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<Antiarc> known issue?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to lexer_source_encoding:
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<JRubyGithub> jruby/lexer_source_encoding 9f15d60 Kevin Menard: Fixed default encoding for inline scripts.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to lexer_source_encoding:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/lexer_source_encoding 8accc1d Kevin Menard: Fixed Encoding.locale_charmap on Windows.
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<nirvdrum> No more enebo? Say it ain't so.
<nirvdrum> Anyway, according to the man page for nl_langinfo(3), ANSI_X3.4-1968 and US-ASCII are the same thing.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:260cae0 by Kevin Menard): The build is still failing. (
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<nirvdrum> lopex: Still awake?
<lopex> nirvdrum: howdy
<nirvdrum> I'm hoping to tap into your expertise :-)
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* lopex feels elevated
<nirvdrum> When I set LC_ALL=ja_JP.EUC-JP, Charset.defaultCharset().name() ends up returning "x-euc-jp-linux".
<nirvdrum> jcodings doesn't know that that encoding is, so all lookups end up returning null and we default to using US-ASCII.
<nirvdrum> This is for EncodingService#getLocaleEncoding, by the way.
<lopex> yeah, there should be some mechamism for that
<nirvdrum> I suspect there are other charsets that Java can return that jcodings is unaware of.
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<nirvdrum> Is the solution to expand the encoding list? Or move away from Charset?
<lopex> yeah, but some might be supported but the names dont match
<nirvdrum> Yeah. I'd be happy to expand the alias list (although this would diverge from MRI).
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<lopex> Charsets ar now being used much less since pure jcoding transcoding
<nirvdrum> Is there a better way to look up the system locale?
<lopex> but if there's some java interop then, yeah there should be aliases or something like that
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<lopex> nirvdrum: no idea maybe java.util.Locale has something ?
<lopex> nirvdrum: if it's just to get default locale separate map or an alias in jcodings might work I guess
<lopex> doh, sorry for missing comas
<lopex> ,
<nirvdrum> Sorry. I tried to phrase it to avoid misreading. I guess I failed.
<lopex> nirvdrum: I mean, either add an alias, or use some separate internal name map for that
<nirvdrum> Yeah. I was afraid that would be the answer.
<lopex> I guess, on one side (mri/java) the names might be arbitrary
<nirvdrum> There's a slightly different issue where we return a different name for an equivalent encoding that MRI returns.
<nirvdrum> It seems to be a difference in java.nio and I have no idea why.
<nirvdrum> E.g., we'll return IBM437 whereas MRI will return CP437.
<lopex> afaik Encodng#find already uses case insensitive search and does weird things with _ and - so that also complicates things
<nirvdrum> But Encoding.find("IBM437") == Encoding.find("CP437"), so I'm not too worried about that one.
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<lopex> oh, there was and issue with indexing you filed I need to look into
<nirvdrum> You'll find x-euc-jp-linux in that list as well.
<nirvdrum> headius already fixed that.
<lopex> oh, good then :)
<nirvdrum> Well, he fixed the one case that was provably problematic anyway :-)
<nirvdrum> If someone makes up their own encodings, they theoretically could hit it.
<nirvdrum> Not a situation I'm too concerned with.
<lopex> I though it was related with how the indexing was done
<lopex> I also remember you saying it can be simplified
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<nirvdrum> Hmmm. . . if I did, I didn't file an issue :-/
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 4 new commits to truffle-io:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io d4bf119 Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-io...
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io 1094eb1 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] puts is working again.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io f255290 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Don't special case break from while or until.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:214dea5 by Kevin Menard): The build is still failing. (
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<mkristian> the build on travis seems to work and less. only jdk8 runs seem to be green . . . looking if I can find something locally
<headius> yeah something's really screwy
<headius> did we introduce a java 8 dependency perhaps?
