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<pfcode> I installed Arch Linux ARM on my rk2928 tablet! whee!
<pfcode> I have only two things to do
<pfcode> 1. run touchscreen on xorg
<pfcode> 2. run mali400 on xorg
<pfcode> that's log of X -verbose:
<pfcode> I can't figure how to run gpu acceleration, I have only mali.ko and ump.ko modules
<pfcode> does anyone have any suggestions?
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<ZetaNeta> hi
<ZetaNeta> i am just from the shop, changed my amlogic crap to a rk2818 (Still mad didnt take a A10)
<ZetaNeta> And want linux there
<hramrach> anyone even seen something with a 2818
<hramrach> 2928 is quite cheap and well known so it has good chance of working
<ZetaNeta> okay, but i already got this with not much chance of returning it the second time
<hramrach> pfcode: anything wron with that log? looks fine to me.
<pfcode> (II) FBTURBO(0): failed to enable DRI2 integration for Mali GPU
<hramrach> ZetaNeta: it says 2818 is unknown-unknown-600MHz-unknown-unknown-..-USB1.1-..-for e-ink reader
<hramrach> good luck with that ;-)
<hramrach> pfcode: are you running as root?
<ZetaNeta> i got a colorful mpman mp710
<pfcode> yes, but there is no /dev/drm
<ZetaNeta> And i am not going away without linux
<hramrach> is that a mp3 player?
<pfcode> now i'm using binary drivers from sunxi and that's the log: http://pastebin.com/Gd3J1NL2
<pfcode> MALI(0): [maliModifyPixmapHeader:191] UMP failed to retrieve secure id
<hramrach> secure id is basically buffer number
<ZetaNeta> hramrach, tablet
<hramrach> try asking ssvb if you ca debug this somehow
<ZetaNeta> android 2
<hramrach> or add debug prints which show how buffers are allocated and disposed if there are none to start with
<hramrach> ZetaNeta: does it come with a SDK? because if not I suspect nobody has working 28xx sauces. But try hanging around longer. Perhaps somebody else with more info ancient devices comes around eventually.
<ZetaNeta> no
<hramrach> there are some people with 29x devices but nothing about them on the wiki either :/
<hramrach> but hey, there aren't even specs for the 2818 and the 29x owners were quite argumentative about the 29x specs ..
<hramrach> ZetaNeta: are you sure it's 2818 and not 2918?
<ZetaNeta> yes
<ZetaNeta> the box says so
<hramrach> what does the chip say?
<ZetaNeta> and some on-table apps says about rk28**
<hramrach> ugh
<hramrach> ZetaNeta: update the wiki. A 2818 with actual laptop display was observed. It was not even known that it has that kind of interface ;-)
<hramrach> well, could be expected but no datasheet has leaked so ..
<hramrach> hmm, actually found a Chinese reference schematic for a tablet http://www.datasheet4u.com/datasheet/R/K/2/RK2818_Rockchip.pdf.html
<ZetaNeta> I dont need a datasheet, i need a linux kernel sources with a way to install it
<hramrach> ZetaNeta: so bad news. it does not boot from mmc
<hramrach> start taking the thing apart :P
<ZetaNeta> hramrach, Already
<ZetaNeta> So... next?
<hramrach> dunno. I have no source for 2818 kernel, really. there *might* be some traces in the other rk sources but then again there might not
<hramrach> try figuring out how to do a FEL boot since that is probably the most usable boot method this thing has
<ZetaNeta> is any oner rockchip is compatible like A20 to A10
<ZetaNeta> s/oner/other
<hramrach> it might as well be a different CPU architecture :/
<hramrach> it is a CPU=DSP design with the CPU very weak
<hramrach> CPU+DSP
<ZetaNeta> because i thought of unsoldering a 256mb chip and get a gb one from olimex
<hramrach> it won't work
<hramrach> it supports 2x256MB
<hramrach> and different memory types
<ZetaNeta> "Aw crap"
<ZetaNeta> Anyone want to exchange anything for my 2818?
<ZetaNeta> eh... no need anymore
<ZetaNeta> tablet is dead... first night it was bought....
<ZetaNeta> Third tablet in a row
<ZetaNeta> First (A10) - Dead TS. Second (A13) - Dead Screen. Third (rk2818) - Dead Screen.
<ZetaNeta> i hate this....
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