then the next build with unrelated truffle stuff produced this:
Gem::InstallError: invalid gem: package is corrupt, exception while verifying: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) in /home/travis/.m2/repository/rubygems/ruby-maven-libs/3.1.1/ruby-maven-libs-3.1.1.gem
error: error reading /home/travis/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jcodings/jcodings/1.0.13-SNAPSHOT/jcodings-1.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar; error in opening zip file
something's really screwed up
I'm going to kill all builds and reset maven caches again
mkristian, tesla does download some jruby not sure which 1.7.12 or so when it is not in the local maven repo. what I really find surprising is that all the jdk8 builds pass this point.
that's really strange
how do you reset the maven caches ?
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travis settings for jruby/jruby
are the jenskin build doing as usual or are there similar problems - beside the missing snakeyaml.jar ?
they're all green
that could indicate there's something seriously broken on travis
sorry I assumed it was your doing, but those first couple builds obviously pointed the wrong way :-)
no problem. I did see the first 2 reds and they did not look related to me. so I did not care that my commit was red as well. I did not notice the that things got worth by hour yesterday
until rtyler pointed towards it
it seems to go beyond the jruby-libs module now
I have a theory
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I tried to reset the maven caches the other day when a few builds were cgoing
maybe it got corrupted and just went downhil
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[jruby] mkristian deleted test-build at a07a15d: http://git.io/vfs6I
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well it looks ok now
but good to know that I also can delete the caches whenever I see something pointing to corrupted artifact
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so the snakeyaml.jar is really missing the dist tarball. looking now
[jruby] trejkaz opened issue #2865: Ambiguous method warning when there does not appear to be any ambiguity http://git.io/vfs1g
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mkristian: it's starting to fall apart again
Failed to execute goal de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize (default) on project jruby-tests: Execution default of goal de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize failed: A required class was missing while executing de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin:1.0.7:initialize: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildListener
I think there's something wrong with their maven caching
we're going to have to turn it off and report it
I will let this build finish and see how bad it gets
this is the jar which contains the missing class. concluding this jar is corrupt
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jruby-stdlib.jar which is build inside ./lib does already miss the snakeyaml.jar on jenskin but not with me locally.
which jar is corrupt?
jenskin is really nice that I can browse the working directory of the last build
the ant-19.4.jar
is corrupt
it was a jruby class previously though
I think it's something screwy with how they're doing the maven caching
yes, feels like some currency issue - just thinking
I see reason for the snakeyaml.jar on jenskin and how to fix it :)
yeah concurrency was my thought too
actually I'm just going to restart this build...if theory holds, it should mostly fail
mkristian: what did you find?
headius, snakeyaml.jar gets copied into the right place AFTER the jruby-stdlib.jar is packed
and locally unless you scrub your env it's already there
I scrubbed and reproduced the same problem
this is probably the source of the other snakeyaml weirdness
and jruby-dist uses jruby-stdlib.jar. locally I still looking why it isi there. probably this is cause of other snakeyaml issues
this day is turning out a lot better
hope so . . . and my time is limited since I am flying back to london and then munich this evening (IST)
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locally it indeed says: snakeyaml-1.14.jar already exists in destination. will fix the order now
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mkristian: thank you for looking into it
new build is looking the same
new build on travis ?
mkristian: just re-ran most recent
one of the failures is this: size of maven/jruby-dist/target/jruby-dist- expected smaller then 13*1024*1024 but got 13639091
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I think it just grew bigger. granularity is 1MB
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is is meant to cache those explosions of distribution artifacts we saw in the past
ok, I'll bump it
mkristian: ok, I give up, where is that verification?
in test/check.sh
ahh right
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[jruby] mkristian pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/vfsQu
jruby/master 336ed58 Christian Meier: copy snakeyaml.jar before packing the jar [skip ci]
jruby/master 4a947d4 Christian Meier: follow the changes from core/pom.xml into core/pom.rb
jruby/master 2bea720 Christian Meier: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:jruby/jruby
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I just pushed the snakeyaml fix - could you trigger a jenskin build ?
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no I mean the way you bulk untag RubySpec specs - that's not this is it?
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[jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfn37
jruby/master d5f5320 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Updating test index for passing tests.
