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<FreezingCold> Why doesn't Rockchip give proper dev tools for the rk3188?
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<gcj> Hi all, I'm trying to hack an rk3066 device (I think) - a new model of a previous one that I got CWM running on
<gcj> I got a custom recovery installed, using the stock recovery kernel and a modified ramdisk, using the bootloader
<gcj> but I can't figure out how to enable USB and hence ADB to debug it. any ideas?
<gcj> Do I have to crack it open and install a serial port?
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<akatik> I'm trying to change boot.img.
<akatik> I extract one from my device firmware (CX-818 on RK3066 chip).
<akatik> I ungzip it and then gzip it again. New file become a few bytes smaller. Iritinal file was 2199527 bytes, after i ungzip it and gzip again, I got 2199348 bytes. Then I run:
<akatik> 1. First test.
<akatik> It's gzipped cpio file.
<akatik> ./rkcrc -k boot.cpio.gz boot.img
<akatik> Then I flash boot.img with windows RKAndroidTool.exe to 0x0000a000.
<akatik> Device boot up and work well. Ok, I really change nothing.
<akatik> 2. Second test.
<akatik> I run:
<akatik> cpio -i < ../boot.cpio
<akatik> I got filesystem. I change nothing, pack it back:
<akatik> ups. large message throttled :(
<akatik> I'm trying to change boot.img.
<akatik> I extract one from my device firmware (CX-818 on RK3066 chip).
<akatik> It's gzipped cpio file.
<akatik> I ungzip it and then gzip it again. New file become a few bytes smaller. Initinal file was 2199527 bytes, after i ungzip it and gzip again, I got 2199348 bytes. Then I run:
<akatik> ./rkcrc -k boot.cpio.gz boot.img
<akatik> Then I flash boot.img with windows RKAndroidTool.exe to 0x0000a000.
<akatik> Device boot up and work well. Ok, I really change nothing.
<akatik> Then I run:
<akatik> cpio -i < ../boot.cpio
<akatik> I got filesystem. I change nothing, pack it back:
<akatik> find . | cpio -oH newc > ../boot_new.cpio
<akatik> Then I gzip it, run rkcrc, flash - and it did NOT boot.
<akatik> Where am I wrong?
<akatik> "find *" instead of "find ." give ne same order of files in cpio
<akatik> cpio file size become a bit large. original cpio file size in firmware was 3758848 bytes. after i unpack it from cpio and then pack again, i got 3759104 bytes. is it ok?
<akatik> ups. this one works:
<akatik> find * | cpio -oH newc --owner=root:root > ../boot_new.cpio
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