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<javier__> mszyprow: pong, sorry I wasn't online for a few days
<mszyprow> javier__: no problem
<mszyprow> javier__: I just got chromebook 2 (peach pit), is there any instruction how to get uart for it?
<javier__> mszyprow: the UART tx and rx pins are accesible but you need to do some soldering
<javier__> I was not brave enough to do it because my HW skills are near to non-existent, but Kevin explained how he did here
<mszyprow> javier__: soldering is not a problem for me
<mszyprow> javier__: I've already soldered ap & ec uarts to snow (5250) chromebook
<mszyprow> javier__: that was exactly what I was looking for
<mszyprow> javier__: strange that I was not able to find it
<javier__> mszyprow: great, I tried but the pads were two small for me
<javier__> maybe I need better tools, or less shaky hands :P
<mszyprow> javier__: a glass of wine usually helps if you need to solder something really small ;P
<javier__> mszyprow: yeah, it took me some minutes to find it too, even when I knew he posted in G+
<javier__> mszyprow: haha
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