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<GGibson[m]> Anyone here used jrubyfx before?
<headius[m]> There are some folks here but maybe not around currently
<GGibson[m]> ah ok
<GGibson[m]> I'd like to experiment with it a bit
<byteit101[m]> G. Gibson: I'm a maintainer. What's up?
<mistergibson> byteit101[m]: I'm of a mind to build a cross platform app and I am looking at swt as well as jrubyfx
<mistergibson> can I have more than ONE window generated for my app with fx?
<mistergibson> swt seems to limit me to a single window
<byteit101[m]> yes, I think, what do you mean "generated"?
<mistergibson> well either ui dsl generated from db objects, or fxml
<byteit101[m]> jrubyfx is a thin wrapper of javafx
<mistergibson> ok
<mistergibson> I know zero about javafx -- total n00b
<mistergibson> but I love ruby and am willing to learn the dsl/toolkit generally
<byteit101[m]> Lots of goodness is coming when jruby 9.3 has my constructor PR merged (still in progress), which will enable a simpler jrubyfx setup
<mistergibson> sweet
<mistergibson> you know the ETA of 9.3?
<byteit101[m]> I'll warn you that I don't do too much with the DSL, I prefer FXML+ Javaisms in the apps I've written
<byteit101[m]> No, but I know I'm still working on the PR :-D
<mistergibson> ah ok
<mistergibson> Well, the dsl has appeal as I can embed a lot of my own script w/in it to get work done.
<mistergibson> also - I need to sent each screen object an event -- is this supported?
<byteit101[m]> Yes. The only weird thing is that @ivars don't work in the dsl script
<mistergibson> whoa
<mistergibson> ouch
<byteit101[m]> because it all evaluates in the contect of the objects. It's nice otherwise, but you have to do lvar=@ivar for all ivars you want when using the dsl
<byteit101[m]> (that's one reason I minimize it's usage in my apps in favor of javaisms)
<byteit101[m]> > also - I need to sent each screen object an event -- is this supported?
<byteit101[m]> sorry, what does this mean?
<byteit101[m]> (it's why https://github.com/jruby/jrubyfx/blob/master/samples/javafx/scratchpad.rb#L32 has me=self, as the do blocks change self, which is why @ivars don't work)
<mistergibson> on events: I need to be able to either send :method_nam,args to any ui object, or be able to send it and event for it to process.
<mistergibson> so :on_mouse_up => { |event| some; block; of; code; }
<mistergibson> byteit101[m]: does that make sense?
<byteit101[m]> Ah, yes, that should work, it's just ruby after all
<mistergibson> ok
<byteit101[m]> only caviat is you might need to be on the ui thread, but run_later{ ...} helps hter
<byteit101[m]> *there
<mistergibson> I tend to use lots of threaded patterns
<mistergibson> I really love native threads and leverage that
<mistergibson> I am not averse to making a display object registry to dispatch events directly.
<byteit101[m]> In javafx, anything that sets (and sometimes gets) stuff from the UI needs to be on the UI thread: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/application/Platform.html#runLater-java.lang.Runnable-
<mistergibson> ok - I'll do some homework
<byteit101[m]> and feel free to play around with samples, either in jrubyfx (https://github.com/jruby/jrubyfx/blob/master/samples/) or normal javafx ones
<mistergibson> excellent - thanks for the hand-holding
<byteit101[m]> NP
<byteit101[m]> Oh, what versions of java are you planning on running this on?
<byteit101[m]> 8, or post-8?
<mistergibson> jdk8-u241
<byteit101[m]> Ok, things should be fine for you then using the latest version of jrubyfx that has been released?
<byteit101[m]> *released.
<mistergibson> byteit101[m]: is there a DSL keyword API doc somewhere? I find it helps to gander at the docs.
<byteit101[m]> See javadoc :-) everything is mechanically transformed
<mistergibson> ok
<byteit101[m]> everything is transformed into snake_case
<mistergibson> looks like I need to first review the FX thread
<mistergibson> any tutorial urls are welcome
<byteit101[m]> https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/get_started/jfxpub-get_started.htm the first few of that series have been translated to jrubyfx under samples/jrubyfx
<mistergibson> excellent
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