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<jcarlos> naobsd: Yes, I thought about those two options, but option one scares me, and option two is not clear enough for me. Your multiboot.img file is rkcrc'ed signed. I have your mkbootimg command compiled. I know I can create an image with it. But I'm not sure I can use your signed ramdisk. Must I unsigned it before create de packed image (my kernel+your ramdisk) ? If that is the case, how can I unsign it? Or does the mkbootimg command
<jcarlos> take into account the signed ramdisk and creates a final correct image?
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<jcarlos> By the way, my kernel is 8,4M sized, and my kernel partition has 8M ...
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<karlp> how is your kernel 8.4meg?
<karlp> is that just a kernel or a kernel+?
<jcarlos> karlp: Well, that's the size.
<jcarlos> I have rechecked it just now.
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<jcarlos> karlp: Obviously I'm talking about my stock kernel, not a kernel compiled by me.
<jcarlos> An Android kernel.
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<naobsd> jcarlos: don't mix different thing, anything about kernel+ramdisk image and about kernel-only/ramdisk-only image are unrelated
<jcarlos> naobsd: I don't understand what you are trying to tell me :/
<naobsd> you can't use rkcrc-ed kernel as kernel part of kernel+ramdisk image
<jcarlos> Ok
<jcarlos> That was my question
<jcarlos> So, how can I do a combined image if I only have a signed kernel?
<jcarlos> How can I unsigned it?
<naobsd> rkunpack can be used
<jcarlos> Ah
<jcarlos> Great
<naobsd> or just remove first 8 bytes and last 4 bytes ;)
<jcarlos> You asked me before "how large?"
<jcarlos> My kernel is 8,4 megas
<jcarlos> And my kernel partition is only 8 megas
<naobsd> rkcrc just add KRNL and payload size(4bytes ) to header, and RK's CRC(4bytes) to trailer
<naobsd> KRNL(4bytes)+size(4bytes)
<jcarlos> OK, I understand.
<naobsd> I see
<jcarlos> Perhaps a more important question ... or at least more interesting for me.
<jcarlos> Do you have sources availables to your cwm for rk3188?
<jcarlos> available*
<jcarlos> s/to/for/
<naobsd> probably kernel is not compressed, it's standard way by RK SDK document
<naobsd> cwm source is somewhere in my backup file
<naobsd> 40GB+ backup file
<jcarlos> naobsd: That's why I asked you some days ago about "file kernel.img" and its "data" output ... :)
<naobsd> I'm preparing new build machine
<jcarlos> naobsd: But have you patched cwm a lot to be able to work with RK3188?
<naobsd> no
<naobsd> not so "a lot"
<jcarlos> I have compiled my own cwm from cyanogenmod 11.0
<jcarlos> I have created a device/bq/fnac310plus/ directory with some files generated with makevendor.sh
<naobsd> ah
<jcarlos> And I wanted you see your work
<naobsd> changes for recovery program is small
<jcarlos> You have deleted a menu option, I think.
<naobsd> changes for other parts are larger than it ;)
<naobsd> deleted?
<jcarlos> Or disabled.
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> my last build was based on cm-10.0 or .1
<jcarlos> I remember to have read something about that in I don't know what forum :)
<naobsd> I'm not sure latest CWM
<jcarlos> Well, it dosn't matter.
<jcarlos> doesn't*
<naobsd> I can't remember what I deleted
<jcarlos> One more question, please.
<jcarlos> I'm investigating your generic rk3188 cwm image
<jcarlos> The file recovery.img
<jcarlos> How can I see its contents
<jcarlos> ?
<naobsd> generic image is ramdisk-only image
<jcarlos> It's not a cpio+gzip file
<naobsd> rkunpack, then gunzip+cpio
<jcarlos> Ahhhh
<jcarlos> I need to rkunpack
<jcarlos> Ok, I understand
<naobsd> or I guess gunzip may ignore first 8bytes
<naobsd> I must go out soon
<jcarlos> Never mind. Thanks for your time!!
<naobsd> please check first few byes in image
<jcarlos> KRNL ...
<naobsd> KRNL is -only image, or ANDROID! is kernel+ramdisk image
<jcarlos> Yes, I know it, now
<jcarlos> :)
<naobsd> I'll add ANDROID! unpack function to rkunpack, then no need to think about format ;)
<jcarlos> Good idea :)
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<jcarlos> naobsd: I'm comparing your recovering ramdisk with my stock recovering ramdisk. And there are lots of differences, I don't know very well if they are important or not for my device.
<jcarlos> If I would like to do a custom cwm recovery for it using your work, what should I change in it? Some tutorial or URL?
<jcarlos> That was why I wanted to know if your sources were available somewhere. I would like to see your /device/[vendor]/[codename] directory ...
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> at first, my images have no relation to stock rom, everything must be different
<naobsd> I'll put source somewhere when I have time
<naobsd> but I can't get time for long time
<naobsd> same for now, I must go now
<naobsd> see you later
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