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chrisseaton there are two tools in the in the tools/truffle directory there are some comments at the top of each
bjfish2: ah that was it - thanks
bjfish2: we've passed 70% btw as well
chrisseaton yes, i saw thats great, +20% in less than 2 months i think
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yeah, and we have more lined up with the pack specs and work on IO
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chrisseaton BTW the ENV tests pass in isolation with the bulk untaggers but then when you go to run them in a test suite they mess up other tests because the ENV tests clear all the ENV variables currently
chrisseaton I usually run the run_each_core_dir.rb tool because it finishes in a reasonable amount of time
I can just modify files = to make it run on a specific subdirectory can't I?
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Got it working, thanks
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chrisseaton okay good, I usually do something like this: files.select! { |f| f.include?("io") }; puts "Files: #{files}" , but changing the glob would work too
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[jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfngL
jruby/master 5ccc678 Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Rewrite a good part of RubyFiber and RubyThread....
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eregon, chrisseaton: doesn't truffle or graal have anything for continuations yet?
that would be a huge motivator
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well not full continuations, just coroutines
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headius: I plan to invetigate the coroutine support
yeah, continuation might be possible but it's very invasive in the codebase and anyway it's sort of deprecated nowadays
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but first, I need to fix some of RubyFiber and thread :)
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they aren't pursuing coroutines anymore?
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headius: what do you mean?
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[jruby] eregon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vfno2
jruby/master 8fcbcb8 Brandon Fish: [Truffle] Add MRI test profile to pom files.
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 5 new commits to truffle-io: http://git.io/vfnPZ
jruby/truffle-io e08fd5f Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-io...
jruby/truffle-io 12ad44e Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Allow module_function in a class when loading the core.
jruby/truffle-io e8835c0 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] fix the write primitive.
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[jruby] chrisseaton opened pull request #2866: [Truffle] New IO implementation (master...truffle-io) http://git.io/vfnM2
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chrisseaton: I hate to say this but the IO work I did recently is going to remain a lot closer to MRI compat than the rbx impls
there's a lot of stuff missing from them
headius: yeah - it's all about getting stuff working quickly - we are prepared to re-implement this in the future if required - but from a position of having most stuff working, rather than working from nothing
headius: we need Socket soon, and this is the foundation for that
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that's fine, just wanted to give you a heads up
what were the key issues though?
lots and lots of encoding stuff
I think cheald or someone was also planning to reimplement the Rubinius code for the same reasons you are concerned about
thanks to bjfish we are almost running MRI tests as well now
yeah that's very good
also +1 on prioritizing coro work...I think it could be as big a game-changer as invokedynamic was supposed to be :-)
(and generally is, I'll be fair)
the problem with coros is that it's an full on modification to the JDK - way bigger than Graal
you probably need to pester product on that one
yeah I know
and I do
I just don't have a golden hammer to beat them with
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enebo: I think the lexer_source_encoding branch fixes the problems we were discussing. I was pushing stuff to coordinate between Windows and Linux, so the commits should probably just be squashed.
A couple other interesting things came out of it though.
E.g., I set up that Japanese locale on my Linux machine and the charset name ends up being x-euc-jp-linux. That can't be looked up in jcodings, so we fall back to US-ASCII.
nirvdrum: also, some expert should look how our encodings relate to those in java wrt features
lopex: Alas, I think there's only 4 of us that really understand any of this :-/
nirvdrum: things like supported properties and the like
And really, the 3 of you understand it far better than I.
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headius: are the IO encoding problems represented in RubySpec? You'd be free to put them in now, if there were disagreements in the past, of course
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lopex: all your changes on joni master are safe?
we hadn't done a snapshot in a while so we weren't testing with them
perhaps I should force a snapshot and re-run a green build
headius: I would tentatively say yes
looks like mostly zero-sum
and new features are onigmo test suite covered
headius: looking at the changes ?
just a couple
I trust you :-)
yeah, either zero sum or new features that should affect existing code
ok, joni snapshot is updated...I'll wait to release until a build completes
I stopped before major more invasive changes
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bbrowning_away: also, those changes will affect javascript syntaxt for joni
flavorjones: oh, btw, how do I emit via to_xml and have html like <script..></script> closing tags ?
