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<headius[m]> kares: this seems to have broken during your port of Date logic to Java for 9.2: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6385
<headius[m]> I looked over the commits and it all looked ok to me, but maybe you will see a problem
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:5701a3d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was broken. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727785696 [192 min 7 sec]
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<headius[m]> enebo: this should fix the install4j issue and rermove all pack200 stuff from our builds: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6394
<headius[m]> if you can test that installer is fixed, maybe you could push an unofficial 9.2.13 installer that works
<enebo[m]> ah a 2fer
<headius[m]> push somewhere... I don't think we're pushing those artifacts yet
<enebo[m]> you also fixed the other creation in addition to install4j
<headius[m]> yes
<enebo[m]> 'yet' but the word 'ever' is apt
<headius[m]> nobody used them anyway so I'm not worried about removing it in a minor
<enebo[m]> There was some confusion which ended up giving birth to that
<enebo[m]> headius: but you can just land that and if by some miracle the install4j bit is wrong we will deal with it. I strongly suspect it will just make a slightly larger isntaller
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> folks on that issue seem to be working around it, but it might still be nice to have a working installer
<headius[m]> just dunno how strict we want to be about the installer coming directly from the tag
<headius[m]> like you could pull 9.2.13 source, patch just the installer, and push a new one from that
<enebo[m]> well if we were to do that then I think .14 with just repackaging
<headius[m]> there are a few small things that could go in .14 when we decide to do it, so if you're not too concerned about .13 I don't care
<enebo[m]> people can work around it but if we have any need of .14 then we will for sure fix it
<enebo[m]> or obviously if we continue to get unexpected amounts of complaints
<enebo[m]> So I am making an internal execution API so I can match MRI in being able to execute a program from within Ruby without it going through eval
<enebo[m]> I keep switching tests in MRI test suite when eval changes what a warning or syntaxerror should be but that a) makes it a full ruby process spawn b) involves changing the MRI test itself.
<headius[m]> this PR is against 9.2 so we should be good going forward
<headius[m]> nobody has complained about pack200 in the installer until now
<headius[m]> I am guessing that just removed it in 14
<headius[m]> enebo: so this is some RubyVM thing?
<headius[m]> I remember seeing RubyVM APIs for running some ruby code directly as a new toplevel
<enebo[m]> headius: yeah it is something similar but I think we just include it as JRuby thing via jruby/something require
<headius[m]> seems fine to me
<headius[m]> we can submit a patch to CRuby test suite that compartmentalizes this better
<enebo[m]> we already sort of do tangential stuff for jrubyc specs
<enebo[m]> well they did already
<headius[m]> all the test references directly to RubyVM ought to be to helper methods that we could override
<headius[m]> they do for some stuff
<enebo[m]> it is just we do not have the internal API in their common method
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> so they fall back to eval if you do not have it
<headius[m]> pretty sure I added the fallback
<enebo[m]> which works much of the time but not all of it
<enebo[m]> oh ok well thanks I guess :)
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<headius[m]> thanks I guess for sure, I didn't figure on the errors changing
<enebo[m]> There are not really tons of differences but it does point out how weird that is
<headius[m]> enebo: I merged it but forgot I wanted to wait until you test it
<headius[m]> I removed the pack200 attribute from the installer xml completely but just now noticed that for lzma it is there but set to "false"
<headius[m]> so I want to know I didn't break it
<enebo[m]> I will pull and try generating it
<headius[m]> merging to master now
<headius[m]> removed in 14
<headius[m]> so that's why we just started seeing these reports
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (jruby-9.2:8175ad2 by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was broken. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727810029 [166 min 45 sec]
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c7f316d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727810736 [190 min 3 sec]
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<headius[m]> hmm
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c7f316d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build is still failing. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727810736 [194 min 48 sec]
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c7f316d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was canceled. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727810736 [196 min 20 sec]
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<travis-ci> jruby/jruby (master:c7f316d by Charles Oliver Nutter): The build was fixed. https://travis-ci.org/jruby/jruby/builds/727810736 [201 min 20 sec]
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