headius: jnr-posix doesn't seem to have getgroups - is it not a standard posix call or could it somewhere else or something like that?
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[jruby] chrisseaton created truffle-io (+8 new commits): http://git.io/veKFj
jruby/truffle-io 54f41fe Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Include all Rubinius files in core.rb, just comment out the ones not used, so the ordering is there.
jruby/truffle-io 4654068 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Pull in Rubinius::Stat and use it for File.exist?
jruby/truffle-io 6c00551 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Move File.size? into Ruby.
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[jruby] chrisseaton opened pull request #2811: [Truffle] Start to support the Rubinius FFI and POSIX calls (master...truffle-io) http://git.io/veKbK
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[jruby] mkristian pushed 4 new commits to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/ve6gU
jruby/jruby-1_7 a41293b Christian Meier: make ObjectSpacer public...
jruby/jruby-1_7 07f12b9 Christian Meier: allow to reuse helper methods for subclasses of Main
jruby/jruby-1_7 175c8c9 Christian Meier: permit to set -C uri:classloader:/ via commandline...
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/veix8
jruby/master 2e27cfc Chris Seaton: Merge pull request #2811 from jruby/truffle-io...
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[jruby] enebo pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/veXOc
jruby/master 27186ad Thomas E. Enebo: Revert "Revert "Fixes #2511 - Keyword method parameters cannot take a frozen hash. Fixes #2015 - Method keyword arguments are destructive""...
jruby/master 7f16e7a Thomas E. Enebo: Do not double frobnicate JIT'd kwargs hash through both MixedModeMethod and CompiledIRMethod. -1 as magic value for specificArity was already used and cloning a CompiledMethod would convert to thinking it was a kwargs method
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Can I have JRuby 1.7.20
asking for a friend
* rtyler
hides behind mkristian
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[jruby] eregon pushed 7 new commits to master: http://git.io/veXaA
jruby/master 542af64 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Show the module name as MRI in NoMethodError.
jruby/master cf76d2f Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Process is a module.
headius: I have not done much over there. Have you?
some of these are fixed
well, some of these tickets are in Lookout's internal backlog, but not all of these suckers
several RG 2.4.5 related to load path stuff
we have 20 open marked issues for 1.7.20 and at least two involve rg 2.4.5 not being upgradable
that's probably the big item, make sure recent fixes allow RG 2.4.5 to work right
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and one I wanted to look at today but forgot
mkristian: the packaging issue with what should be empty artifact?
headius: from what I remember the main problem with 2.4.5 was the LOADED_FEATURES not being correct somehow
enebo: I'm worried some of that might have only been fixed on master with various rewrites
those would be very hard to backport
high risk at least
headius: yeah me too. In fact I am fairly certain it is still broken for 1.7.20
enebo, it was an empty jar and suppose to be. but yesterday the snapshot did bite me and it was not empty and a duplicated of jruby-core.jar
headius: yeah so I see at least 4 issues directly related to rg 2.4.5 and LOADED_FEATURES. We probably need to fix it and accept risk but then probably bake it a bit
or at least find some reasonable users who can give us more confidence
In other news, I am fixing a = {b: 1}; c = {**a, d: 3}; p c
which is horrendously broken :)
mkristian: do you want to tackle the rubygems issues? if that helps get 1.7.20 I'd be fine with that
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rtyler, heh why not - though the major roadmap seems to be 9k.pre2 and then 1.7.20
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I figure if headius and enebo are focusing on 9k.pre2 you might be the only person caring about the 1.7.x releases though :p
pre2 is big because we need rc final pretty close to next major Rails version which feels like it will be soon
I mean that is one hard boundary where we do not want to leave people hanging for long if at all
eta for rails5?
any recent ETA on 9k.pre2 and than 1.7.20 ... some folks keep asking about 1.7.20 due some JI fixes?
rtyler: not entirely sure but railsconf is in about 2 weeks
kares: big priority after pre2 is out which we still hope is this week
kares: scroll up a bit, that's kind of what we're talking about :)
enebo, kares: How is AR-JDBC looking? It might be a moot point otherwise.