<headius> A required class was missing while executing io.tesla.polyglot:tesla-polyglot-maven-plugin:0.1.1:execute: org/jruby/embed/ScriptingContainer
<headius> hmm
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<headius> mkristian: does tesla/rmvn stuff use an external jruby?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c2f66f2 by Subramanya Sastry): The build is still failing. (
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<headius> we were last green 14 hours ago
<headius> then the next build with unrelated truffle stuff produced this:
<headius> Gem::InstallError: invalid gem: package is corrupt, exception while verifying: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) in /home/travis/.m2/repository/rubygems/ruby-maven-libs/3.1.1/ruby-maven-libs-3.1.1.gem
<headius> error: error reading /home/travis/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jcodings/jcodings/1.0.13-SNAPSHOT/jcodings-1.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar; error in opening zip file
<headius> something's really screwed up
<headius> I'm going to kill all builds and reset maven caches again
<mkristian> mkristian, tesla does download some jruby not sure which 1.7.12 or so when it is not in the local maven repo. what I really find surprising is that all the jdk8 builds pass this point.
<headius> yes
<headius> that's really strange
<mkristian> how do you reset the maven caches ?
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<headius> travis settings for jruby/jruby
<mkristian> ok
<mkristian> are the jenskin build doing as usual or are there similar problems - beside the missing snakeyaml.jar ?
<headius> they're all green
<headius> :-)
<headius> that could indicate there's something seriously broken on travis
<headius> I reset the caches and restart this:
<headius> latest commit
<mkristian> also watching it
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<headius> sorry I assumed it was your doing, but those first couple builds obviously pointed the wrong way :-)
<mkristian> no problem. I did see the first 2 reds and they did not look related to me. so I did not care that my commit was red as well. I did not notice the that things got worth by hour yesterday
<mkristian> until rtyler pointed towards it
<mkristian> it seems to go beyond the jruby-libs module now
<headius> yeah
<headius> I have a theory
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<headius> I tried to reset the maven caches the other day when a few builds were cgoing
<headius> maybe it got corrupted and just went downhil
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian deleted test-build at a07a15d:
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<headius> well it looks ok now
<mkristian> but good to know that I also can delete the caches whenever I see something pointing to corrupted artifact
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<mkristian> so the snakeyaml.jar is really missing the dist tarball. looking now
<headius> yeah I tested that locally too
<headius> I could not figure out why
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:b57c48b by Chris Seaton): The build has errored. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] trejkaz opened issue #2865: Ambiguous method warning when there does not appear to be any ambiguity
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<headius> mkristian: it's starting to fall apart again
<headius> Failed to execute goal de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize (default) on project jruby-tests: Execution default of goal de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize failed: A required class was missing while executing de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildListener
<headius> I think there's something wrong with their maven caching
<headius> we're going to have to turn it off and report it
<headius> I will let this build finish and see how bad it gets
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<mkristian> this is the jar which contains the missing class. concluding this jar is corrupt
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<mkristian> jruby-stdlib.jar which is build inside ./lib does already miss the snakeyaml.jar on jenskin but not with me locally.
<headius> hmm
<headius> which jar is corrupt?
<mkristian> jenskin is really nice that I can browse the working directory of the last build
<mkristian> the ant-19.4.jar
<mkristian> is corrupt
<headius> right
<headius> it was a jruby class previously though
<headius> I think it's something screwy with how they're doing the maven caching
<mkristian> yes, feels like some currency issue - just thinking
<mkristian> I see reason for the snakeyaml.jar on jenskin and how to fix it :)
<headius> yeah concurrency was my thought too
<headius> actually I'm just going to restart this build...if theory holds, it should mostly fail
<headius> mkristian: what did you find?
<mkristian> headius, snakeyaml.jar gets copied into the right place AFTER the jruby-stdlib.jar is packed
<headius> oh!
<headius> and locally unless you scrub your env it's already there
<headius> I scrubbed and reproduced the same problem
<headius> this is probably the source of the other snakeyaml weirdness
<mkristian> and jruby-dist uses jruby-stdlib.jar. locally I still looking why it isi there. probably this is cause of other snakeyaml issues
<headius> this day is turning out a lot better
<mkristian> hope so . . . and my time is limited since I am flying back to london and then munich this evening (IST)
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<mkristian> locally it indeed says: snakeyaml-1.14.jar already exists in destination. will fix the order now
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<headius> ok
<headius> mkristian: thank you for looking into it
<headius> new build is looking the same
<mkristian> new build on travis ?
