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<naobsd> for loading u-boot from non-sd/emmc media, mask rom should be helpful
<naobsd> sjg1_: how about "if loading u-boot from sd/emmc is failed(or sd/emmc driver is not in spl), return to mask rom to load u-boot from another media"?
<naobsd> well,
<naobsd> detecting what's the boot media is not available in spl yet, right?
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<topi`> charbax has said that the first devices based on RK3399 should be "out there soon". let's see what kind of devices we'll have
<topi`> I'd like to have a Chromebook based on RK3399, should be plenty powerful
<topi`> if the RK3288 chromebooks are of any indication
<topi`> I've only seen a handful of rk3399 specific patches being posted to mainline, I wonder if it's mostly compatible with rk3368 (would explain this)
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<mmind00> topi`: contrary to "vendor-kernels", once you have support for something in mainline, it gets quite easy to support additional socs ... you will see (on the lists right now) a big bunch of patches addressing the small differences, but there is no big reinvention of whole wheels ;-)
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<sjg1_> naobsd: That sounds good
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<naobsd> about domain, I got a notification that it will be expired in July.