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<jcarlos> One question please. I have a copy of my RK3188 tablet recovery partition (recovery.img). I got it with rkflashkit. If I unpack the img file with unpackbootimg command I get recovery.img-zImage and recovery.img-ramdisk.gz. Are those files rkcrc-signed, o must I sign them with "rkcrc -k" before flash them to /kernel and /recovery partitions?
<jcarlos> In other words, how can I know if a file is rkcrc-signed?
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<naobsd> jcarlos: yes, kernel-only(zImage) and ramdisk-only(cpio+gz) files need to be converted with rkcrc -k.
<naobsd> jcarlos: first 4 bytes are K R N L
<jcarlos> naobsd: So when you unpack you lose the sign?
<naobsd> what is "unpack"?
<naobsd> kernel+ramdisk file format is different
<jcarlos> unpackbootimg
<naobsd> it doesn't have KRNL
<jcarlos> naobsd: Ahh. So you must sign only when using kernel or ramdisk alone, not when there are packed
<naobsd> if you want kernel-only and ramdisk-only image, it needs header (start with KRNL) and trailing crc
<jcarlos> Ok, ok
<jcarlos> I understand now
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<naobsd> kernel+ramdisk format is different, it can be packed by mkbootimg for RK
<jcarlos> Mmmm
<jcarlos> mkbootimg in cyanogenmod is for RK?
<jcarlos> Or must I use a different version?
<naobsd> I don't know about recent CM source, probably no
<jcarlos> So I must replace mkbootimg with an RK-adapted version?
<naobsd> you should use different(RK) version until it supports RK format clearly
<jcarlos> naobsd: An url for this RK version, please?
<naobsd> https://github.com/naobsd/cm_system_core/tree/ics-rockchip-naobsd/mkbootimg here is my version (there are some other mkbootimg for RK)
<naobsd> it can be compiled without full android build
<naobsd> cc -o mkbootimg mkbootimg.c -lcrypto
<naobsd> unpackbootimg is same as CM
<naobsd> mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.gz -o newboot.img
<naobsd> you can check mkbootimg is really for RK by unpack boot.img then repack boot.img without modification. both images must be same
<jcarlos> naobsd: Thanks
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<jcarlos> One question please. I have a copy of my RK3188 tablet recovery partition (recovery.img). I got it with rkflashkit. If I unpack the img file with unpackbootimg command I get recovery.img-zImage and recovery.img-ramdisk.gz. But my "file" command says recovery.img-zImage is not a "Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage" file, it says simply "data". Am I missing anything?
<Markus34> Hello, This is the first time I come here, may I Ask some questions ?
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<FergusL> just go on Markus34 !
<FergusL> there is a motto that says : don't ask to ask, just ask
<FergusL> I looked at the latest Rk3188 tablets Markus34
<FergusL> they've gotten even cheaper
<FergusL> but i don't know of recent progress regarding installing Linux on i
<FergusL> I'm really looking forward to doing that as well
<Markus34> I allready have and use a pengpod700, but would like know if it's possible on a Rockchip tablet as well
<FergusL> I think it was for Rk3166 but that must be almost one year ago
<FergusL> a guy said he was working on one model, Pipo S1 iirc, and then he disappeard !
<Markus34> But what about this git repository(https://github.com/dnkn/rk3188_tablet) ?
<FergusL> first thing I would do when looking at a model would be googling "<model name> linux"
<Markus34> Isn't it for rk3188 sources to compile ?
<FergusL> yes, it must be
<FergusL> but it's different from one model to aniother
<FergusL> all tablets don't have the same components
<FergusL> and even with the same components, the electrical circuits on the electronic boards (PCBs) can be different
<FergusL> all that has to be taken in account
<Markus34> Yes, your right
<Markus34> I'll hold on until I find
<FergusL> look on XDA developers forum
<FergusL> there are forum for specific devices
<FergusL> often same devices have different names depending on manufacturer
<Markus34> Ok, thanks for your answers
<Markus34> cheers
<FergusL> you're welcome, again I'm interested in the same thing as you !
<FergusL> why do you want linux on an rk tablet ?
