the failing snippet also failed in 1.9 mode.
<headius> I wouldn't be surprised...1.7's encoding support was much weaker than 9k
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<nirvdrum> Gotcha. So the MRI tests might have just been structured differently?
<headius> yes, they started expanding the tests dramatically after 1.9.3
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<nirvdrum> Nifty.
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<nirvdrum> headius, lopex: On a tangentially related note, the multitude of String#modify* methods is dizzying.
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<headius> nirvdrum: me too
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<nirvdrum> I also did a bit of benchmarking earlier. In cases where String has an immutable and mutable variant, it might be better just making the immutable a combined dup + mutable call. It's a tad less efficient, but I'd be surprised if that amounts to anything anywhere.
<nirvdrum> E.g., String#reverse
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<nirvdrum> As it stands, any issues found in one need to be carried forward to the other. And code size is just larger.
<lopex> nirvdrum: oh, imagine the plethora of newString*
<nirvdrum> I haven't gotten there yet :-)
<lopex> newStringSharedNoCopy7Bit
<lopex> well, that one I just made up
<headius> nirvdrum: most of the time we do that
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<headius> I doubt it would be much less efficient
<nirvdrum> I guess I got lucky. chop doesn't seem to either.
<nirvdrum> But chomp does.
<nirvdrum> I had to get the count up to 100,000,000 to see a 1s difference.
<nirvdrum> And on really short strings, dup + mutate was faster in some cases.
<nirvdrum> I'm trying to balance not screwing with code that obviously has been working for years and trying to make it a bit easier for someone to feel confident working in there.
<enebo> lopex: I have had this one
<lopex> enebo: another one in the fridge I have is http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/de-molen-rasputin/75845/
<lopex> enebo: at last!
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<pjammer> now I'm thirsty
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<lopex> enebo: but I definitely prefer imperial IPAs
<enebo> lopex: I have not had that one
<lopex> some Belgian are interesting too
<lopex> enebo: remember baltic porter ?
<headius> nirvdrum: worth checking whether MRI does dup+mutate in these cases
<lopex> nirvdrum: also on dup we stay shared afaik
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<lopex> nirvdrum: so it reallocs on mutation if needed later on
<lopex> so "foo".downcase shouldnt realloc even if it's dupped
<enebo> err hmm
<enebo> well I gave it a 4
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<enebo> I guess that link won’t work
<nirvdrum> lopex: Correct. You use the same bytelist.
<lopex> enebo: I'm having it right now, I dont taste that 10x IBU here
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<lopex> 102
<enebo> lopex: I also had: Hemel & Aarde (Heaven & Earth)
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<nirvdrum> headius: MRI doesn't appear to dup in the case of reverse. But in my tests dup + mutate was about 2.5x slower across the board for them.
<lopex> enebo: but those IPA-ish de molen I posted some days ago were really good
<enebo> lopex: yeah aren’t these guys actually in Amsterdam?
<nirvdrum> headius: It might be worth embracing JRuby being faster :-)
<lopex> nirvdrum: wow, indeed they specialized it there
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<lopex> enebo: no idea
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<lopex> nirvdrum: I wonder what corner cases it hides
<lopex> cr-wise and the like :)
<enebo> lopex: about middle between amsterdam, rotterdam, and the hague…not the brewery I am thinking of
<nirvdrum> I couldn't use benchmark-ips because I can't get any gems to install in 9k due to that package psych issue. So, not my best benchmark.
<nirvdrum> But the magnitude should be roughly correct.
<lopex> headius: do you perform some perf regression tests when porting that Regexp stuff ?
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<headius> lopex: I did not
<headius> perf is not my concern at the moment
<nirvdrum> And the way I wrote, there's Ruby method dispatch overhead. We could eliminate that since we can call strDup directly.
<nirvdrum> Anyway, I'm floating it out there. If you want to maintain parity with MRI, that's fine too.
<headius> nirvdrum: yeah, I don't know if there's a reason they don't dup+mutate
<headius> I'd like to figure out or find out
<lopex> just git blame that mri code
<nirvdrum> headius: It looks like they're a fair bit slower.
<enebo> nirvdrum: oh what was it before?
<lopex> that might be gc though
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<enebo> nirvdrum: This is after your specialization?
<nirvdrum> lopex: It could be, yeah. That's the problem here.
<nirvdrum> enebo: Just in porting reverse it stuck out to me that JRuby has implementations for String#reverse and String#reverse!.
<enebo> oh heh
<enebo> nirvdrum: that is somewhat rare
<nirvdrum> enebo: I'm advocating maybe making String#reverse just be a dup + reverse!
