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<headius[m]> ok today I will try to sort out the docker situation
subbu is now known as subbu|lunch
<headius[m]> enebo: ok it seems straightforward enough to take this over and include it in our release process
<headius[m]> the dockerfiles basically just start with a debian image and fetch JRuby dist from maven into it
<headius[m]> updates alternatives etc to point "ruby" at jruby
subbu|lunch is now known as subbu
<headius[m]> bit of configuration tweaks there we can consider updating for 9.3
<headius[m]> actually we can get familiar with and discuss all of this, but taking over the official jruby image seems like just a matter of updating this repo to point at our new location and a contact email
<enebo[m]> If it just a rake task to make it or something pretty simple but yeah we need to understand how transfer works
<headius[m]> I have asked on cpuguy83's issue for clarification that I am understanding the steps
<headius[m]> well it is a PR so it could be a rake task
<headius[m]> he may have an automated way to update that official-images file, I am not sure
<headius[m]> enebo: maybe we should make a jruby.org email for this maintainer email?
<headius[m]> I can't find guidelines on what email should be used, like do they require it to go to one person or something
<headius[m]> but docker@jruby.org would seem appropriate
<enebo[m]> admin
<enebo[m]> Then we don't need to make one
<headius[m]> admin is fine with me if it is fine with you
<headius[m]> I assume at least you and I are on that
<enebo[m]> yeah it is one less thing to have to have credentials for
<enebo[m]> we should both get email from it
<headius[m]> ok
<enebo[m]> just confirmed both of us get email from there forwarded
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> this email should be ok
<headius[m]> Maintainers: Amazon Corretto Team <corretto-team@amazon.com> (@corretto)
<headius[m]> Corretto also has individuals in there
<headius[m]> but I will go with just the admin address now and see if that is ok
<headius[m]> what name should I give that address?
<headius[m]> JRuby Admin?
<enebo[m]> sure
<byteit101[m]> headius: Do you think it's likely you'll have time to review my Q's on concrete new before 9.3? I'd love to finish this before Christmas next week
<headius[m]> yeah it is in my queue but I have been taking care of some long overdue tasks this week
<headius[m]> I can look it over in a bit... the docker takeover wasn't as involved as I expected
<byteit101[m]> I figured, don't want to nag too much!
<headius[m]> no worries!
<headius[m]> enebo: two commits that will be done for each JRuby release...
<headius[m]> Updating jruby/docker-jruby to point at the new release: https://github.com/jruby/docker-jruby/commit/c35ff88ae9943d120c0707c68caa37611cf7093b
<headius[m]> Updating official-images to the new release (and anything else we want to do like Java versions: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/9318/commits/dce0cd1b1e6bec031a36f913407b2346d287ee5e
<headius[m]> The update of the docker-jruby can be done however we want but cpuguy83 has some update.sh scripts in there that automate most of it
<headius[m]> The update of official-images has been done by hand
<headius[m]> so it is up to us how to include this in the release process
<headius[m]> the official-images just needs the version numbers, dist url, and SHA updated for a PR
<headius[m]> the commits should be pretty self-explanatory I guess
<headius[m]> once the PR is accepted it is out of our hands and eventually they will push the updated image as the official jruby on Docker Hub
<headius[m]> my PR to take it over is here: https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/9319
<enebo[m]> ok
subbu is now known as subbu|away
<byteit101[m]> Oh, the Java integration Wiki page doesn't have Interface.impl {|name, *args| ...}. Is there a reason it was left off, or can I add it?
<headius[m]> no reason I can think of for it not to be there
<headius[m]> byteit101: is this the only comment you need responses on? https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6422#issuecomment-743924535
<byteit101[m]> yes
<headius[m]> got it
<headius[m]> docker update should be available soon, and transfer to jruby team/repo is in progress
<headius[m]> enebo: once the transfer has happened I will post something to mailing list and social medias
<enebo[m]> ok
<headius[m]> fidothe: we are around whenever to chat about automating future docker updates... no releases coming up until after the new year so we have time
<headius[m]> enebo: fidothe added a comment on the transfer issue with some links to automation stuff... we can look into that to make it simple
<headius[m]> byteit101: I am a little confused by the jallocate related questions
<byteit101[m]> To be fair, I probably left out some details on most of them :-)
<byteit101[m]> #new -> call java ctor & ruby initialize, as normal
<headius[m]> How should I set allocators, the new method, and initialize? new seems to be magical on ConcreteJavaProxy instances, and the way I do it seems very heavy.
