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<karlp> naobsd: it's just the id field in the header that's different right? it has to be the SHA?
<karlp> that's the only thing that seems to be different in the "rk" mkbootimg code I've sen, but the git repos that contain this are all bastardized versions that add it to git pre modified
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<naobsd> karlp: only data (to be hashed) is different
<naobsd> I can't understand "bastardized versions"
<naobsd> I'm not sure how many descendant but they should work
<naobsd> I'm sure these 2lines "/* tags_addr, page_size, unused[2], name[], and cmdline[] */" "SHA1_Update(&ctx, &hdr.tags_addr, 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 512);" are written by me, and I also sure it's different from RK's code(I can't refer it when I wrote), but I'm sure my version works well.
<naobsd> I know some other version e.g. based on different version of mkbootimg have same 2 lines, so I think it should work too.
<naobsd> more accurately, my version uses SHA1_xxx functions from libcrypto on host machine, RK and other version uses SHA_xxx functions from mincrypt in Android source
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<GeorgeJ> Hello folks
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<GeorgeJ> Does the open source Mali driver released by ARM not contain HW acceleration? http://malideveloper.arm.com/develop-for-mali/drivers/open-source-mali-gpus-linux-kernel-device-drivers/
<GeorgeJ> Also, has someone managed to get 3.11+ on the MK908?
<jcarlos> naobsd: When you said "Rockchip modified mkbootimg", what repo do you refer to? The SDK released by Rockchip to its customers?
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<naobsd> jcarlos: there are at least 3 SDK sources on the net
<naobsd> "SDK sources" -> "I don't know detail but at least it contains mkbootimg part"
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<jcarlos> naobsd: And those leaked SDKs are "released" by Rockchip customers? And, if that is the case, why they are different? Because each customer of Rockchip customizes a common SDK to their hardware, or because Rockchip release one SDK to each customer?
<naobsd> jcarlos: sorry, I'm not Rockchip guy nor customer of Rockchip. I cannot answer this: "those leaked SDKs are "released" by Rockchip customers?"
<naobsd> and I cannot understand: "why they are different?", what is different?
<jcarlos> And the other ones?
<jcarlos> Ahh
<jcarlos> not equal
<jcarlos> naobsd: If there are three SDKs they must differ in something. Or just different SoCs?
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> fortunately I know they are different, but I don't *know* why
<jcarlos> Why "fortunately"?
<naobsd> I saw them
<jcarlos> So they are SDKs for the same SoC?
<naobsd> but there is no reason that I have to know them...
<naobsd> 1 for ICS for RK3066, 1 for JB for RK3066, 1 for JB for RK3188
<jcarlos> I'm trying to guess how all those things fit together.
<naobsd> they must be different
<jcarlos> Ooook
<jcarlos> I understand.
<jcarlos> Supposedly if I would like to bring cyanogenmod 10.2 to my tablet, the last SDK you mentioned should be of interest for me?
<naobsd> probably. "mk908_RK3188_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK.tar.gz" is the last one
<jcarlos> naobsd: Yes, I have it installed :)
<jcarlos> My tablet comes with Android 4.3.x, should I suppose there is at least another SDK by Rockchip for that version?
<naobsd> btw CM10.2 for RK3x is not available yet? I have no information but I thought someone already did it
<naobsd> oh I didn't know RK made 4.3.x
<jcarlos> naobsd: So, my tablet manufacturer used the 4.2.2 SDK?
<naobsd> and I guess R-BOX SDK is for STB/stick, there is another SDK for tablet(I don't have it)
<jcarlos> Ahh
<naobsd> I just don't know about 4.3
<jcarlos> Different SDKs for sticks and tablets. I understand.
<naobsd> I'm not any official RK or RK customer person
<jcarlos> Yes, I know. You told that before :)
<jcarlos> said*
<naobsd> if your tablet has 4.3, then I think RK made it
<naobsd> some days ago I saw there is 4.4 RK tablet
<jcarlos> Which one?
<naobsd> well, "I saw article about... on the net"
<jcarlos> I read Rockchip 4.4 SDK released was inminent, but I didn't know there is an RK tablet in the market with 4.4
<jcarlos> release*
<naobsd> what I saw is pipo u8, probably
<jcarlos> OK
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