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<_davinci_> enebo: as you can see in this link (, it is possible to compile a JavaFX Helloworld refering installation dir. I have done it and the dir only has the jar files, so I think it is enough with that.
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<_davinci_> Hi
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<enebo[m]> doh he left...but yeah Java module stuff allows stuff to load somehow which I am unaware of but the location of the sdk is why it can work so it can load those shared libraries
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<_davinci_> enebo[m]: I am here :)
<_davinci_> But I think they are Java shared libraries, not JavaFX specific
<_davinci_> In fact, I can compile HelloWorld and use packages downloaded by Maven and moved to the script directory
<_davinci_> But I can't do the same with my JRuby example :(
<_davinci_> And the jars are the same
<enebo[m]> _davinci_: I am wondering if Java modules are doing the loading. I mean I have worked with JavaFX since it started and it has always required the native component to work
<enebo[m]> byteit101: are you around?
<_davinci_> enebo[m]: in that case, JRuby should proceed in the same form, I think. What can be out in JRuby for not performing the same load? I don't understand what is missing :(
<enebo[m]> Are you doing those module adds on the jruby command line?
<_davinci_> Yes, as with the Java HelloWorld example
<enebo[m]> jruby -J--module-path $PATH_TO_FX -J--add-modules javafx.controls hello.rb
<_davinci_> Yes, in that form. But it doesn't work
<enebo[m]> I can try after lunch. I am guessing module-path will add jmods which load the native bits but perhaps there is something we do not support well with modules
<enebo[m]> but if that is the case I do not see why you would include all the jars
<enebo[m]> or even have them...they would be in the sdk
<enebo[m]> unless your problem is all those jar requires in the first place?
<enebo[m]> gotta eat back in 30
<_davinci_> JavaFX is not included with OpenJdk
<_davinci_> Great. If you discover something I'll read your results :)
<_davinci_> Bon appetite
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<enebo[m]> jruby -J--module-path "$PATH_TO_FX" -J--add-modules javafx.controls aaa.rb
<enebo[m]> Error: --module-path requires module path specification
<enebo[m]> headius: I saw you comment on another launcher confusing module-path in the past
<headius[m]> need another -J
<enebo[m]> for the path itself?
<headius[m]> -J--module-path -J"$PATH_TO_FX" -J--add-modules -Jjavafx.controls
<headius[m]> -J"--module-path $PATH_TO_FX" might work
<enebo[m]> yeah silly mistake on my part. The actual error message threw me
<headius[m]> JAVA_OPTS would be simpler
<headius[m]> interesting, an apache JNI binding to OpenSSL:
<enebo[m]> I guess I should admonish myself for not dealing with java modules from the commandline
<enebo[m]> if I have a jar which represents a java module what is the best way to add that...still through classpath?
<headius[m]> consider yourself admonished
<headius[m]> adding through classpath makes them basically non-modules but still works
<headius[m]> if you want it to still be a module it should be in module-path as jar
<headius[m]> module-path replaces classpath
<enebo[m]> This is annoying...I see javafx.controls.jar in the home of javafx-sdk-15
<enebo[m]> It is bootstrapping fx and I get
<enebo[m]> java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found
<headius[m]> so you have that jar in module-path
<enebo[m]> I could kleene star it but I think a dir should work
<headius[m]> and I guess add-modules
<headius[m]> oh, I don't think dir works
<headius[m]> it has to be the jars
<enebo[m]> jruby -J--module-path -J${PATH_TO_FX} -J--add-modules -Jjavafx.controls aaa.rb
<enebo[m]> The example in java world is just to specify the dir though
<headius[m]> ah I see
<headius[m]> PATH_TO_FX is the dir where the jar is then?
<enebo[m]> yeah n jars and n .so
<headius[m]> hmm yeah seems like that should work
<enebo[m]> it definitely starts to bootstrap
<headius[m]> which download is it
<headius[m]> I see a lib dir in the SDK download
<headius[m]> and the jmods download is all .jmods
<enebo[m]> I am using JavaFX15
<headius[m]> yeah SDK download I assume?
