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<Hawk_0407> is anyone around?
<cnxsoft> I'm here but not sure I can help...
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<Hawk_0407> I just downloaded the sdk v2.2 for the rk3188
<Hawk_0407> was wondering if there is a way I Can compile a stripped down android image
<Hawk_0407> like no applications installed that aren't required for the system to run
<cnxsoft> You might be able to edit system.img to remove the default apps. Not sure about the details
<Hawk_0407> ok thanks
<Hawk_0407> would be nice if they made a make configure like they do for openwrt
<Hawk_0407> where you can pick which libraries and features you want and also what wifi drivers etc etc
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<AstralixNB> Hey guys!
<AstralixNB> Has anyone aver seen a RK2918 TRM?
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<valdur55> AstralixNB: maybe you mean RK2928 ?
<valdur55> ok. rk2918 exist :D
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