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<dw> phh: useful information, will do some more diffing, thanks
<dw> *digging. probably also diffing =)
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<dw> i've been trying without success to identify the last vanilla android tree commit that either the 3.0.8 or 3.0.36 kernels are based on.. for lack of a better place to ask, any tips? current thinking is a giant overnight for loop to just brute force diff every commit in android kernel/common repo and identify the smallest
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<dw> seems i misunderstood the android branch names :) "android-3.0" means "the android 3.x kernel", which includes both my source verions. no clue where android keeps tags
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<phh> dw: i'm pretty sure you won't find, because they must have backported some patches
<phh> i don't think android 4.4 can run on vanilla android 3.0 kernel
<jbaiter> has anybody else experienced reboots when saturating the ethernet connection?
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<m1r> jbaiter: can you explain about your reboots ?
<FergusL> phh: haha, you, here ? vous, ici ?! (i'm in #quassel-irssi)
<phh> irc is little ?:p
<FergusL> freenode is !
<jbaiter> m1r: whenever I try to send a lot of data over netcat to a remote server, the machine reboots after ~1sec
<FergusL> actually no it's not, randomness just makes things happen sometimes
<jbaiter> this onyl happens when the radxa is the one sending the data, receiving is not a problem
<m1r> jbaiter: pvt msg ?
<FergusL> is there a python library for GPIO on the cb2 ?
<FergusL> hu, sorry
<jbaiter> is there a bugtracker somewhere?
<dw> phh: in this case, 'android-3.0' means 'android kernel based on upstream linux 3.0.x', not 'android kernel for android 3.x' :)
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<dw> so, having dug through every rk3xx kernel i can find, as far as I can tell the rknand driver is utterly incomplete, unless my C skills are failing me
<dw> add_rknand_device() never gets called, cannot be called since nothing seems to reference it except to stash a funcptr in a struct that is never read, and even if it were called, accesses uninitialized global variables to calculate the size of the flash device
<dw> is it entirely possible this really is broken? come back to it 3 times tonight, and convinced the driver couldn't possibly work
<dw> perhaps a better question would be, has anyone ever seen /proc/mtd populated on an open-source built kernel?
<dw> hmm maybe it's buried in asm somewhere
<dw> nope :(
<dw> """So clearly this is the NAND driver for this platform. And quite clearly, the source is not included in the kernel sources we have right now."""
<dw> doh :) well at least i know i'm not mad, now :P
<phh> dw: when i said "android 3.0" i shoud have said 3.0.36
<phh> dw: and yes, nand drivers are available only as kos
<phh> but what i've said still applies (the two different bootloaders/two different rk30nand_ko.ko)
<dw> tried to find info on how the bootloaders are swapped (if they can, at all). there is a rom mask that reads secondary stage loader from the flash i guess? but couldn't find any references to what address that loader lives at
<dw> also tried string'ing the loader .bin, loaded it into IDA and tried to find some regions containing (though did so very lazily), no luck in either case
<dw> is it encrypted?
<phh> no clue
<dw> thanks phh, good pointers :)
<jbaiter> dw: /proc/mtd lists my partitions
<jbaiter> using 3.0.36 on a radxa rock, compiled this morning
<jbaiter> though i'm not entirely sure if there aren't any proprietary drivers in the initrd
<dw> jbaiter: very useful, thanks :)
<dw> i have 3gb radxa sdk downloading since earlier, will check its rknand when don
<dw> ah nope, its the minix neo