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headius: doh, I forgot to respond to that facebook mail :(
I'll have to make big excuses
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lopex: which changes?
the dynjs project is the only thing that consumes the javascript syntax iirc
hey torquebox 4 tests are all green on jruby!
if that doesn't say ship it I don't know what will
it means I need to ship another TB4 release, at least :)
does it also compile ?
* lopex
bbrowning: changes related to ascii char type modifiers
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bbrowning: all that code is no more in onigmo
I'll make a note to take a look at it next time we need to touch regexps in dynjs
bbrowning: well, we'll have to choose different places, OR it wont be any issue after catching with onigmo changes
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfcdP
jruby/master 5385f46 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Proc#yield
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headius: I plan to start investigating failing tests in AS. I think most of them I will not be able to fix and send PR by myself as I’m not good in Java. What would be better way to give you information of what I found – create issue in jruby repo or just create gist and send it here?
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfcFR
jruby/master bae615c Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Try moving Kernel#loop to Rubinius.
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gazay: issues for sure, and if you can give us shortened reproductions that would save 90% of the work
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almost all of these will be simple fixes, but we'd spend a lot of time hunting down reproductions
sure! btw I’ve pulled from rails master (it was pretty old locally – from middle of march) and now there ~100 failing tests =(
in AS
I'm sure many are failing for the same reasons
and there's a big block of failures in a row that are probably all the same thing
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[jruby] bjfish pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vfcxf
it was entertaining (in retrospect) to watch the builds completely fall apart
and we are somewhat unique in how many jobs we run each build, so we get a ton of instant concurrency
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headius: how was the corrupt jar thing manifesting itself?
all sorts of weird shit
classes being missing, errors about jars not being openable
it could be any jar we used in maven so the failures were all over the place and all confusing
huh I think I'm hitting the same thing with my TB build - it keeps having problems unzipping a wildfly-dist.jar
that's it
we had cases like that too
try turning off cache or resetting it for a build
yeah I am using the cache
ultimately it was process of elimination...none of it made sense, but corrupt jars was the only plausible explanation for all of them
good catch - I've retried a build 3x now and it keeps failing when unzipping this jar, so I'm sure that's it
it keeps getting the corrupted version from cache
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yup exactly
and we'd see one bad build cascade into multiple the next run
as more jars got corrupted
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[jruby] gazay opened issue #2867: Date#next_year difference behvior with MRI http://git.io/vfCOy
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gazay: it has begun!
now you're going to get people excited about fixing stuff :-)
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headius: =) is format of issue ok?
if the example gets much larger you should just make it a runnable Ruby script rather than an IRB session, but this is fine for one-liners
ruby script = one code section for the script, one for the output, and one for comparative output on MRI
got it
just so we can easily run larger examples
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Does anyone know why I might get a JONI 'empty range in char class' ValueException for /[\u{10000}-\u{EFFFF}]/u JRuby handles it fine but Truffle (also using JONI) doesn't
bad encoding fed to joni?
such that it doesn't recognize that range as valid characters
chrisseaton: one succeeded so I restarted that whole build
actually I restarted 0574
the next one I think
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headius: I’m going to sleep (its 5am here) and will continue tomorrow morning. I’m stuck with strange behavior of Module#attr_* methods in several rails’ tests and in jruby irb. I didn’t create issue because I’m not sure that I understood the problem there. Please take a look when you have a time. https://gist.github.com/gazay/a51dee0bd6bcafb65dfd
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gazay: ok good progress so far :-)
thanks for your help!
chrisseaton: looking better now
enebo: joni, jcodings, bytelist, jnr-posix, jnr-enxio, and jnr-unixsocket have been released...just waiting on propagation to push pom update
I will update 1.7 too
enebo: there are a bunch of deps in 1.7 that are not latest release, but I'm not sure what our policy is on that sort of thing
I suppose there are likely unreported bugs that get fixed by updating
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[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 5 new commits to master: http://git.io/vfW6Y
jruby/master e6af2c6 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] finish Array#hash
jruby/master 4943ce2 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Array#initialize will call a private to_ary
jruby/master c8ef4c3 Chris Seaton: [Truffle] Tag failing Fixnum#^ spec