<headius> mkristian: just re-ran most recent
<headius> one of the failures is this: size of maven/jruby-dist/target/ expected smaller then 13*1024*1024 but got 13639091
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<mkristian> I think it just grew bigger. granularity is 1MB
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<mkristian> is is meant to cache those explosions of distribution artifacts we saw in the past
<headius> right
<headius> ok, I'll bump it
<headius> mkristian: ok, I give up, where is that verification?
<mkristian> in test/
<headius> ahh right
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 3 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 336ed58 Christian Meier: copy snakeyaml.jar before packing the jar [skip ci]
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 4a947d4 Christian Meier: follow the changes from core/pom.xml into core/pom.rb
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 2bea720 Christian Meier: Merge branch 'master' of
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<mkristian> I just pushed the snakeyaml fix - could you trigger a jenskin build ?
<mkristian> to verify it
<headius> ok
<headius> confirming passes locally
<headius> and I'm going to turn off the cache for the moment and see how it looks
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:b57c48b by Chris Seaton): The build is still failing. (
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<headius> oh, it was the src dist
<headius> bleh
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:2bea720 by Christian Meier): The build failed. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 3 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 6dca372 Charles Oliver Nutter: Revert "Remove a couple working excludes."...
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master a60bd1f Charles Oliver Nutter: Disable travis maven cache to investigate instability.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master f0579bc Charles Oliver Nutter: Source dist has gained a little weight.
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<headius> that's looking better
<headius> ugh not again
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:b57c48b by Chris Seaton): The build has errored. (
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<headius> ok these could still be maven cache
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<headius> I'm going to kill the rest of your build and we'll bank on the next one, since we're both short on time
<mkristian> ok
<headius> ok, here we go :-)
<headius> I am going to go fight a boss in my game while this runs
<mkristian> which game ?
<headius> Bloodborne
<headius> PS4 third-person RPG melee slasher
<headius> I guess
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<headius> mkristian: I don't think snakeyaml got into the dist, but I will investigate
<mkristian> I saw it already and just about to push
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] mkristian pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master eab2354 Christian Meier: need to copy the jars before resources phase...
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<gazay> aw yeah – `3205 runs, 381657 assertions, 12 failures, 28 errors, 7 skips` with my fix for rails isolation on current master of jruby
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:f0579bc by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (
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<headius> gazay: that's great! that's AS, yes?
<gazay> headius: yes, AS tests
<headius> now I don't know how you'd like to proceed, but in most cases the real time killer is isolating a smaller test case
<headius> if you can do that for any of these they'll be fixed quickly
<mkristian> headius, only the findbugs is failing
<headius> mkristian: excellent...we'll chat with chrisseaton and eregon to see if they know why
<headius> I'm heading to bed...thanks again for your help :-)
<headius> have a good trip
<mkristian> headius, and the yaml thing should work as well. tested on clean setup locally. welcome. and good nigh
<headius> I saw that extra fix...thanks
<headius> gazay: I will catch up with you tomorrow :-)
<gazay> ok, good night!
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius created test-jit-improvements (+2 new commits):
<JRubyGithub> jruby/test-jit-improvements 68ac7f9 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add java_method, java_alias, and java_send to interface modules....
<JRubyGithub> jruby/test-jit-improvements 759b924 Charles Oliver Nutter: Eliminate "base" java class proxy initialization....
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 0b01058 Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/jruby-1_7'...
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (test-jit-improvements:759b924 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build failed. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master f90af5a Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Follow FindBugs advices.
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<eregon> headius: should be fixed, sry about that!
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master db0bd4e Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Share logic between visitWhileNode and visitUntilNode.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:db0bd4e by Benoit Daloze): The build passed. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 04c17ec Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Ensure to produce some output for Travis with MSpec....