<enebo[m]> The example must make use of transitive module deps
<enebo[m]> yeah since we do not do jmods
<enebo[m]> but 15 has all the jars as well as the native bits in lib
<enebo[m]> I noticed JavaFx11 does not so I don't know how that all differs
<enebo[m]> I wrote this vs the original script above since I believe you have to bootstrap through an application to actually work
<enebo[m]> I would even just say use jrubyfx but people should be able to do this so I want to work through it
<headius[m]> I'll give it a try
<enebo[m]> Application comes from but the example for code like that scipe only add javafx.controls
<enebo[m]> I am guessing some amount of transitive deps must be at play
<enebo[m]> This is where I started from
<headius[m]> NameError: missing class name (`javafx.application.Application')
<headius[m]> oh I'm on a bad branch
<enebo[m]> yeah but nonetheless I am there now as well
<enebo[m]> if you add-modules then it gets mired loading those before hitting the script
<enebo[m]> I predict module incantation is right or whatnot then the Application error goes away
<enebo[m]> If I remember right we get a more interesting error if we java_import with a string
<enebo[m]> shoot need to be afk about 20 minutes
<headius[m]> I'll poke at it a bit
<_davinci_> =8)
<headius[m]> if I do `java --module-path /Users/headius/Downloads/javafx-sdk-15/lib --list-modules` it does print out all the javafx modules
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<headius[m]> well I got past that but I don't think this is going to work this way
<headius[m]> it's supposed to be HelloFX.launch which calls Application.launch which reflectively instantiates the class and calls start (I think) and that won't work with JRuby extension
<headius[m]> ugh
<headius[m]> it seems like you can't have two --module-path or the second one wipes out the first
<headius[m]> the command line ends up using two of them if you just add this to JAVA_OPTS:
<headius[m]> -Djruby.lib=/Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib -Djruby.script=jruby org.jruby.Main
<headius[m]> java @/Users/headius/projects/jruby/bin/.jruby.java_opts @/Users/headius/projects/jruby/bin/.jruby.module_opts --module-path /Users/headius/Downloads/javafx-sdk-15/lib --add-modules javafx.controls -Xss2048k -Djffi.boot.library.path=/Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib/jni --module-path /Users/headius/projects/jruby/lib/jruby.jar -classpath : -Djruby.home=/Users/headius/projects/jruby
<headius[m]> if I run a plain Java command line I can make it work up to the point that it can't launch due to our class extension logic
<enebo[m]> sorry my afk will be longer than I thought but something occurred to me
<headius[m]> so our launcher is not compatible with more --add-modules right now
<headius[m]> might work with them as explicit classpath entries
<enebo[m]> I believe we do have some logic in jrubyfx which calls some "set it up" call internally
<headius[m]> but still this example won't work
<headius[m]> yeah the way they bootstrap sucks
<enebo[m]> I would not think that would be needed but I don't know
<enebo[m]> Or I am not sure if they ever changed it
<headius[m]> basically requires that you have a reflectable class that directly extends Application and has this specific layout
<enebo[m]> but home stuff is needing my attention
<headius[m]> omg
<headius[m]> this is the grossest application launcher I've ever seen
<headius[m]> that is truly disgusting
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<headius[m]> byteit101: I'd like to chat with you about launching javafx apps and maybe we can come up with a patch for them that doesn't require all this class reflection nonsense
<headius[m]> enebo: and you too
<headius[m]> I dipped my toe into proxy generation and it may be possible to create a no-arg constructor that would be suitable for javafx to call
<headius[m]> it would basically do the work of calling the Ruby new+initialize and then the proxy class constructor using a cached runtime instance
<headius[m]> the bigger and better solution would be to add something to javafx that allows booting from an instance rather than a class
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<headius[m]> or just use jrubyfx
<enebo[m]> back
<enebo[m]> This something needed I think to force load of the backend
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<enebo[m]> You know it is likely we do not use the no-arg launch()
<enebo[m]> ah yeah we use the other signature
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<enebo[m]> So it is a little different and likely is a copy of the launcher. byteit101 did this originally for fxml support I think so I do not recall how we originally did it
<_davinci_> It seems there is some advance with JavaFX :)
<enebo[m]> _davinci_: I totally forgot how much effort we put into making fx work in jrubyfx.
<enebo[m]> Most of the original work was 2013ish and some earlier as @nahi had originally did it as a much much smaller library
<_davinci_> I think using JavaFX without jrubyfx should be enough
<_davinci_> Perhaps jrubyfx adds some great magic, but I don't know it
<enebo[m]> _davinci_: it definitely is possible but there is some work
<_davinci_> Much work?
<enebo[m]> jrubyfx does three things 1) this initial boostrapping/setup 2) Ruby DSL which can be simpler than scripting the Java 3) ability to more easily use JavaFX XML
<enebo[m]> those links above show the two parts of bootstrapping
<enebo[m]> if you want to make your own base concrete class in Java and use that as Application then maybe you do not need to do as much work
<enebo[m]> since that class will be reflectable like headius shows in that version of launch() and it will background startup the backend for you
<_davinci_> One thing I saw in jrubyfx was the possibility of defining handlers with Ruby blocks. I missed the option of defining what in JavaFX call "filters" in the same form
<enebo[m]> if the last argument for the filter is an interface you should still be able to do that
<enebo[m]> just pass a block and if it is an interface it will just call the block as if it was the method on the interface
<_davinci_> Oh, great :)
<enebo[m]> in some cases I think we do just add a method which will accept a block though
<enebo[m]> on JRuby side the java we are calling can add additional methods that the ruby side can see
<_davinci_> What kind of methods?
<enebo[m]> well it you had a method in java setFilter but it did not have an interface as last arg you could just 'def filter(&code)... on that Java class
<enebo[m]> the impl of that would call setFilter and do the thing Java expects
<enebo[m]> The ruby side of things can now use this more friendly method
<enebo[m]> The Java side cannot actually see it so that is a limitation but it is very useful at times
<_davinci_> =8)
<_davinci_> It sounds good
<enebo[m]> So this is a case where to_a and to_ary end up being useful for coercion within Ruby itself so we just add them and then Geometry instances are usable in that way
<enebo[m]> jrubyfx core_ext where we do this is pretty elaborate we wrote a lot of infrastructure around converting so it looks a little less obvious in how do some of this stuff
<enebo[m]> Purugin (minecraft plugin framework) has tons of examples of value-adding Ruby methods onto Java classes:
<_davinci_> I am seeing JRubyFX::DSL module. It has some method_missing "black magic" }:>
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<enebo[m]> yeah perhaps too much :)
<enebo[m]> This was the first thing I made with it. You should be able to find the Java example on the internet somewhere
<enebo[m]> it heavily relies on nesting of blocks with implicit adds at each level
<enebo[m]> keyword arg-like calls for what you would think of as data setting in the fx api too: background: :red
<enebo[m]> I think most fx users who make sizable apps end up using fxbuilder and fxml
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<_davinci_> We have a DSL for defining interfaces, with Swing based components. My way is adapt it to JavaFX
<_davinci_> Some great (and I hope good) work
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