<devgiant> you guys can read more about the dnkn/rk3188_tablet kernel sources on the forum post at http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7732-rk3188-tablet-kernel-sources
<FergusL> also, in the folders of this repo, there must be a "board" folder with files inside that defines connections depending on the board model, there you should find the names of the corresponding boards or even devices
<Markus34> My researches have pointed to this link (http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=Main_Page), and seemed to be a good start !
<FergusL> also, note that kernel does not necessarily mean Linux
<FergusL> well it does because of the name...
<FergusL> but not "Linux" as one might mean it : Linux being a whole os including a desktop environement etc...
<FergusL> that's an interesting question for the peopling knowing the details here btw
<Markus34> devgiant, it's a very good link indeed
<FergusL> what are the next step for running linux instead of Android when one has the kernel sourcesd ?
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<devgiant> Markus34: some of the work is already done, but there is more stuff to be sorted out
<naobsd> oh, one more git repo without history...
<FergusL> hehe...
<naobsd> btw, anyone can try Linux on RK devices without kernel source
<Markus34> how ?
<Markus34> virtualization ?
<naobsd> just using stock kernel
<FergusL> yes, but where is the "switch", the configuration that makes that it starts a Linux distro instead of Android ?
<naobsd> of course it doesn't satisfy someone who want kernel source
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<naobsd> here is one example http://androtab.info/rockchip/multiboot/
<naobsd> it's just PoC, not so good example, but it should work
<devgiant> im thinking in trying this
<devgiant> (on my rikomagic mk802iv)
<naobsd> please try any "Linux for RK". what I wanted to say is, it's not only some specific product
<naobsd> I think if there is kernel source, it's better than nothing, of course.
<FergusL> did you try on any device ?
<FergusL> to run linux
<naobsd> me? sorry, I don't have "any device". I tried my ramdisk on some(few) RK3188 and RK3066 sticks
<naobsd> well, "please try any "Linux for RK". what I wanted to say is, it's not only some specific product" this doesn't say please use "Linux for RK" with my ramdisk.
<jcarlos> One question please. I have a copy of my RK3188 tablet recovery partition (recovery.img). I got it with rkflashkit. If I unpack the img file with unpackbootimg command I get recovery.img-zImage and recovery.img-ramdisk.gz. But my "file" command says recovery.img-zImage is not a "Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage" file, it says simply "data". Am I missing anything?
<naobsd> you may use "someone's Linux only for your RK device" if it's available
<naobsd> my ramdisk is not Linux distro. I just said there is another way to run Linux other than "Linux distro only for some specific RK product"
<naobsd> my ramdisk is one of "another way"
<FergusL> what is "your ramdisk" ?
<naobsd> this is just an example. no need to follow my rule such as "put linuxroot.img or make linuxroot directory"
<FergusL> really interesting
<FergusL> this is important info
<FergusL> I'm sure I'm not the only one being confused about "what" is Linux
<naobsd> I'll change my rule soon ;)
<FergusL> ha ?
<FergusL> should anything work with multiboot ?
<naobsd> sorry, what is "anything" for example?
<naobsd> basically it just do "switch_root /new_mounted_rootfs /new_init_command"
<FergusL> Xorg server
<naobsd> well
<FergusL> that's great
<naobsd> I have no idea that what kernel function can be run on someone's stock kernel
<FergusL> so a screen and touch interface should work similarly
<naobsd> ah, I don't say it supports all RK hardware function
<naobsd> TS should work with stock kernel
<FergusL> because that's the kernel that defines all pinout and output types, right ?
<FergusL> so it's abstracted
<naobsd> but I have no idea that some Linux program such as X can handle TS event from device driver for your device
<FergusL> ok
<naobsd> but you should be able to get source of distro, it's possible to modify source outside of kernel
<naobsd> I don't guarantee that everything can work nicely
<naobsd> but you may try yourself, not waiting someone's Linux specialized for some product
<naobsd> it's important anyone can try, even if it's not perfect
<FergusL> so ultimately it's really stupid to make tutorials for ONE device
<FergusL> it should be generic
<FergusL> with guidelines
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