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 3 new commits to truffle-io:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io d699faf Chris Seaton: [Truffle] seek primitive.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io e2451e1 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Shim DomainError in Math.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io 4bc75fc Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Some things broke with the new IO.
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<headius> oh thank goodness, green build overnight :-)
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<headius> eregon: thanks for fixing that up :-)
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<chrisseaton> is bjfish2 around yet?
<bjfish2> chrisseaton yes, i’m here
<chrisseaton> bjfish2: hi - did you document your bulk untagging technique somewhere?
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<chrisseaton> no I mean the way you bulk untag RubySpec specs - that's not this is it?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master d5f5320 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Updating test index for passing tests.
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<bjfish2> chrisseaton there are two tools in the in the tools/truffle directory there are some comments at the top of each
<chrisseaton> bjfish2: ah that was it - thanks
<chrisseaton> bjfish2: we've passed 70% btw as well
<bjfish2> chrisseaton yes, i saw thats great, +20% in less than 2 months i think
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<chrisseaton> yeah, and we have more lined up with the pack specs and work on IO
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<bjfish2> chrisseaton BTW the ENV tests pass in isolation with the bulk untaggers but then when you go to run them in a test suite they mess up other tests because the ENV tests clear all the ENV variables currently
<bjfish2> chrisseaton I usually run the run_each_core_dir.rb tool because it finishes in a reasonable amount of time
<chrisseaton> I can just modify files = to make it run on a specific subdirectory can't I?
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<chrisseaton> Got it working, thanks
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<bjfish2> chrisseaton okay good, I usually do something like this:! { |f| f.include?("io") }; puts "Files: #{files}" , but changing the glob would work too
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5ccc678 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Rewrite a good part of RubyFiber and RubyThread....
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<headius> eregon, chrisseaton: doesn't truffle or graal have anything for continuations yet?
<headius> that would be a huge motivator
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<headius> well not full continuations, just coroutines
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<eregon> headius: I plan to invetigate the coroutine support
<eregon> yeah, continuation might be possible but it's very invasive in the codebase and anyway it's sort of deprecated nowadays
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<eregon> but first, I need to fix some of RubyFiber and thread :)
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<headius> they aren't pursuing coroutines anymore?
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<eregon> headius: what do you mean?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 8fcbcb8 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Add MRI test profile to pom files.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master b80323e Benoit Daloze: Merge pull request #2862 from bjfish/truffle_mri_tests_mvn...
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<chrisseaton> headius: there's nothing active being done on coroutines - and fibres aren't our biggest priority so we haven't pushed for it
<chrisseaton> headius: although enumerator might be a good reason to change that priority allocation
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 20f4611 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Do not duplicate logic of DebugOperations with real nodes.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master a8830c8 Benoit Daloze: Merge pull request #2845 from eregon/truffle-on-demand-freeze-node...
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 5 new commits to truffle-io:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io e08fd5f Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-io...
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io 12ad44e Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Allow module_function in a class when loading the core.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io e8835c0 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] fix the write primitive.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton opened pull request #2866: [Truffle] New IO implementation (master...truffle-io)
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<headius> chrisseaton: I hate to say this but the IO work I did recently is going to remain a lot closer to MRI compat than the rbx impls
<headius> there's a lot of stuff missing from them
<chrisseaton> headius: yeah - it's all about getting stuff working quickly - we are prepared to re-implement this in the future if required - but from a position of having most stuff working, rather than working from nothing
<chrisseaton> headius: we need Socket soon, and this is the foundation for that
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<headius> that's fine, just wanted to give you a heads up
<chrisseaton> what were the key issues though?
<headius> lots and lots of encoding stuff
<chrisseaton> I think cheald or someone was also planning to reimplement the Rubinius code for the same reasons you are concerned about
<chrisseaton> thanks to bjfish we are almost running MRI tests as well now
<headius> yeah that's very good
<headius> also +1 on prioritizing coro work...I think it could be as big a game-changer as invokedynamic was supposed to be :-)
<headius> (and generally is, I'll be fair)
<chrisseaton> the problem with coros is that it's an full on modification to the JDK - way bigger than Graal
<chrisseaton> you probably need to pester product on that one
<headius> yeah I know
<headius> and I do
<headius> I just don't have a golden hammer to beat them with
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<nirvdrum> enebo: I think the lexer_source_encoding branch fixes the problems we were discussing. I was pushing stuff to coordinate between Windows and Linux, so the commits should probably just be squashed.
