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<nirvdrum> enebo: It looks like I was mistaken. JRuby always defaults to the LE variants of UTF-16 and UTF-32. I could have sworn it was BE, but I just check.
<nirvdrum> *checked.
<nirvdrum> At least, that's what `getActualEncoding` returns.
<nirvdrum> I'll need to go through MRI again.
<enebo> nirvdrum: ok yeah I thought 32 was LE by default but I never trust my memory of stuff like that
<nirvdrum> I think it's BE in TruffleRuby and I would've sworn they matched. We both use jcodings and that code was taken almost verbatim from TruffleRuby.
<nirvdrum> So, I need to wade around in there a bit more. I hate this stuff (i.e., dummy encodings).
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<olleolleolle> Hello, folks, I’m curious about some JRuby-extensions to gems perhaps not very much used https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/pull/935
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<lopex> nirvdrum: fyi, new joni/jcodings are released
<nirvdrum> lopex: Nice! Thanks.
<lopex> nirvdrum: so is that utf32 thing settled btw ?
<nirvdrum> nobu committed a change so that having a dummy encoding during a code range scan doesn't immediately mean it's CR_BROKEN.
<lopex> geeze there's been quite a bit of activity in Onigmo
<nirvdrum> Yeah.
<lopex> the ss thing is a major one I think
<nirvdrum> So now I don't think that branch ever gets executed on any of the built-in encodings.
<nirvdrum> IIRC, the only dummy ones are UTF-7, UTF-16, and UTF-32.
<lopex> I forgot
<lopex> but yeah, seems like it
<nirvdrum> UTF-16 and UTF-32 both have real encodings with a minlength > 1.
<nirvdrum> And UTF-7's minlength is 1.
<lopex> aaah
<lopex> wtf encodings
<lopex> I hate the way ruby and Onigmo exchange ideas, literally
<lopex> those commits are impossible to track
<lopex> nirvdrum: so, wrt dummies, do you have enough force to make mri free of them ?