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<abcd593> Hi, it's my first time I flash a MK802IV device. I went through the instruction described here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7209-Now-available-Ubuntu-Lubuntu-or-Xubuntu-on-the-latest-MK802IV-or-T428 but got this error message: http://pbrd.co/19Sd17d . I'm on Widnows Vista and try to install Debian system image from here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7457-Also-available-Debian . Any ideas what is wrong? Do I have to check-box ALL pa
<abcd593> rtitions and then run "EraseIDB" or only those mentioned in the post?
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<valdur55> Hello!
<valdur55> I am using rk2928sdk . Can i run real linux on that device?
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<abcd593> Hi, it's my first time I flash a MK802IV device. I went through the instruction described here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7209-Now-available-Ubuntu-Lubuntu-or-Xubuntu-on-the-latest-MK802IV-or-T428 but got this error message: http://pbrd.co/19Sd17d . I'm on Widnows Vista and try to install Debian system image from here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7457-Also-available-Debian . Any ideas what is wrong? Do I have to check-box ALL pa
<abcd593> rtitions and then run "EraseIDB" or only those mentioned in the post?
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<deviker> Hi, it seems mk908v3 and mk908v5 use efuses on the rk3188. The latest cnx kitkat firmware also uses a efuse.c file but with references to rk3066 instead of 3188. efuses.c does not exist in the mk908V1 sdk leak. That file is used by dvfs.c and I think that the efuses for the V3 and V5 are different.
<deviker> The exact same kernel and system image on the V5 goes up to 1.4ghz and on the V3 it goes to 1.6
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<abcd593> Hi, it's my first time I flash a MK802IV device. I went through the instruction described here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7209-Now-available-Ubuntu-Lubuntu-or-Xubuntu-on-the-latest-MK802IV-or-T428 but got this error message: http://pbrd.co/19Sd17d . I'm on Widnows Vista and try to install Debian system image from here: http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?7457-Also-available-Debian . Any ideas what is wrong? Do I ha
<abcd593> ve to check-box ALL partitions and then run "EraseIDB" or only those mentioned in the post?
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<valdur55> what to except when i update my RK2928 device?
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