<nirvdrum> A couple other interesting things came out of it though.
<nirvdrum> There are encodings in that we don't map back to names that MRI (and thus jcodings) use.
<nirvdrum> E.g., I set up that Japanese locale on my Linux machine and the charset name ends up being x-euc-jp-linux. That can't be looked up in jcodings, so we fall back to US-ASCII.
<lopex> nirvdrum: also, some expert should look how our encodings relate to those in java wrt features
<nirvdrum> lopex: Alas, I think there's only 4 of us that really understand any of this :-/
<lopex> ah
<lopex> nirvdrum: things like supported properties and the like
<nirvdrum> And really, the 3 of you understand it far better than I.
<lopex> folding
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:5ccc678 by Benoit Daloze): The build has errored. (
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<chrisseaton> headius: are the IO encoding problems represented in RubySpec? You'd be free to put them in now, if there were disagreements in the past, of course
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:5ccc678 by Benoit Daloze): The build has errored. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to truffle-io:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/truffle-io cf3bae6 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Correct exception when reading as a dir something that is not a dir.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton closed issue #2825: [Truffle] Glob Issue needed for MRI tests
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<headius> eregon: findbugs went red again
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<headius> after RubyFiber rewrite commit
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<enebo> nirvdrum: sorry I should have replied earlier (not feeling great today)
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<enebo> nirvdrum: barring the discovery of non-mapped names this is so far as you can tell much better behaved with how encodings are set
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<enebo> nirvdrum: if so then land this
<headius> kares: what is it about Java 8 default interface methods that doesn't work for JRuby?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 563c402 Charles Oliver Nutter: Add java_method, java_alias, and java_send to interface modules....
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master f8c4bcd Charles Oliver Nutter: Add java_method, java_alias, and java_send to interface modules....
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master a54f099 Charles Oliver Nutter: Eliminate "base" java class proxy initialization....
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:5ccc678 by Benoit Daloze): The build was broken. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius deleted test-jit-improvements at 759b924:
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<eregon> headius: yeah, saw that, FindBugs warns for really not much sometimes :(
<headius> when I've run it in the past I don't have warnings be fatal, because 90% of them are useless
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] eregon pushed 3 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 2b230b1 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] deferredSafepointActions list should be a list of SafepointAction.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 1409c2e Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Make deferredSafepointActions a Queue.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5478943 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Introdude SafepointManager.pauseThreadAndExecuteLater()....
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<eregon> headius: how did you filter warnings and the rest?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:b80323e by Benoit Daloze): The build was broken. (
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<chrisseaton> eregon: for FindBugs? We have an excludes file
<chrisseaton> eregon: oh sorry, read your name as enebo
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<headius> eregon: I think we only did runs with error can do that with findbugs can't you?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 a9157cb Charles Oliver Nutter: Add specs for java_method/java_send on an interface module. #2857
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 714a84c Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/jruby-1_7'
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master d574af6 Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
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<headius> lopex: any upcoming changes for joni? we need to release it for jruby 9k.pre2
<headius> or anything in progress you'd rather not release
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<lopex> headius: nothing existing should be affected but I wouldnt risk now
<headius> ok
<headius> that seems wise :-)
<lopex> headius: but not as risky to have a branch :)
<lopex> headius: but I try to commit as complete features as I can
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<GitHub38> [jcodings] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub38> jcodings/master 9462ef8 Charles Oliver Nutter: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release jcodings-1.0.13
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<lopex> oh, there's been some optz, so that too as well
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<GitHub195> [jcodings] headius tagged jcodings-1.0.13 at aee0b37:
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<GitHub172> [jcodings] headius pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub172> jcodings/master dd35988 Charles Oliver Nutter: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
<lopex> onigmo test suite is surprisingly poor
<lopex> is nokogiri tests in jruby default test suite ?