<enebo> nirvdrum: usually we dup for non-bang and then call bang impl
<lopex> nirvdrum: also, mri packs smaller string in RObject union fields, so longer string will behave differently on mri
<nirvdrum> enebo: That's what headius said. I just happened to look at String#chop and see the same I guess.
<lopex> nirvdrum: much more gc overhead
<enebo> nirvdrum: I mean we do that nearly for all our methods
<enebo> nirvdrum: I am surprised
<nirvdrum> lopex: Yeah, that's why I tried a few different lengths. I wanted to rule out O(n) stuff.
<enebo> werid
<enebo> nirvdrum: I guess reverse can be done in-place
<nirvdrum> lopex: Although if GC overhead is the issue here, then MRI could dup + mutate too.
<enebo> nirvdrum: which is lopex argument no doubt
<enebo> oh no it can’t for reverse
<enebo> I don’t know why then
<nirvdrum> enebo: I think it was just ported from MRI.
<nirvdrum> MRI has implementations for both.
<enebo> nirvdrum: yeah could be
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<nirvdrum> So now we're speculating as to why :-)
<lopex> git blame :)
<enebo> nirvdrum: there is no reason not to :)
<nirvdrum> lopex: I'm looking at the blame. It's a stochastic mess.
<lopex> then feeed /def/random with it!
<nirvdrum> The original code seems to be from 1998 with bolted on stuff over time.
<lopex> nirvdrum: I'll look at that too
<nirvdrum> My guess is the rationale here has been lost to time.
<lopex> and it happens I dont have mri repo locally
<nirvdrum> And no one questioned it.
<lopex> nirvdrum: can you spot other examples of not duping/modifying ?
<nirvdrum> lopex: String#chop was one I saw.
<lopex> nirvdrum: 1998 ?
<nirvdrum> Oh, I meant in JRuby.
<lopex> aaah
<lopex> nirvdrum: well, there was a time I ported stuf without serious tests and it was already a cold code back then
<lopex> nirvdrum: then afte tow years the was a batch of fixes since they provided some tests in mri
<lopex> *after two
<lopex> wow mri is huge
<nirvdrum> lopex: Yeah, I'm not looking to blame anyone. I'm just asking if it makes sense to do a dup + mutate to cut down on what is essentially duplication. I think the answer is this was ported from MRI, but I can't tell if it was expanded to address a previous performance issue. That's all.
<enebo> nirvdrum: do it
<enebo> nirvdrum: There is no reason not to.
<lopex> nirvdrum: stop talking about "not blaming anyone" :) I know you arent blaming anyone
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2737: [Truffle] Implementing more of Array#pop. (master...truffle_array_pop) http://git.io/h6gb
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<nirvdrum> lopex: Heh. Okay. I just want to make sure you don't think I'm attacking you.
<nirvdrum> Far too many devs are attached to things they wrote 7 years ago.
<lopex> why would you
<nirvdrum> And we have that whole language barrier to balance :-D
<lopex> right
<nirvdrum> I won't bring it up again then.
<lopex> nirvdrum: it was different times, lots of stuff was done quickly since jruby lacked functionality
<lopex> nirvdrum: now it's the time to do it property
<lopex> *properly
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<nirvdrum> enebo: The follow-up then is whether some of this would be a better fit for Ruby. Writing it in Java is easily enough, but if you have a smarter compiler now, doing "def reverse; self.dup.reverse!; end" might be a better option.
<nirvdrum> *easy enough
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<nirvdrum> I know you had some false starts with Ruby-based implementations in the past, but the IR seems like it'd be up to snuff for some operations nowadays.
<enebo> nirvdrum: I think it should be measured
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<enebo> nirvdrum: I think it is trivial to replace Java with Ruby impl just by loading a core_ext/string.rb if we want to override Java
<nirvdrum> enebo: My gist sorta would. I did the dup.reverse! in situ.
<enebo> nirvdrum: The other issue I have which needs to be considered is startup time
<headius> a method that just does dup.reverse! should be as fast as the Java version
<headius> neither of those methods would trigger frame or scope
<nirvdrum> I don't have a great handle on that. You'd have less bytecode to verify, but more Ruby to parse.
