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<ChrisBr> enebo: headius: it's getting into shape :) With the hash cache in an int array and removed almost all RubyHashEntries I see quite some improvement :)
<enebo> ChrisBr: cool
<sgeorge> Good morning enebo, Do you happen to know of a handy resource for which JRUBY_OPTS options were deprecated in 9000? And for those options that have a recommended replacement, what those are? I didn't see on http://jruby.org/news , not sure if that's the right spot to be looking.
<ChrisBr> enebo: I will update the PR in a bit with the new code and some numbers
<enebo> sgeorge: weirdly I don't. Did you run into something we stopped supporting. I can think of version options like --1.8 and it is possible some more experimental ones stopped working
<sgeorge> enebo: oh no worries, was just wondering. Thanks very much. Under JRuby (sorry, I should be testing on 9.2) I noticed that JRUBY_OPTS='-Xcompile.mode.fastest=true -Xjit.treshold=20' lead to warnings: https://gist.github.com/sfgeorge/96eaf7790327cd6ab09dcf33d867f933 I'm just curious if there are newer/better ways to specify the same things - or if they are rendered moot.
<enebo> sgeorge: yeah the one flag you may be interested in based on fastest would be -Xcompile.invokedynamic
<enebo> sgeorge: That option is somewhat misnamed as it just enabled more invokedynamic than we use by default
<enebo> sgeorge: threshold is the same as in 1.7
<enebo> sgeorge: once we solve our issues with warmup using all the invokedynamic we want to use that option should eventually be a noop
<sgeorge> nice. Yeah, currently I am a bad, bad old dinosaur with -Xcompile.invokedynamic=false using jruby-1.7.4 -_-
<sgeorge> Wow, just realized that you guys totally have "jruby --properties" with an extensive explanation of current options. This is immensely useful! Sorry, I should have RTFM'd
<enebo> sgeorge: oh yeah sorry I thought you knew about that :P
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<enebo> I do wish we had a nice break down of what we changed
<sgeorge> Not to worry. Oh wow - leave it to me to realize only now that I've been running with -Xjit.treshold=20 instead of -Xjit.threshold=20 all along -_- jruby-1.7.x doesn't seem to warn on unrecognized opts... but pretty awesome that 9k does.
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<ChrisBr> enebo: added some numbers to the PR
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<enebo> ChrisBr: can you run a bench like you have but use String as key instead of fixnum?
<enebo> String calculates hashCode every time
<enebo> oh and so far the numbers look really good
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<headius> ChrisBr: that's sounding awesome
<headius> ChrisBr: if possible I'd like to do some testing with this on Graal for my talk in two weeks, to see if it's better at eliminating this flatter structure
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<ChrisBr> enebo: I forgot, the bench is already with strings
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<ChrisBr> I did it with fixnum but the hashes basically the fixnum value so the hash distribution is really bad for a range (basically not existent)
<ChrisBr> I will add the script I used
<ChrisBr> headius: ^^
<headius> ok
<headius> is the code on the PR branch usable right now for testing?
<ChrisBr> headius: yup it is the latest version and should compile
<enebo> ChrisBr: ah cool I think both something which caches hashcode and something which calculates is a good for measuring
<ChrisBr> enebo: I can add numbers for Fixnum as well but IIRC the open addressing was still a lot better than master
<enebo> ChrisBr: oh yeah no doubt but I just like to look at classes of data
<enebo> If nothing else we get a bound of improvement to talk about
<enebo> ChrisBr: along those lines doing something nuts like using Struct as keys would be a worst case but I suspect hash calculation to totally dominate whenever it was called
<enebo> with that said it is weird to use stuff like that for keys
<ChrisBr> my benchmarks are still sometimes flaky, especially for a small number of keys :/ So would be great if sb could verify my benches or have some ideas to make it less flaky
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<headius> ok
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<GitHub62> [jruby] headius closed issue #5238: Jruby 9.1.16 still slow on Java8 without -Xcompile.invokedynamics=false https://git.io/fbpNn
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<ChrisBr> enebo: added some numbers for Fixnum
<ChrisBr> seems like for a high number of keys the performance is close together, maybe because the distribution is quite "bad" (but also means no collisions)
<ChrisBr> enebo: and here are some numbers for struct as key: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/5215#issuecomment-404958012
<enebo> ChrisBr: looks good!