<lopex> flavorjones: ah :)
<headius> lopex: probably should be
<headius> in some way
<headius> lopex: all your changes on joni master are safe?
<headius> we hadn't done a snapshot in a while so we weren't testing with them
<headius> perhaps I should force a snapshot and re-run a green build
<lopex> headius: I would tentatively say yes
<headius> ok
<headius> looks like mostly zero-sum
<lopex> and new features are onigmo test suite covered
<lopex> headius: looking at the changes ?
<headius> just a couple
<headius> I trust you :-)
<lopex> yeah, either zero sum or new features that should affect existing code
<headius> ok, joni snapshot is updated...I'll wait to release until a build completes
<lopex> I stopped before major more invasive changes
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<lopex> bbrowning_away: also, those changes will affect javascript syntaxt for joni
<lopex> flavorjones: oh, btw, how do I emit via to_xml and have html like <script..></script> closing tags ?
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<lopex> headius: doh, I forgot to respond to that facebook mail :(
<lopex> I'll have to make big excuses
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<lopex> oh NO_EMPTY_TAGS
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<bbrowning> lopex: which changes?
<bbrowning> the dynjs project is the only thing that consumes the javascript syntax iirc
<bbrowning> hey torquebox 4 tests are all green on jruby!
<headius> wtf
<headius> if that doesn't say ship it I don't know what will
<bbrowning> it means I need to ship another TB4 release, at least :)
<lopex> does it also compile ?
* lopex runs
<headius> :-)
<lopex> bbrowning: changes related to ascii char type modifiers
<bbrowning> ahh
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<lopex> bbrowning: all that code is no more in onigmo
<bbrowning> I'll make a note to take a look at it next time we need to touch regexps in dynjs
<lopex> bbrowning: well, we'll have to choose different places, OR it wont be any issue after catching with onigmo changes
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<gazay> hello!
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 5385f46 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Proc#yield
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<gazay> headius: I plan to start investigating failing tests in AS. I think most of them I will not be able to fix and send PR by myself as I’m not good in Java. What would be better way to give you information of what I found – create issue in jruby repo or just create gist and send it here?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master bae615c Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Try moving Kernel#loop to Rubinius.
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<headius> gazay: issues for sure, and if you can give us shortened reproductions that would save 90% of the work
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<headius> almost all of these will be simple fixes, but we'd spend a lot of time hunting down reproductions
<gazay> sure! btw I’ve pulled from rails master (it was pretty old locally – from middle of march) and now there ~100 failing tests =(
<gazay> in AS
<headius> I'm sure many are failing for the same reasons
<headius> and there's a big block of failures in a row that are probably all the same thing
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 75fe358 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Removing String.clone method which raises TypeError.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 795d6a1 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Adding RubyString handling to attr_accesor.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master ac3e1fe Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Adding addtional excludes and uncommenting test in the index.
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<lxsameer> guys , is there any timeline for jruby 9.0.0 final release ?
<headius> this quarter!
<headius> pre2 this week
<headius> rc1 soon after
<headius> home stretch!
<chrisseaton> headius: will you branch for rc1?
<headius> not sure yet
<headius> we kept 1.7 on master for a long time to make sure fixes were always going in
<headius> the minute we branch we have merging headaches
<headius> asarih: maybe it's just busy but we haven't seen a build in 30 minutes
<headius> that's unusual even mid-day
<asarih> on containers?
<chrisseaton> headius: I know about merging headaches - you should see the diff between master and truffle-head
<chrisseaton> it's 14k lines of API changes
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton closed issue #2836: [Truffle] Correct error for missing file needed for MRI Excludes.
