We're currently a bit between a rock and a hard place as the concurrency problems in java class proxy creation (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/1621) that's supposedly fixed in upcoming 1.7.20, but we cannot use that as autoloading is currently broken in versions > 1.7.17
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eonwe: hopefully not only for 9K
but you need to make some noise - could you confirm that it's still an issue in 1.7 and if so comment/create an issue?
... also I'm not sure if you've meant the same code sample
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[jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/vfvKR
jruby/master 2c38858 Benoit Daloze: Squashed 'spec/ruby/' changes from 44248dc..45d075c...
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[jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vffSQ
jruby/master 1630b58 Thomas E. Enebo: Tag out new test failures?
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did IO.select change a lot between 1.7.x and 9k? I've got some code that worked fine under 1.7 but doesn't under 9k that uses IO.select
how much fatser is 9k than 1.7 now?
the wrinkle is that it's using IO.select against a RubyIO I construct in Java-land with my own nio Channel
bbrowning: IO was completely rewritten in 9k.
nirvdrum: yeah I thought that sounded familiar
You'll need to ping headius when he pops on.
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guess I'll have to dig in and figure out why IO.select never ends up calling read on my underlying Channel
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looks like perhaps it's because the Channel I pass doesn't implement SelectableChannel
which would make sense, I guess
good morning!
bbrowning: hello there
eonwe: what's broken about autoloading exactly?
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is it the double loading issue?
headius: hi! I'll be in-and-out today, but it looks like in 1.7 a ReadableByteChannel was enough to use w/ IO.select and in 9k I need a SelectableChannel
not the end of the world I don't think - I'll have to look and see if I can get something Selectable from my underlying IO layer
bbrowning: ahh ok...that can be repaired
I think it just marked them as ready though
not much else it can do
the new logic *should* be doing the same, but I'll look into it
yeah I'll need to step through it with a debugger again to see what's up
so I have to work through and see how it got there
I can reproduce with: io = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(java.io.ByteArrayInputStream.new('hello'.to_java_bytes)).to_io; p IO.select([io], nil, nil, 1000)
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bbrowning: it does say forever…what is your problem!
enebo: haha yeah it does say forever :)
headius: cool
so the new logic is a very loose port of MRI's code, but within the central select it diverages a lot because the API is totally different
where select(2) will just return an unselectable stream as ready (I think, or some useful errno) we have to maintain a separate list of them
I wasn't considering that list when going into the select call, and it didn't see any selectable channels registered, so it just does a hard wait
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headius: my IO never gets added to unselectableReadFDs, if that's the list you're referring to
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yes, that's a second problem
I was conservative in what I considered ready by default and only did it for files
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enebo: I think your question is why this needs to be a separate project at all, rather than just rolled into jruby proper, yeah?
enebo, not getting the question about the application.jar
mkristian: we chatted a bit and are not sure why we shouldn't just put this into jruby directly
the extra dependency for just 9 classes seems unnecessary
headius, so the idea is to get all those mains into jruby-mains ? would sound ok to me.
mkristian: well I mean, why wouldn't jruby-mains just roll into jruby?
one of them is already semi-duplicate
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and it seems like it would be more convenient to have all the logical launchers out of the box in jruby
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headius: I would want to be able to take later versions of jruby-mains and not wait for a full jruby cycle
yeah each spelled out use-case should just be part of jruby-complete.jar or possibly even jruby.jar
could it be a gem?
perhaps that is weird
a fully java-based gem? :P
rtyler: yeah I get the separate versioning aspect
rtyler: I am guessing there is the generate a jar part of this which would be a script/tool though also
enebo: that's rmvn/gradle :-)
headius: is it?
headius, yes, there was a reason. when I want to have an runnable war. then I need to have some java code at the root of the war file. basically like a jar. just for the launcher code.
