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<fefifofum> hi, anybody managed to enable selinux on android? when i do, mali modules cannot be loaded
<karlp> you actyually _want_ selinux?
<fefifofum> shouldn't i?
<fefifofum> i have cm11 with kernel 3.0.36, i thought i should enable selinux
<phh> fefifofum: you're loading mali before or after enabling selinux.. ?
<phh> (and same as karlp.)
<fefifofum> i enabled selinux in defconfig, build the kernel and boot it
<fefifofum> then the ramdisk tries to load mali and ump modules
<fefifofum> but ump fails to load
<fefifofum> with error "Minor not zero in ump_file_open()"
<fefifofum> i'm using mali and ump modules from pipo kitkat release
<fefifofum> do you know if anybody managed to build working mali modules for android, or only for linux?
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