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<headius> chrisseaton: yeah :-\ I'm amazed we've managed to keep jruby-1_7 mergeable this long
<headius> asarih: sudo:false if that's what you mean
<headius> I had to turn off maven caching last night because it seemed to be corrupting jars btw
<headius> I asked in travis, I guess I should file a bug
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<lxsameer> headius: cool. well done guys
<asarih> huh. weird. looking
<headius> lxsameer: thank you...we know it has taken too long but we want compatibility to be as "done" as possible for pre2
<lxsameer> headius: nice, I'm not a java dev, if I was, I liked to contribute and help as much as possible
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<headius> lxsameer: that's ok, you can help just by testing apps and libraries and reporting problems
<lxsameer> headius: Sure
<asarih> headius: I see
<asarih> jruby/jruby9 started1 queued204 created
<asarih> so it's moving
<asarih> slowly
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<headius> asarih: ok
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<asarih> interesting!
<asarih> yeah, concurrency might be to blame
<headius> it was entertaining (in retrospect) to watch the builds completely fall apart
<headius> and we are somewhat unique in how many jobs we run each build, so we get a ton of instant concurrency
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<bbrowning> headius: how was the corrupt jar thing manifesting itself?
<headius> all sorts of weird shit
<headius> classes being missing, errors about jars not being openable
<headius> it could be any jar we used in maven so the failures were all over the place and all confusing
<bbrowning> huh I think I'm hitting the same thing with my TB build - it keeps having problems unzipping a wildfly-dist.jar
<headius> that's it
<headius> we had cases like that too
<headius> try turning off cache or resetting it for a build
<bbrowning> yeah I am using the cache
<headius> ultimately it was process of elimination...none of it made sense, but corrupt jars was the only plausible explanation for all of them
<bbrowning> good catch - I've retried a build 3x now and it keeps failing when unzipping this jar, so I'm sure that's it
<bbrowning> it keeps getting the corrupted version from cache
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<headius> yup exactly
<headius> and we'd see one bad build cascade into multiple the next run
<headius> as more jars got corrupted
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] gazay opened issue #2867: Date#next_year difference behvior with MRI
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<headius> gazay: it has begun!
<headius> now you're going to get people excited about fixing stuff :-)
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<gazay> headius: =) is format of issue ok?
<headius> if the example gets much larger you should just make it a runnable Ruby script rather than an IRB session, but this is fine for one-liners
<headius> ruby script = one code section for the script, one for the output, and one for comparative output on MRI
<gazay> got it
<headius> just so we can easily run larger examples
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<chrisseaton> Does anyone know why I might get a JONI 'empty range in char class' ValueException for /[\u{10000}-\u{EFFFF}]/u JRuby handles it fine but Truffle (also using JONI) doesn't
<headius> bad encoding fed to joni?
<headius> such that it doesn't recognize that range as valid characters
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<nirvdrum_> chrisseaton: Our regexp implementation doesn't really handle encodings.
<nirvdrum_> It needs a new pass.
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<chrisseaton> But the encoding of the string is just ASCII - or does that feed into the encoding of the regexp itself?
<nirvdrum> The regexp has an encoding as well.
<nirvdrum> Worse than not being fully supported, we just get it wrong sometimes too.
<nirvdrum> That's why the bulk of our tagged String specs are still tagged.
<chrisseaton> ok, sounds like you volunteered to be assigned this bug
<nirvdrum> Yeah. Just need more hours in a day :-)
<chrisseaton> I did at least reduce it to that from a huge regexp
<nirvdrum> I took a quick stab at it once. And while I made it more correct, it broke other things, so I left it for now.
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<headius> that's often how it goes with encodings
<headius> I eventually gave up and just ported
<headius> should have learned from lopex
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] nirvdrum closed issue #2847: JRuby not using UTF-8 for source files
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<nirvdrum> enebo: I squash-merged so the ping-ponging on the issue was eliminated.
<nirvdrum> headius: It's kinda scary that I know this stuff better than most now and still don't really understand it all.
<headius> tell me about it
<headius> I never thought I'd know any of the weird shit I've learned working on JRuby
<headius> I guess that's why I keep doing it
<nirvdrum> x-euc-jp-linux blows my mind.
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<headius> kares: any idea what this is?
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<gazay> is there a reason why BigDecimal in jruby can not be copied?
