this strikes me as some extra piece of data which should come from actually building source
I agree, and we do build this array during parse but it's not easy to access
and I don't know if it would be any more correct
this basically emulates that array built in ParserConfiguration that had the bad scaling factor
well I meant as an impl detail since we essentially have access to the AST
This PR will not work against streamed code for instance
not that that is very common
you have to give it a filename so I'm not sure that matters
heh ok well a whole in their API :)
I guess this is so you can get a completely uncovered base list of counts for a given file without loading it or having coverage one
so if we could do a parse that also exposes this coverage data, without coverage being on, it would be fine too
I don't have any idea why there is a difference if we are looking for newline nodes. I can only guess but it might not matter either if we output matching line events
well for example that first missing coverable line comes from another multi-line construct:
so we actually make a newline for any call if I recall
Although maybe I am over simplifying that
It could be the iseq advantage!
in IRBuilder I believe we do not emit the same line instr twice
That actually may be a clue to this...maybe I have an interesting comment in there
(note: that would be a different line for us)
gimme a review explaining we'll look into the differences outside PR
also since we output call before hash we may line line 4, line 1 out of order too
so there's obviously weird things afoot that are not fixable in this PR
yeah I am just using actual node line numbers for this logic
yeah we maybe can eliminate some newlines where we couldn't before
in the past newline was used as an "insulating" node...so if you have a construct it would check a child and say do this if it is an arraynode or whatnot...but then they would newline wrap it and then it would not do that action
After they followed us in removing it as a full-fledged node I believe all that logic went away
The parser is complicated we maybe still have something in there adding extra newline field sets we do not need
ah right
If you would have asked me last week I would have said who cares :)
yeah well I was very surprised danmayer said we passed everything after he worked around missing `line_stub`
maybe he has bad tests
or maybe it doesn't matter that much
no it is likely we probably emit things off but still overlapping in some way with a single multiline statement
if they use parser gem it provides start/end line ranges and we hit something in that range
or at least this is my guess
return 0 or 1 in something from 0-3 will still say 0-3 was hit
without more knowledge it feels like a good guess :)
it is also how I would tackle coverage
I have no explanation why hash is different
my very vague assertion above also feels good :)
{} can be hash OR a block
perhaps newline is not emitted until first thing in either
in a block first line would be the thing which mattered as well
but then all other lines as well
my main reason for guessing that is contents of hash or block are parsed before knowing it is one or the other
LALR and all that
ok different topic quick... did that jcodings change get merged and released?
the one I asked lopex about this morning...I don't know if he did it or not yet
and I do not know enough about jcodings to know if it is correct so I did not do it