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<byteit101[m]> headius: Fixed and back to the state in this comment: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6422#issuecomment-799791334
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<kares[m]> hey sorry, was trying to do a review but I wasn't around for some of the decisions made and lack understanding ...
<kares[m]> in terms of the Ruby API: `configure_java_class` on Class maybe it can live elsewhere but given it's only there when require 'jruby/..' and not implicitly I am fine with that.
<kares[m]> stuff such as `JRuby.reference0` is usually a smell to me that we need to expose a helper or that code should live in Java (we've been trying to avoid usage).
<kares[m]> it has consequences - if the refererence has any kind of JRuby API it will end up setting up stuff such as NEVER and lead to invalid classes when users try to walk all Class instances
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<enebo[m]> byteit101: I am ok with configure_java_class. A more fleshed out rubydoc'ish description of all values should happen somewhere (like on our wiki) to explain what each keyword means for new users.
<byteit101[m]> yes, was just waiting for approval before docing
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