<lopex> nirvdrum: heh, I dint see anything interesting in mri logs too
<enebo> headius: I guess I am including startup overhead as well
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<headius> enebo: sure, that will take a small hit for every such method
<enebo> kernel I think is a big part of startup now
<headius> it's actually not huge
<headius> JI is bigger
<enebo> like >0.5s
<enebo> headius: yeah which would not be loaded if we did not load kernel
<enebo> headius: so I count that
<headius> well, I guess
<headius> we load it because we needed it to do a ruby kernel
<enebo> but I mean we do not load a tiny fraction of an all Ruby core in methods in kernel+JI but it is a subtantial amount of load time
<enebo> I am thinking we need an internal autoload :)
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<enebo> an index file of all methods which registers the method at load time but parses nothing
<enebo> first hit trigger parse + ir build
<enebo> So classes/modules are logically consistent but references
<enebo> which would mean dealing with first time concurrent loads but it would make ruby impls have no overhead
<lopex> is the IR rewritten multiple times as the profile saturates ?
<enebo> in truth it might even make ruby version load faster than Java impl
<enebo> lopex: well we don’t have profiling setup past invocation counts
<enebo> lopex: but we do promote from simplest IR build interp to either a full interp or a full JIT dependng on -X-<l;etter>
<lopex> enebo: I mean, like snapshotting saturated IRs
<enebo> lopex: so you mean persisting IR for code at some point?
<enebo> lopex: so next load we can load that at that point?
<lopex> enebo: that's the question, I guess you can do the whole thin anyways
<lopex> *cant
<lopex> enebo: like skipping the frames
<enebo> lopex: our persistence layer is running again which is how we implement AOT now
<enebo> lopex: but we save the IR very early on at this point
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<lopex> ok
<enebo> lopex: so we do not save much over just parsing
<enebo> lopex: but the plan is to be able to save much later after conservative optimizations
<lopex> enebo: but some more info might be worth keeping so it doesnt have to rewarm as much ?
<enebo> lopex: startup time issues made us back off to simplest IR for quick interp
<enebo> lopex: yeah it would be helpful
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<nirvdrum> enebo: I can see the inevitable post on /r/ruby about how reverse! is way faster than reverse due to lazy compilation :-P
<enebo> lopex: so long as those optimizations are completely safe
<lopex> enebo: --dev makes some cold code precalculations many times faster now
<lopex> enebo: so it show how much is being wasted profiling
<lopex> *shows
<lopex> in my case
<enebo> it == the JVM or jruby?
<lopex> jruby
<lopex> er
<enebo> lopex: —dev largely is only JVM glags
<lopex> --dev is like a meta switch right ?
<lopex> yeah
<enebo> lopex: except -X-C
<lopex> yeah, but also -J-Djruby.compile.mode=OFF
<enebo> -X-C is OFF
<enebo> lopex: but you can also try -Xjit.threshold=-1 -X-C
<enebo> lopex: this never leaves startup interpreter
<nirvdrum> enebo: And we landed on blowing away all these 19 variants, right?
<lopex> enebo: I dont think it will be a real issues as the code gorws, since theres very little hot cold code (sounds weird)
<enebo> lopex: it is a much slower interp but since we never run any passes on it load time is better if you are not doing anything hot
<enebo> lopex: not to me
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<lopex> enebo: and then in app dev mode the code isnt reloade
<enebo> lopex: gem list is the perfect 0 hot code test case
<enebo> lopex: I think many CLI apps are too
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> enebo: but it bites me more
<enebo> nirvdrum: I think so :|
<enebo> nirvdrum: I am now frightened of native exts calling them
<enebo> nirvdrum: like cat19
<nirvdrum> Yeah, that's my concern.
<nirvdrum> And I'm sure there are some enterprising JSR-292 users out there.
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<enebo> nirvdrum: I really really want them gone but I think we ran out of time to figure out what people are using and haven’t gotten anyone to switch
<enebo> hah
<lopex> I made cat19 on some depressive winter night, the trauma keeps me till now
<enebo> lopex: -Xjit.threshold=-1 —dev
<nirvdrum> The two biggest extensions that make use of String I can think of are jrjackson and json.
<lopex> enebo: how does it differ from OFF ?
<enebo> the threshold tells it to never advance to full interpreter
<nirvdrum> enebo: Maybe go for it and get them to test on Travis and catch issues post pre2?
<enebo> nirvdrum: we could add back missing ones for anyone who complains
<enebo> nirvdrum: I wish we had a reasonable list
<enebo> nirvdrum: I strong suspect cat19 will be used
<enebo> nirvdrum: and if they use that then probably a few others
<lopex> enebo: doesnt make any difference for me
<enebo> nirvdrum: nokogiri would be one eto check out
<lopex> enebo: or some options should exclude each other ?
<enebo> lopex: yeah it probably does not how it works
<nirvdrum> Ahh, right.
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<enebo> lopex: so -X-C (OFF) will run a method jit.threshold times and then ask for a full build (I think that is like 20 right now). Then asynchronously full build for full interp and replace the definition when it finishes.