... oh no not another Rails release ... AR-JDBC seems not even compatible with 4.2 and people just do not care much ;(
1.7.20 could be next week but it is dependent on getting rg 2.4.5 working fine on 1.7.x
which will not be without risk
rtyler: yep was reading history just missed dates ... thx
pretty sure that can all be overridden with config but you don't really want to do that...
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well... shouldn't do that... iirc, it's pretty easy, you'd just annoy your users and collaborators
Here still I need to have .jar file inside libs folder, So why rake is searching for java files?
if it is using .jar file?
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rake is looking to compile the java files and create the jar
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the jar is needed by the JRuby runtime to use the library
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ahh, I created the jar file using mvn, so it should be unnecessary?
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it's unecessary to use both mvn and rake-compiler to create it
the jar shouldn't be checked into git but does need to be included in the packaged gem
hmm, So as I understood, I need to hava ext/fibs, lib , Rakefile and fibs.gemspec only, all others I have by now are unnecessary, am I correct?
There in gemspec, it is looking for .jar file,
how can it be reffered there, when it is creating at 'rake compile', coz I'm running 'rake compile' after 'gem build fibs.gemspec'
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[jruby] mkristian closed issue #2531: psych gem should be default gem http://git.io/FBlC
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Aethenelle: After creating .jar and gem how can I run it and check in my local jruby?
require it the same way you would any other gem
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I ran 'gem build fibs.gemspec' and then 'rake compile' on my gem folder, can I now require it? But I'm getting "no such file to load -- fibs"
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you have to compile before you build it and install the gem or add the lib folder to your loadpath
for testing, you'd usually add lib to your loadpath
travis a bit stalled today?
Aethenelle: Ahh thanks, I think I missed the gem install part, now it seems jruby is finding my gem :)
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meh, refinements are just such a misfit
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it might work in some language but I don't think it works here
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headius: Are the jnr-posix sources not pushed to maven?
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ah there might be
I patched that crypt thing but probably didn't push
IntelliJ can't seem to fetch them. I thought I just had an old snapshot, but I force-updated and still couldn't fetch them.
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sorry bout that
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headius: what should I run to cover jruby regexp tests (I suppose it's not a single file) ?
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[jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/veMrs
jruby/master d333a3a Thomas E. Enebo: Change logic for maybe_using_refinements check to be temporarl
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MRI suite would be more rigorous
it's long though
rake test:mri
to run individual files, EXCLUDES=test/mri/excludes jruby test/mri/runner.rb <path to test or test dir>
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headius: Is there a sync delay? I'm still not seeing them.
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nirvdrum_: I got an IRC notification of the push in #jnr
what are you not seeing?
I'm trying to download the sources within IntelliJ. I get "Cannot download sources. Sources not found for: com.github.jnr:jnr-posix:3.0.11-20150407.185305-2"
I blew away my ~/.m2/repository to be sure it wasn't a local cache issue.
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oh the sources
maybe I forgot to deploy or something else is odd with the sources...I will do a redeploy and see
oh you know what, I don't see it pushing sources
I think the snapshot is missing that logic
if you want you could just check out jnr-posix and point intellij at the repo
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Okay. Thanks.
Would it be much hassle to get the sources pushed, too? No need in the rush up to pre2, but ongoing it would be nice.
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nirvdrum_: I don't know :-) I assume it's easy
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[jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/veD9g
jruby/master 40a4707 Thomas E. Enebo: procs performing arg count checks when they shouldn't
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[jruby] headius pushed 6 new commits to master: http://git.io/veD9A
jruby/master 766fe37 Charles Oliver Nutter: Use empty collections to avoid propagating nulls.
jruby/master d7e5fd8 Charles Oliver Nutter: Basic refined call site functionality, interp only right now.
jruby/master 1d0b3c2 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add top-level #using logic.
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ick refinements
I think I'm going to call that my accomplishment for the day
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nirvdrum_: figured out the right pom magic, sources should be there for new snapshot
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headius: when is the next time you find yourself on the west coast?
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[jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/veyLc
jruby/master 4cdc6e9 Thomas E. Enebo: Convert kwarg arg via to_hash if not a hash. procs should not strip off kwargs arg during prepareArguments
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headius: That did it. Thanks!
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