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] gazay opened issue #2868: BigDecimal can not be copied
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<headius> gazay: copied?
<headius> looking
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<headius> I have a pretty good idea
<headius> I think it doesn't follow the standard allocate+initialize pattern, so dup doesn't work right
<headius> great find though
<Antiarc> Why would a BigDecimal be dup'able when Floats aren't?
<headius> oh, but you found it
<headius> Antiarc: because Floats are not objects in MRI 2.0+ 64-bit
<headius> well, not represented as objects anyway
<headius> they appear to be
<Antiarc> Maybe I'm misremembering but I thought that numerics in general aren't supposed to be dupable
<Antiarc> Bugnums aren't
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<Antiarc> (I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which you'd want to dup a numeric object and can't really come up with one)
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<headius> hmm yeah
<headius> gazay: another good detail would be *why* rails is doing this :-)
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<headius> gazay: oh, if you can include the original failure that would be a big help too
<Antiarc> MRI definitely allows BigDecimals to be dup'd, but it seems a curious and inconsistent behavior
<headius> so we can confirm it in place
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<lopex> there is a reason for everything in mri
<chrisseaton> headius: broke the build, but it's some unrelated error about bean shells
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<headius> it has been failing in every build
<headius> for the past half dozen
<headius> hmm
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:bae615c by Chris Seaton): The build failed. (
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<headius> I killed a few in the interim but it was only green for a few builds before going red again
<chrisseaton> I'll see what happens with the next builds - but findbugs isn't even running as JRuby isn't building
<headius> chrisseaton: looks like your failures are something else but probably masking the real one
<headius> central must be down or something
<headius> the previous builds show findbugs warning
<chrisseaton> yeah I'll look out for an actual error and will fix it if it appears again
<headius> assuming that's what killed it
<headius> everything's failing now, yay
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<Antiarc> heh
<Antiarc> whoops, wrong channel
<headius> chrisseaton: one succeeded so I restarted that whole build
<headius> actually I restarted 0574
<headius> the next one I think
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<gazay> headius: I’m going to sleep (its 5am here) and will continue tomorrow morning. I’m stuck with strange behavior of Module#attr_* methods in several rails’ tests and in jruby irb. I didn’t create issue because I’m not sure that I understood the problem there. Please take a look when you have a time.
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<headius> gazay: ok good progress so far :-)
<headius> thanks for your help!
<headius> chrisseaton: looking better now
<headius> enebo: joni, jcodings, bytelist, jnr-posix, jnr-enxio, and jnr-unixsocket have been released...just waiting on propagation to push pom update
<headius> I will update 1.7 too
<headius> enebo: there are a bunch of deps in 1.7 that are not latest release, but I'm not sure what our policy is on that sort of thing
<headius> I suppose there are likely unreported bugs that get fixed by updating
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 5 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master e6af2c6 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] finish Array#hash
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 4943ce2 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Array#initialize will call a private to_ary
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master c8ef4c3 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Tag failing Fixnum#^ spec
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:bae615c by Chris Seaton): The build failed. (
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<headius> chrisseaton: still findbugs
<headius> ttfn
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to jruby-1_7:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 0ac640b Charles Oliver Nutter: Update to jcodings 1.0.13 release.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/jruby-1_7 8af06ae Charles Oliver Nutter: Update jnr-unixsocket and jnr-enxio to latest release.
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master 0b57615 Charles Oliver Nutter: Update to jcodings 1.0.13 release.
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master dedc7b4 Charles Oliver Nutter: Update joni, jcodings, bytelist, enxio, unixsocket, posix.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:75fe358 by Brandon Fish): The build failed. (
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<chrisseaton> headius: yeah fixing now
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:ac3e1fe by Brandon Fish): The build failed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:fa541f4 by Kevin Menard): The build failed. (
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<JRubyGithub> [jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master:
<JRubyGithub> jruby/master f8bc99c Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Ignore a couple of FindBugs warnings we don't care about.
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:8407c9c by Chris Seaton): The build failed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-1_7:8af06ae by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build failed. (
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:dedc7b4 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. (
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