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<scoutmaster> Hey All, newb to channel alert ;)
<scoutmaster> hopefully someone can help, I'mlooking for the FULL RK3188 datasheet, with pinouts etc...
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<scoutmaster> so, anyone with a reference to the FULL RK3188 FULL datasheet ?
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<scoutmaster> Anyone with info for the RK3188 based HDMI Dongle Adapter ie, I'm after a reference schematic? I have the block diagram, but after the full schematic.
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<fefifofum> hi, anybody know what is the module drmboot.ko needed for?
<fefifofum> it's found in ramdisk of rockchip's latest releases
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<mazen> fefifofum : i want contact with you please
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<dw> *waves* again.. so, following the instructions at http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=Linux_on_NAND , i'm trying to get a completely self-contained install, except I can't find kernel build instructions that produce one of those 'KRNL' header partitions. everyone wans to produce recovery images so they can preserve android, which i don't care about
<dw> it looks like the 'rkcrc' tool floating around might be related, but can't find anything conclusive. clearly i'm missing something obvious. the picuntu site is down atm, thought perhaps it would have some info
<phh> no, KRNL header partitions isn't needed to produce recovery images
<phh> depending on the bootloader, you have the choice for both first boot and recovery between standard android boot.img and rockchip KRNL thingies
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<dw> managed to get a booting kernel, though rk20xxnand driver doesn't seem to work properly.. empty /proc/mtd. guess i can have usb rootfs for the time being
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<phh> dw: do you know the version of your bootloader ?
<phh> there are two "branch" of bootloaders, 1.x and 2.x, they are incompatible concerning the nand
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<scoutmaster_> Hey all, Anyone know where I can get the pinouts and footprint details of the RK3188 ?
<fefifofum> no idea
<scoutmaster_> they are damn hard to find !! all datsheets I've foudn so far dont go past sec 1.2, but I know sec 1.3 has pin info, juts no doco to help me...
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