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mkristian: do you see the JRubyMain/JarMain changing much?
that's really the one that makes sense to me to be available in JRuby right away
headius, not really.
the others are pretty domain-specific
I mean if we want to go with the project that has more main() methods, I think JRuby wins with nailgun and drip :-D
headius: jruby-mains instrs make no mention of rmvn nor gradle…isn’t this to generate something which can work within gradle? mkristian rtyler ?
headius: Hi! Would you mind if I slightly alter syntactically the EXCLUDE code in test/mri/lib/minitest/unit.rb? It's hard right now to find the right class to define on in an instance_eval and we would like to run MRI tests in Truffle
enebo, there is no direct link to gradle or maven. they just can use it.
headius: MRI has integrated some EXCLUDE support but the code is wildly different and we don't use it yet in JRuby
enebo: jruby-mains means the jruby-gradle toolchain isn't providing some separate (and probably wrong) runtime environment/startup
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headius, JRubyMain is the actual main. the other three JarMain and ExtractingMain and WarMain just uses the JRubyMain after preparing how to launch jruby.
mkristian: mmm ok
eregon: they did?
I suggested it but never got back to working with them
what I have I hacked together
any improvements are fine
ok I think my confusion was how application.jar is made and thinking a tool could help but that is just a separate activity you have to know how to do
headius, currently a runnable war just unpacks jruby-mains and adds it to war file and I just can bit the complete jruby-mains jar to do so without cherry picking the classes I need.
ok :) yeah, have a look at their test/lib/test/unit.rb history if you feel curious
jruby-mains is small enough for this
mkristian: ok, I understand
mkristian: if these classes were in jruby-complete, and I loaded new versions of those classes into my classpath, would the new overwrite the old?
i.e. is there any downside to distributing as a jar and in jruby-complete?
headius: and thanks for the stdlib update!
[jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vfJ7y
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eregon: easy one!
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[jruby] eregon closed issue #2838: [Truffle] Method not added during instance_eval for MRI Test Excludes http://git.io/vv6md
headius: yeah :)
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mkristian: jar-dependencies. I have a feature request
mkristian: Could the vendoring step have an option to be made as a dev-mode bundling?
mkristian: For image-voodoo I do not want to depend on mvn to be installed for people to install it
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mkristian: right now I manually vendor the jars I am using
there's some unifying tool here we have never quite had
there's so many different ways people structure apps though :-\
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enebo, so jruby-openssl does do this - embed the jars before building the gem. ```bundle install``` with reference to you gemspec should vendor those jars into
the lib directory
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enebo, but for this jar-dependencies needs to be development gem not runtime. the runtime bit triggers the mvn
headius: (re: autoloading) at least in our case we get the same file loaded twice, once by require and second time by rails loading it. I haven't really looked into the issue myself so I can get my colleague open a clean issue about it
eonwe: ok...I fixed that on master and may have fixed for 1.7.20 as well
do you have cycles to test 1.7 head?
enebo, but if mvn is not installed then the post install phase will first install ruby-maven and then use it. well, it still uses maven and it first use does trigger loads of downloads in the background
mkristian: ok. I understood all of that I just need to remember it once I get around to image_voodoo again
mkristian: on gem install?
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yeah, that was fixed in the master, but is it in 1.7.20? Or what is 1.7.20 actually, the head of 1.7-branch?
yes on gem install
hmm, maybe not in 1.7
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eonwe: we will fix for 1.7.20
mkristian: oh well that is a deal breaker for me using it then
enebo: ^
headius: oki, that's nice
headius: yay
I think that's next on my agenda then
unless you have something else pre2-related for me
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enebo, but only if jar-dependencies is a runtime dependency. I do everything so you will use it
mkristian: so since I would only use it dev time it is fine
but you come with jars embedded inside the gem which is OK if it is only one or two jars
mkristian: as a dev dependency it will vendor into my local repo and I can package it and it will load without needing to hit maven
mkristian: it has no transitive deps
mkristian: these are two standalone jars
enebo, this is the idea.
mkristian: ok
mkristian: I will try hopefully some time this week
Is there an update on a release date for 1.7.20?
