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<itdaniher> naobsd: I got things working, some part of my config was broken
<itdaniher> and yes, I'm not unfamiliar with standard debugging procedures
<itdaniher> on a different note, has anyone observed USB instability when using a hub?
<itdaniher> rk3188 stops receiving control transfer ACKs after some period of use with a USB hub
<itdaniher> requiring the device in question to be manually unplugged / replugged
<itdaniher> without a USB hub, it functions fine - always receives ACKs
<itdaniher> I suspect this is related to the issues discussed on the r'pi and fonera forums concerning the DWC_OTG driver in conjunction with a USB hub - limited number of "host channels"
Celia is now known as FergusL
<naobsd> itdaniher: I think dwc otg driver in RK source should have some issues, e.g. it doesn't accept unaligned buffer
<naobsd> btw control transfer may not be used so much after (per-)device initialization, which device are you using?
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