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<mac-> anyone has MK908 HDMI stick ?
<Astralix> yes
<Astralix> but which one
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<mac-> there is only one
<mac-> Rk3188 Quad Core 4x 1.8GHz (Cortex-A9)
<mac-> this one
<karlp> yuck, usb mini connectors on everything
<Astralix> Ok, messed it up, yes I have one of these
<Astralix> The MK802 had several extensions liek II III IV and such
<Astralix> So what's your problem with the 908?
<mac-> I wish to run Linux on it
<mac-> with additional USB2Eth
<Astralix> did you try picuntu?
<mac-> the stick is quite cheap when specs are really powerfull
<mac-> no I wish to put there Slackware for ARM, but can start with Picuntu
<mac-> I'm looking for people who succesfully run at least Picuntu or any other distro on it
<Astralix> Check https://plus.google.com/+IanMORRISON/posts He always tracks desktop dev on RK sticks
<mac-> thx
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<mac-> hmm what about sound on those HDMI sticks ?
<mac-> there is no minijack
<karlp> hdmi carries sound
<mac-> ya
<mac-> but if I don;t have speakers on my screen ?
<karlp> then sucks to be you :)
<mac-> sad
<karlp> should hve bought one of the ministicks with the av out as well :)
<mac-> it supports USB sound cards ?
<mac-> I need it to replace my old Pentium II Linux Server
<karlp> depends on the kernel and modules, just like anything else
<karlp> but of course it _should_
<mac-> ya
<mac-> they wrote that MK908II has better cooling system than MK908
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<mac-> but, do you know if MK908II is supported as MK908 is ?
<karlp> supported by what?
<karlp> all of these only differ in what wifi/bt is used,
<mac-> ideally :]
<mac-> officialy MK908II has only better cooling system and external wifi antenna
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<mosquito520> mac-: if your screen has HDMI input but it does not built in speaker, it should have audio jack there.
<mac-> its a computer screen, no audio at all
<mosquito520> did you know what model name it is?
<mac-> Samsung BX2231 as I remember
<mac-> omg
<mac-> it has one
<mac-> I can't believe
<mac-> I will check for sure when back to home
<mosquito520> :)
<mosquito520> the other thing, if you wanna bought a HDMI stick for fun, just careful that some stick built in with different wifi/bt module
<mosquito520> that might cuz some trouble if you want to try something FW
<karlp> yeah, that's my problem :)
<karlp> tried to carefully buy one that was known to be well supported in picuntu,
<karlp> ended up with a clone with a different wifi :)
<karlp> ah well, just more fun
<karlp> one question for my sanity, I can use the stock android _kernel_ with my own linux root file system right?
<karlp> as long as I don't need any extra modules or drivers,
<mac-> afaik all those devices (wifi, bt and etc) are connected by USB
<mac-> whats the problem with recompiling kenrel ?
<karlp> nothing in particular, except when the ones available don't compile with the toolchains availabl,e and one less thing to actually get around to doing
<mac-> mosquito520: I don't need wifi at all, I will connect Ethernet card on USB
<mac-> I'm new in ARM Linux world
<karlp> seriously, why would I _want_ to recompile kernels, I don't run gentoo
<mac-> I do it all the time on my x86_64 netbook
<mac-> it will be faster to build a kernel with new driver enabled than walking around the internet to find recompiled one for you
<karlp> yes, if I need new drivers
<mac-> I think
<mac-> :.
<mac-> :>
<karlp> but if I odn't need new drivers, the existing stock one that came with the android rom still works with a linux root file system right?
<karlp> I don't _need_ a new kernel do I?
<karlp> it's only the kernel command line that might need to be tweaked?
<mac-> but you have to do sth extra because it is Android kernel
<mac-> btw there is .config available ?
<mac-> those androids on those devices have proc/config.gz enabled ?
<karlp> what "extra" is needed?
<karlp> that's what I was asking
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<mac-> btw as I understand it is possible MK908 to boot from SD Card ?
<mosquito520> yes, it's possible, but it's need some tools that RK doesn't released
<mac-> hm ?
<mac-> then if I buy MK908 I won't be able to boot from SD ?
<mosquito520> yes, so usually they're modify boot.img or recovery.img, and load rootfs from SD
<mac-> then they overwrite boot.img on the NAND ?
<mac-> sth like this one ?
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<karlp> naobsd: yeah, that's what I was reading, it was step 1, "you may need xxxxx, instructions later" I was a little unclear on
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