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<ayaka> Hi, I recently bought a rk3288 develop board, I want to boot the u-boot from sdcard
<ayaka> I want to know how to select the boot mode in this chip(boot order)
<ayaka> and how to write the u-boot to sdcard using dd tool
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<naobsd> ayaka: which board did you get? basically eMMC is prior than SD card, so you need to erase bootloader on eMMC
<ayaka> naobsd, the firefly rk3288 reload
<ayaka> naobsd, so it can't like the other board using some pin to define boot order?
<naobsd> ayaka: if you have working loader on eMMC, rebooting by "rkflashtool b 3" may kick bootloader on SD
<naobsd> ayaka: basically yes, boot order is fixed
<ayaka> I see
<naobsd> (or we don't know how to change order)
<ayaka> so how should I erase the bootloader on eMMC?
<ayaka> and I can't use the dd but rkflashtool to kick u-boot on SD card?
<naobsd> are you asking about _mainline_ u-boot on SD, right?
<naobsd>;a=blob;f=doc/README.rockchip;hb=HEAD#l88 this is the way to write u-boot on SD
<ayaka> naobsd, well is there some different between mainline and u-boot in rockchip github?
<naobsd> ayaka: rockchip uses own(forked) ver. of u-boot. there is no relation between RK ver. and mainline ver. btw what is rockchip github?
<naobsd> no relation == different
<naobsd> well,
<naobsd> that github is mainline based working tree, rockchip is working for mainlining for _some_ of their SoC
<ayaka> I just wonder whether there is some document describe the boot of SoC
<naobsd> stock u-boot for RK3288 (built as a part of Android SDK) is RK ver., which is different to that github
<naobsd> firefly released some docs
<ayaka> then I would know which address it would load image
<ayaka> not cover the detail of that SoC, I wonder why even this chip is supported by linux
<naobsd> bootable SD layout is known, but as far as I know there is no info in docs
<ayaka> even it doesn't release the register map
<naobsd> no, as I said, firefly released some docs
<naobsd> (I don't say it's complete, but it surely exists)
<naobsd> here is copy of docs firefly released
<ayaka> oh my goodness
<ayaka> even the firefly is a China mainland company, it doesn't offer much document to chinese users
<naobsd> you can refer linux/u-boot source in Android SDK
<naobsd> I guess almost of all users want nicely working image, not source/doc ;)
<naobsd> anyway, there is some things to refer, some people is working to make mainline linux/u-boot better
<ayaka> my plan is to write a new driver for VPU in rockchip
<naobsd> Rockchip does a lot for RK3288 Chromebooks, it's also good reference
<ayaka> yes I know that, one of my friend is working at rockchip, he also told me about that
<ayaka> but I am a little stranger to chromebook project, I tried yesterday, but I don't know which part is from rockchip in chromebook
<naobsd> VPU driver is in chromium repo and there are patches for mainline too
<ayaka> naobsd, thanks a lot, I would be back later
<naobsd> some code for veyron should be from Rockchip
<naobsd> ayaka: I can tell how to erase eMMC / how to boot from SD but I need some info from you
<naobsd> (about current condition)
<ayaka> ok, I would be back in 3 hours
<naobsd> does anyone have experience about firefly rk3288 _reload_ on mainline u-boot/linux?
<naobsd> I'm not sure there is difference...
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<ayaka> naobsd, back
<ayaka> what do you want to know?
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<naobsd> ayaka: sorry
<naobsd> ayaka: what you want, trying VPU on mainline linux on rk3288? then you don't need mainline u-boot?
<naobsd> ayaka: linux, ffmpeg, v4l2-plugin repos may be helpful too
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<naobsd> ayaka: about u-boot, sorry, I didn't know rockchip pushed their forked version to github too. this branch is surely "RK forked ver. of u-boot"
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<naobsd> ayaka: it's possible to put RK u-boot on SD card, but procedure is different to mainline u-boot
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