<nirvdrum> Yeah, I don't want to break anything on anyone. At the same time, 9k is 2.2+, so calling a method with a "19" prefix should be a red flag.
<enebo> lopex: so you will see no slow down from compilation but will see more overall CPU activity since you no doubt have more than 1 core
<enebo> nirvdrum: yeah we need blessed names with annotations and we need to backport those names and need to convert people over with minimum 1.7.x prereq
<enebo> nirvdrum: then we can make 90_000 and kill bad names
<enebo> nirvdrum: seems like crap but at least for what people are using it seems like a path forward
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<lopex> headius: maybe we should invite that facebook guy here or something, mail conversation wont be very efficient
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<lopex> headius: the issues like, they patch some code that is being generated
<headius> lopex: that's a very good idea
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<lopex> headius: I looked at that presto code, most of it could be incorporated
<lopex> as new syntax, etc
<lopex> headius: but I dont want to make any decisions by my self only
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<flavorjones> enebo nirvdrum: anything I can answer quickly about nokogiri and String?
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: Any idea what methods you might be calling from org.jruby.RubyString?
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: If not, I can grep through later.
<flavorjones> as far as compatibility functions go, to_s19 is the only one, I think
<flavorjones> oh, also chomp_bang19
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: Thanks. We'd like to get rid of the *19 variants, but don't want to break things on anyone.
<headius> lopex: help me out here... when I do mbcToCode, the codepoint that results is what exactly
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<flavorjones> Yeah, I had to jump through one hoop for 9000 compatibility, but headius walked me through it
<flavorjones> Let me know how I can support the effort
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<nirvdrum> flavorjones: Unfortunately, not really having an extension API, it's basically just Java visibility. So, don't want to break things on anyone, but also don't want to pay for past sins forever.
<headius> indeed
<lopex> headius: depends on the encoding, in general it's a number representing a character as an integer (in unicode case it's the unicode 21 bit codepoint)
<headius> lopex: I was under the mistaken impression that it was a unicode codepoint always
<lopex> headius: in those weird encodings like GB* it can be 32bit even
<headius> how can I get from the encoding's codepoint to a unicode codepoint?
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: The best thing you could it is test against 9k. It looks like you do test against pre1, so that's great.
<lopex> headius: in case of utf* it will be a unicode codepoint
<headius> enebo: I think this is the main problem in the lexer right now...it's getting these codepoints out but then just using them as utf-16 chars
<headius> lopex: EUC-JP
<headius> for example
<nirvdrum> I really don't know where Travis landed on tracking 9k master.
<lopex> headius: then it's the equivalent of their means of a codepoint
<headius> nirvdrum: there were some blockers that I never got back to
<lopex> headius: er, was that sentence correct ?
<headius> lopex: ok, that explains a lot
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<headius> yes
<headius> so I need to transcode this if I want a unicode codepoint
<headius> basically
<lopex> headius: in general there indeed is a gap of smantics between encodings
<flavorjones> nirvdrum: yup, and if we need to modify nokogiri code to work with 9k specifically we are all OK with that
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-1_7:e66cbd5 by Christian Meier): The build was fixed. (http://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/55216902)
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<headius> enebo: I have it putting mbc method names in the table, but they're the wrong names :-)
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: Great. I'd prefer to avoid that if possible. But if it comes up, I'll make sure you can still target 1.7, too.
<nirvdrum> flavorjones: And thanks for chiming in :-)
<flavorjones> My kingdom for an #ifder
<flavorjones> #ifdef
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<nirvdrum> Not a fan of reflectively checking if a method exists? :-P
<headius> lopex: is there a shortcut for me to transcode one codepoint?
<lopex> headius: mojikyo code point is much larger than unicode codepoint
<lopex> headius: so there you have it
<flavorjones> nirvdrum: yeah, I'd be ok with that, too. ;)
<headius> I obviously don't want to spin up a Transcoding for every char
<lopex> headius: I guess the knowledge is in the transcoders
<headius> lopex: I'm working on mbc identifiers
<headius> hmm yeah
<headius> maybe I can find the one function I need in there
<lopex> headius: also, the knowledge is the find transcoding path part
<lopex> like, which ones can do a correct round trip
<headius> ugh, I forgot about that
<lopex> that can be a 4 hop jump
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<lopex> headius: wrt identifiers, you mean method names ?
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<lopex> headius: but transcoding always operates on codepoints right ?
