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<itdaniher> I have a T428 stick running picuntu 4.5. Trying to track down some USB bugs so I built a custom kernel with marvin with usbmon enabled. Flashing the kernel the seemingly straight forward way gets me nowhere.
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<itdaniher> I've used rkflashtool to put my 4mb kernel where the parameters file is expecting it, overwriting the picuntu kernel, but the stick doesn't boot
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<itdaniher> Do I need to modify KERNEL_IMG in the parameters or make any other changes?
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<naobsd> itdaniher: I don't know about picuntu, but in general you need to make proper kernel.img with mkbootimg or rkcrc
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<itdaniher> hmm, I assumed marvin would do that for me, but grep'ing the source tree indicates otherwise
<itdaniher> I'll give that a try and report back - thanks for the suggestion!
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<naobsd> I don't know about marvin
<itdaniher> oh, I'm using the mkkrnlimg app mirrored at https://github.com/jhonxie/rk2918_tools.git
<itdaniher> it includes rkcrc, suggesting that it handles the necessary bits, but maybe it's out of date?
<itdaniher> (this is because https://github.com/aloksinha2001/Linux3188 includes a x86 executable with no source - had to scrounge and find something that looked right)
<itdaniher> it accepts arch/arm/boot/Image and outputs kernel.img, not sure if it does the right stuff in between
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<naobsd> mkkrnlimg in RK's kernel source should be official one. there is no source.
<naobsd> jhonxie's mkkrnlimg should be derived from my rkcrc
<naobsd> tools/file formats are not changed long time.
<naobsd> tools should work properly.
<naobsd> user needs to use tools properly.
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<arcade|2> I do not use any tools to do the correct kernel image, only what is in the kernel source automatically "make help, make ARCH = arm defconfig here, make kernel.img" and the kernel works.
<naobsd> you use make, make use tool(mkkrnlimg) to make correct kernel.img
<arcade|2> im use kernel source from https://github.com/aloksinha2001/Linux3188, i have only one problem the same = " <cyberef> rk30-lcdc rk30-lcdc.1: blank mode:0 <- anyone know why this happens? My screen get blanks 1-2 sec everytime this shows up "
<arcade|2> so you are right
<naobsd> user needs to use tools(make or mkkrnlimg or rkcrc or something else which is necessary) properly
<naobsd> hmm
<naobsd> user needs to understand/use tools(make or mkkrnlimg or rkcrc or something else which is necessary) properly
<naobsd> tools does right thing only when it's used properly
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<arcade|2> that ist set in Make file default in kernel when use command make kernel.img
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<naobsd> I don't doubt tool include make and Makefile
<arcade|2> and the user must first use make mrproper command., "make help "shows all the available default command
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<naobsd> I don't say make kernel.img is only one true way to make kernel.img properly. it also can be done independently.
<naobsd> anyway
<naobsd> user need to understand what need to be done and use tools properly
<arcade|2> I tested last kernel source of https://github.com/linux-rockchip/ working properly and does not appear "screen get blanks 1-2 sec everytime" I think that the source from alok there is something wrong with framebufer
<arcade|2> you are right cant you use anodher way to create kernel image with command "make kernel.img "is probably easier for those who are beginning their first compilation
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<arcade|2> I'm not an expert I'm just hobbyist, but I read the first manuals penguin
<arcade|2> source from "linux-rockchip" create fb0 fb1 and reserves memory for them, the kernel source from alok reserve memory for only one fb0 and creates fb0.fb1.fb2.fb3 perhaps that is the problem
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<naobsd> linux-rockchip/rockchip-3.0 is (almost) latest source from RK SDK, it has some changes related to fb
<naobsd> I don't know detail about these changes, but I think it may affect fb problem
<naobsd> RK source will not have "modification for some specific product". it may work on some device, and it may not work on some device without modification
<arcade|2> alok has modified the source and added the support for mali gpu
<naobsd> mali just work with RK source
<arcade|2> I myself I added support for wifi rtl8188 for linux-Rockchip-3.0 from alok source and this work ok.
<naobsd> I know there were some work related to mali done by olegk0
<naobsd> I don't know other work for mali
<naobsd> and it seems olegk0 updates his work recently
<naobsd> it seems it can be run with .36 kernel now.
<arcade|2> i have testet from olegk0 old source on my flykast mk809III this work but with problems
<arcade|2> olegk0 has amodher modification in kernel
<arcade|2> withouth this modifikation kernel 3188 mali not work properly
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<arcade|2> http://buildroot.uclibc.org/ you can use to build your own kernel + initramfs if you need a kernel with different tools. otherwise is a disaster as you are testing a new driver for mali and Xorg falls.
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<jcarlos> naobsd: One question please. This is my stock misc partition: http://paste.debian.net/72714/. And this is the misc partition of the last manufacturer's firmware update. But currently my misc partition is all 0. I installed recently clockworkmod and did a wipe (factory reset). Do you think that is the reason why my misc partition is all 0 (I did not aplied manufacturer's firmware update)
<jcarlos> Ups. Last link: http://paste.debian.net/72715/ (manufacturer's firmware update)
<jcarlos> Lost*
<jcarlos> And it seems that my tablet came with a misc partition full of backups of "parameter" data.
<jcarlos> Eight copies to be exact.
<jcarlos> Yesterday I was wrong, because I thought that my tablet had a misc partition equal to the last last manufacturer's firmware update.
<jcarlos> And when I saw this morning my backup, and my current misc partition content I realized that I was wrong. So now it seems to make sense the fact that "rkflashtool b" does not boot to recovery.
<jcarlos> Because my misc partition is currently all 0s.
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<itdaniher> naobsd: I checked the kernel.img produced by 'make kernel.img' against the file manually built with rkcrc - they match.
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<itdaniher> is there any reason why kernels compiled on the device, copied to another computer, and flashed appropriately would inherently not work?
<itdaniher> the instructions I've seen all rely on cross compiler toolchains
<karlp> shouldn't make any difference,
<karlp> just that most people have more power and space on the host rathre than the target
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<itdaniher> yeah, that's what I figured
<itdaniher> I've built a handful of different images for my t428 using the Linux3188 stock config and the marvin t428 stock config
<itdaniher> both compressed and uncompressed
<itdaniher> can't get any of them to boot on my stick, but the picuntu stock kernel works fine
<itdaniher> I wouldn't even bother if I didn't need the usbmon module so badly
<itdaniher> anyone have a known-good .config for the t428? there's ambiguity in the Linux3188 package.
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<itdaniher> based upon what my monitor's doing, it looks like the device might be bootlooping
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<karlp> itdaniher: what's this "marvin" thing I've heard about?
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