<enebo> fixnums are noisy I think
<ChrisBr> jup
<ChrisBr> I think we also made some improvements for strings as put was "badly" implemented -> it first checked for existence, froze the string and then added which required to calc the hash and bucket index again
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<enebo> ChrisBr: can you readd the hask to reuse a single rubyhashentry and just see if you can see a big difference or not? That would not be part of this PR but it would inform us about whether we want another API
<havenwood> we're prepping for a release of ruby-install and i have a few JRuby questions
<havenwood> is it optimal to use the default-jdk package?: https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install/pull/311
<havenwood> will maven be getting .tar.gz for jruby-1.7.4 and earlier?: https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install/pull/317
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<havenwood> it looks to me like default-jdk is great for ubuntu, debian, etc but unfortunately not for pacman: https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install/pull/276
<headius> havenwood: howdy
<havenwood> headius: o/
<headius> old releases will not gain the -dist tarball, no
<headius> in maven I mean
<headius> what's in maven is what's in maven
<havenwood> do you mind if we don't support installing pre-1.7.5?
<headius> we sure don't
<headius> I'm speaking for enebo here but I don't think I'm wrong
<headius> the zip would probably work fine as well but meh
<headius> Java 8
<enebo> havenwood: we prefer to have those go away at this point
<havenwood> enebo: roger that
<headius> well Java 8 for 9.2
<enebo> plus it is getting difficult for older releases to be run no ancient java releases
<headius> anything before that is fine with 7 but 7 is EOL for several years now
<havenwood> default-jdk for apt?
<havenwood> java-openjdk for dnf?
<havenwood> openjdk for pkg
<havenwood> and then jre8 for the ones that need versions?
<headius> default might do 9 or 10 which could trip some people up because we aren't great on those versions yet
<headius> other than that it sounds fine
<headius> 8 is recommended
<headius> 9 and 10 work but have known issues
<havenwood> okay, 8 sounds good to me
<ChrisBr> enebo: you mean have a static RubyHashEntry which I use instead of getting rid of the RubyHashEntries?
<headius> thread-local but yeah basically
<ChrisBr> I already tried that for fetching / deleting
<ChrisBr> and it was almost the same as with using new RubyHashEntry objects
<ChrisBr> that was the initial approach I had
<ChrisBr> simplified
<ChrisBr> I think for fetching / deleting it shouldn't be a problem to not use RubyHashEntry anymore, should it? Where I think it will break API I already use temporary RubyHashEntry objects
<enebo> ChrisBr: it is purely just an experiment
<enebo> if allocation shows up then we change API to pass in alloc'd object to get populated or return tuple of info another way
<enebo> hopefully not as gory as how we deal with bytelist data though :)
<havenwood> headius: thanks, we'll bump them to 8 and i'll check with postmodern on just dropping pre-1.7.5 support.
<ChrisBr> enebo: could you maybe comment on the PR where I should do that? Not 100 % sure I understand correctly...
<enebo> havenwood: thanks for contacting us. getting off s3 will really help us a lot
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<GitHub60> [jruby] headius created improve_kwargs (+2 new commits): https://git.io/fNmqD
<GitHub60> jruby/improve_kwargs 4116c0c Charles Oliver Nutter: Reduce overhead of frobnicating by doing an initial symbol scan....
<GitHub60> jruby/improve_kwargs c75aef3 Charles Oliver Nutter: Move frobnicate into method body, out of method handles.
<headius> ChrisBr: performance/hash has all latest work?
<headius> I'm twiddling kwarg performance a bit today and I'm curious if your stuff helps
<headius> holy crap
<headius> it's way faster
<headius> unless I broke something
<headius> ChrisBr: you're going to like this
<headius> lopex: you too
<headius> this is a looping benchmark that calls foo(a:i) against a method defined as def foo(a:1) a end
<headius> linear addressing is nearly identical in perf on hotspot but much faster on graal
<headius> ok wow, google sheets doesn't share this graph well
<headius> I need a better way to share graphs online
<headius> ChrisBr: long story short, the open addressing branch + all my recent work does this bench 3x faster on graal
<headius> that's a huge increase
<headius> if this is passing tests I'd say we should merge it now and make additional tweaks in place
<lopex> numbers!
<headius> lopex: !!!
<lopex> so it's the linear scan with hash cache ?
<headius> assuming everything is on ChrisBr performance/hash branch then yes
<headius> this should be latest iteration of his work plus my tweaks to reduce kwarg overhead
<lopex> and how is the hash cache stored ?
<headius> primitive array
<headius> wow there's a lot of assembly behind this
<headius> this is obviously helping graal eliminate some of the transient objects but the logic for populating local vars from kwargs is too complex