<headius> EConv ec = EncodingUtils.econvOpenOpts(Ruby.getGlobalRuntime().getCurrentContext(), encoding.getName(), UTF32BEEncoding.INSTANCE.getName(), 0, null);
<headius> byte[] utf32 = new byte[6];
<headius> Ptr in = new Ptr(0), out = new Ptr(0);
<headius> ec.convert(value, in, length, utf32, out, 6, 0);
<headius> int codepoint = UTF32BEEncoding.INSTANCE.mbcToCode(utf32, 0, out.p);
<headius> how many lines is rude to paste, I wonder
<headius> enebo: you think that will be a perf hit for every mbc during parse? :-D
<lopex> headius: that already uses the transcoding path right ?
<headius> that should do everything
<enebo> hmm
<enebo> headius: actually so long as all the transcoders are presetup this is ok for mbc
<enebo> headius: in new lexer utf32 is not actually going to exist
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<enebo> headius: and things like in and out will be only alloced once
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<headius> I'm not going to do this in old lexer
<headius> but I think I have a grasp of everything that's broken now
<enebo> ok
<headius> unfortunately there's multiple places in the code where it's confusing codepoint versus unicode codepoint
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<headius> so I can't just make it a unicode codepoint, because stuff like tokenAddMBC wants it to be the original encoding's codepoint
<headius> but the stringbuffer obviously needs a unicode codepoint
<lopex> well, there no wonders
<lopex> :)
<lopex> headius: what code is that btw ?
<headius> my code
<lopex> I mean what component
<headius> oh, well I put it in lexerSource.readCodepoint
<headius> LexerSource
<headius> it's basically just broken as is
<headius> in a number of ways
<headius> treating lead byte as codepoint, treating codepoint as unicode
<lopex> but whatever number and an encoding is always enough for a context
<lopex> wow I feel like Tim Bray these days
<headius> heheh
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<headius> this really should be pushing the bytes all the way into the AST as-is
<headius> I would guess that's the endgame for switching to ripper lexer
<enebo> headius: well it depends
<headius> I guess I am looking for your blessing to walk away from this for now
<headius> what you have might work for unicode but definitely does not for other encodings
<enebo> headius: for identifiers we end up alloc’ing for staticScope and lvar allocation when we make AST
<headius> and fixing it is large
<enebo> headius: but I think parsing ripper lexer to mainline lexer is first part and it will fix most of the mbc problems
<headius> enebo: mmm good point
<enebo> headius:
<enebo> headius: The leading byte might be a better fix than what MRI has for that logic
<enebo> headius: but we ultimately will have the same logic
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/h6ho
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master b59faa2 Kevin Menard: Simplified String#reverse.
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<headius> yeah, there's just too many levels of plumbing here right now and they all are making bad assumptions about codepoints
<enebo> headius: I am unclear if I munged that in ripper
<headius> I can't fix one without breaking others
<enebo> headius: yeah
<enebo> headius: well maybe I try and port lexer next week
<enebo> headius: it will not be done in a couple of hours :)
<headius> I sympathize
<headius> do we not have a port of it already for ripper?
<lopex> I do too
<enebo> headius: but it will move us to being complete and I think it will also help with startup
<headius> I'm confused about that
<enebo> we do but ripper returns completely different things
<enebo> since it is not building an AST but producing strings for ripper
<headius> oh right, and it works because it's not actually being parsed
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<headius> or rather not parsing all the way to ast
<enebo> MRI makes it work with m4
<headius> right ok
<enebo> and even then they have two pieces of code in one file
<headius> yeah
<headius> ok
<enebo> but most of the lexer sans yaccValue returns will be the same code
<headius> I'm going to move on to the next failure
<enebo> but once I port it I will need to also update to 2.2 from 2.0
<enebo> which I will do before I start so ripper is 2.2
<enebo> ok need to buy brewing supplies
<headius> ta ta
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<lopex> headius: btw wrt unicode/regexp perl is still leading the world with it's support for level-whatever-number-it-is unicode compliance and features
<lopex> but that's just unicode
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<lopex> the grapheme cluster was withdrawed from mri repo last time I checked
<lopex> *withdrawn
* lopex didnt check that in the dict, just occured
<headius> we should all be using perl
<lopex> debian does we should too
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<lopex> headius: there might be issues with GB* 32 bit code points, since in c code it's an unsigned thing
<lopex> so just mask it with long 0xff..
<headius> ugh, yeah
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to string-quagmire: http://git.io/hicU
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 0c9ebf6 Charles Oliver Nutter: Tidy up semantics of matchdata out param in search/match....
<JRubyGithub> jruby/string-quagmire 4a6ed4b Charles Oliver Nutter: Proper way to check a byte for mbc.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2738: [Truffle] Adding more Array#reject!. (master...truffle_array_reject) http://git.io/hi8F
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