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<postmodern> what's the performance hit of FFI vs native JNI extensions on JRuby?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (ruby-2.6:704782d by kiichi): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/663371176 [192 min 14 sec]
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<kares[m]> master will end up as 9.3 already, right?
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (ruby-2.6:3854fd5 by kares): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/663556070 [190 min 26 sec]
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<headius[m]> g'day all
<headius[m]> kares: yes
<fzakaria[m]> hi
<headius[m]> fzakaria: hey there
<fzakaria[m]> :wave😊
<headius[m]> hmm if we can get Time timezone object support and finish up infinite Range support in bsearch we might be good enough to merge
<headius[m]> merge 2.6 stuff I mean
<headius[m]> I am rather confused what bsearch on an infinite range means at this point
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c1bd26e by Karol Bucek): The build was broken. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/663634913 [168 min 56 sec]
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<fzakaria[m]> bsearch on an infinite range lol
<headius[m]> yeah I'm going to have to read up on what CRuby did for that in 2.6
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<headius[m]> fzakaria: btw thank you for helping out with the puma+ssl stuff!
<headius[m]> if the netty approach works it may inform a reboot of jruby-openssl based on the netty openssl binding
<headius[m]> might even be possible to reimplement most of jruby-openssl in Ruby code using Java integration or FFI to do the heavy lifting... jruby-openssl has way too much code in Java right now and it's not necessary
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<fzakaria[m]> yea bouncy castle is super heavy;
<fzakaria[m]> it's a shame OpenSSL is just difficult to work with;
<fzakaria[m]> This was a funny read https://www.peereboom.us/assl/assl/html/openssl.html
<fzakaria[m]> The nice thing about Netty's solution is they already offer some pre-bundled JARs that include statically linked BoringSSL or OpenSSL with the JNI code which makes including it easy
<fzakaria[m]> (but then you open a new can of worms if you use another OpenSSL library since they can't coexist!)
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subbu|away is now known as subbu