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enebo, please have a look at jruby-openssl on how to require the jars so it works for older jruby versions
mkristian: ok will do
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pierreatkillbill: hopefully at beginning of next week. pre2 will be out in a day and then we will spend effort finalizing blockers for 1.7.20
enebo: great, thanks!
rtyler, about the classpath question. the problem is that it is depends on the classpath order. for example WEB-INF/lib is basically the classpath but the order depends can vary from servlet container to servlet container. never a good idea to the same classes twice on the classpath or classloader hierachy
eonwe: do you have a way to reproduce your double-load case?
enebo: maybe I should pull RG 2.4.5 into 1.7 and just start working through any issues
it and rails should hit all the double-loading and canonical path issues I fixed on master
headius: yesh
headius: It is our main blocker really
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headius: which is probably same problem as autoload when you get right down to it
I may have to go underground for this today then...this code is even worse in 1.7
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headius: so I am trying to solve nirvdrum issue
Antiarc: What was the context for the for stuff again?
nirvdrum: Someone asked a stackoverflow question about which was faster
I benchmarked it in MRI to answer, then was curious about jruby's relative perf
Ahh, that's what I thought.
I was just hoping there was something more substantive to it ;-)
Antiarc: these all *should* compile to nothing on Truffle, but apparently they don't yet - our compilation strategy doesn't always interact will with benchmark/ips yet
nirvdrum: Nah, just mindless microbenchmarks :)
Yeah - how fast can I run this code that produces no value and has no side effects
I only mentioned it because the relative change in between 1.7 and head was interesting
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[jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfTnS
headius: Did you say you had the resources to set up a Windows CI server now?
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yes, either using a license I got through red hat or via one of the windows cloud services
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Does CloudBees support that?
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hmm, I'm not sure
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hey guys, anyone here ever tried programming a multithreaded SSL-Server with JRuby?
I can't wrap my hand around how to do it best
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it's pretty hard with the way SSLSocket is made
you can't properly select and such
yeah, at the moment I'm looping in a management thread, waiting for socket = sslserver.accept to happen and creating 2 threads afterwards
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one for incoming, one for outgoing
that's the way it would suit my scenario best
but I have to fight with old, already closed sockets being used in those threads and it hinders my progress greatly :D
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hmmm yeah
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SSLSocket has a lot of internal buffering that complicates this
aye, that seems to be true
What about a framework like MINA? (Note: not an expert by any means; somewhat familiar since that's what Zimbra users for their POP, IMAP and LMTP implementations.)
not gonna work in my case, I'm stuck with JRuby and its possibilites
yeah calling out to a JVM lib that does a better job with multithreaded SSL would work
my code should ideally run under either JRuby or Ruby
yeah, that might be an option
Doesn't work if you need MRI support, but it works fine under JRuby.
(I'm actually doing a small daemon right now. No SSL, but I'm pretty sure you just need to configure and insert an SSLFilter into the filter chain.)
I'll figure out a way to check if Ruby or JRuby is running :D
that sounds interesting
Think there is a RUBY_ENGINE constant, if memory serves. I'd have to google to be sure.
I usually use: defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
I largely use JRuby as a more convient way to use JVM libraries these days. Generally need the performance or robustness.
kritter: another option might be nio4r but I'm not sure if it handles ssl at all
it tries to mimic io reactor APIs from JDK on Ruby
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well, I'm grasping for everything at this point
so thank you anyway, headius :)
will look into that
nio4r seems to be too far down the stack
My current project is crawling through five billion objects in a 400 node storage cloud, looking for references to them across ~ 12,000 databases.
After that I may kneecap the people responsible for the bugs that lost the object references in the first place. :P
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hah nice
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Definitely one task I'm glad for JRuby. I can't imagine how a pure ruby bloom filter implementation would perform.
mberg: that's a challenge I'd take on
It's actually kind of fun. And it gave me an excuse to spend work ours reading interesting papers on how network folk are handling IPv6, since that's also a large, potentially sparse keyspace.
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Is the Java bloom filter library you're using publicly available?
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Right now just using Guava, which seems to perform Well Enough.
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