please let me know if you need any more details ... i tried to create an apitrace but so far it did not work too well (i'm getting some warnings from apitrace and an apitrace replay of the trace file does not seem to work)
i saw the same error on aarch64 mali450 (amlogic s905w tv box) and on armv7l mali400 (odroid u3) and tried it up to linux 5.9.0 kernel and 20.1.6 mesa so far
ok - i think i finally got a useable trace which at least i was able to replay to trigger the error again ... i updated the above gitlab issue and attached the apitrace
hexdump0815 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
cool, thanks
lima needs CMA for buffers with SCANOUT flag
technically it's not lima, it's kmsro
anarsoul|2: I found out today that running deqp with the surfaceless egl backend is what gives me the ~79% pass rate
running with windowless x11 backend makes a few more pass
and running with x11 egl backend actually gives Passed: 15799/16317 (96.8%)
you're probably using wrong visual with surfaceless
make sure that you have depth specified, otherwise all the tests that need depth will fail
its actually the same command line which I copied from the CI scripts, I just dont export EGL_PLATFORM=surfaceless anymore