<headius[m]> I created __jallocate!, different from initialize and __jcreate! in that it doesn't call any ruby methods. I'm unsure how to get __jcreate! to not call initialize
<headius[m]> right
<byteit101[m]> however, if someone wants to create a custom initialization step (see jrubyfx :-) ), then they override new, and have to call the java ctor somehow without calling any init methods
<byteit101[m]> Part of that question is about that, and the other part is how to install the correct methods on the class/object
<headius[m]> so if you wanted to override you would have to call `jallocate!` yourself?
<headius[m]> right so this is about the complexities of the allocate+initialize cycle not really matching what we do for the Java part
<byteit101[m]> Yes, whereas previously you called initialize, and it does java creation too, however I was unable to figure out how to install such a mechanism
<byteit101[m]> No, this is about how I don't know how to munge the RubyClass methods to be straightfoward
<byteit101[m]> see files:
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> I am thinking we kill `allocate` since that path won't work right (can't allocate the Java object properly without initialize args)
<headius[m]> hmm deja vu
<headius[m]> btw you will need to get hard tabs out of there
<headius[m]> we use four spaces as standard
<byteit101[m]> Yes, that's on my to-do checklist, along with format, remove TODO comments, and rename variables
<byteit101[m]> is how I try to "overwrite" the methods with new logic
<byteit101[m]> I know it's wrong
<headius[m]> your overwrite isn't unreasonable... why do you feel it is wrong?
<byteit101[m]> The instanceof
<headius[m]> oh I see
<byteit101[m]> and the fact that those lookups are cached and no longer dynamic
<byteit101[m]> and overwriting the method removes the java aspect
<headius[m]> so if it is an IR method you know it was defined in Ruby
<headius[m]> what happens to oldNewMethod in that case?
<headius[m]> bear with me... you overwriteInitialize in that case because there was nonstandard logic for `new`, yes?
<byteit101[m]> correct, the ensuring that it's reified
<headius[m]> but you have already overwritten the nonstandard `new` by this point
<headius[m]> and custom `new` doesn't necessarily mean custom `initialize` which is what the overwriteInitialize handles... so I think I am missing something
<headius[m]> i.e. if new is an IRMethod you replace it and then capture the original initialize for StaticJCreateMethod
<headius[m]> but the original IRMethod `new` still gets wiped out by your `new`
<headius[m]> so I am missing what the IRMethod check is really accomplishing I think
<byteit101[m]> this logic is called from become_java!, btw
<byteit101[m]> When we become java, I try to update new to be the java init sequence. If someone overrode new, don't overwrite it
<byteit101[m]> class A < JavaClz; def new; x = allocate; x.<make-java>(); x; end; def initialize; puts "not in ctor :-O"; end; end;
<byteit101[m]> Previously, <make-java> was `class.superclass.method(:initialize).bind(self).call`
<byteit101[m]> I wasn't sure how to capture that in my new changes
<headius[m]> aha ok
<headius[m]> but it does overwrite `new` does it not?
<headius[m]> am I reading it wrong?
<byteit101[m]> the class A does, then A.become_java! doesn't overwrite new
<byteit101[m]> (see JavaProxyClass:551 for the "new" override)
<headius[m]> ok
<byteit101[m]> If you don't call become_java!, then `NewMethod` is called, which does it for you, then delegates to `newMethodReified`. See line ConcreteJavaProxy:439 for that install
<byteit101[m]> Which isn't called for each class, just the parent proxy
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> sorry I flipped the logic in my head
<byteit101[m]> I should make a diagram for you now
<headius[m]> you overwrite new if NOT IRMethod
<headius[m]> yeah a diagram would help... I understand now
<byteit101[m]> correct
<headius[m]> as I suspected the JRuby Admin is not sufficient because there's no proper github account to contact
<headius[m]> they would like me to add both of our contact info there... with or without email preference?
<headius[m]> minimum contact info required is github account
<enebo[m]> I am ok either way on email or just github
<enebo[m]> I do not notice very many github notifications so perhaps email will be more likely to be seen
<headius[m]> yeah I would prefer to include email too
<headius[m]> I will handle it
<enebo[m]> ok. My email is very public already too :)
<headius[m]> yeah that train has sailed
<headius[m]> I am getting tired of Google telling me my email is on the dark web
<headius[m]> byteit101: ok I will need to pick this up later but it is in progress
<byteit101[m]> headius: cool, I'm busy diagramming
<headius[m]> I may go through and answer some of the easy questions you have and then post in here anything else I need more info on
<byteit101[m]> Thanks, that would be much appreciated!
subbu|away is now known as subbu