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<mithro> Hi everyone! Where is the best place to get a status update on the mixxeo? Are the schematics / PCB designs online somewhere?
<sb0> schematics/pcb aren't the problem, those have been working for almost a year now ...
<sb0> you can find them on ohwr.org
<sb0> the main problem right now is the mechanical manufacturing hassle
<sb0> (and that I don't have a lot of time for this project)
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<sb0> and limited patience to deal with incompetent, annoying and/or uninterested CNC shops, too
<mithro> sb0: ahh, you guys used altium :(
<sb0> what would you use?
<mithro> sb0: did you guys do much prototyping with the Digilent Atlys board?
<sb0> no, we didn't use it at all
<mithro> sb0: we've been doing a very similar design in KiCad
<sb0> are you also building a mixxer?
<mithro> sb0: our main target is doing capture of DVI / HDMI signals for conference / user group presentation recording
<sb0> ok...
<sb0> well there's misoc and the dvi sampler core you can reuse from mixxeo
<sb0> I also have some tested/working mixxeo boards
<sb0> it's brave of you to use kicad for a large board like this xD
<mithro> sb0: looking at the board, it seems to have 2 HDMI inputs and 2 HDMI outputs?
<GitHub173> [misoc] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/XcTY6A
<GitHub173> misoc/master 114890e Florent Kermarrec: sdramphy/initsequence: clean up mr1/mr2 computation on DDR3 and enable Dynamic ODT
<mithro> sb0: yeah, its been a pain, but been making it up with cheap Indian labour
<GitHub54> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/4SzFsg
<GitHub54> migen/master 644fa8e Florent Kermarrec: kc705: enable DCI termination on DDR3
<mithro> sb0: so how does migen compare to MyHDL?
<sb0> when you want to show off some python, you use myhdl. when there is work to do, you use migen.
<sb0> seriously though
<sb0> myhdl does a python syntax to verilog/vhdl conversion, and interfaces to a simulator so you can write your test bench in python
<mithro> I haven't had much chance to look into either
<sb0> so the advantages of myhdl are 1) better syntax than verilog/vhdl (and some mess like verilog sign extension cleaned up) 2) much better test benches
<mithro> sb0: both those sound good :P
<mithro> sb0: what does migen give you?
<sb0> with migen, you are writing a python program that is run and generates the design. that lets you automate a _lot_ more things than myhdl (and the result is always synthesizable)
<sb0> there are also syntax hacks, and similar cleanups that myhdl does, so the migen syntax is also better than verilog/vhdl
<sb0> and migen also has a simulator interface that allows full Python testbenches
<mithro> okay, so migen is just a straight hdl generator?
<sb0> myhdl is
<sb0> for synthesis, it merely parses the python code and outputs it with a different syntax (verilog/vhdl)
<sb0> one simple thing that migen can do and myhdl can't, is dynamic generation of a bus arbiter given a list of initiator interfaces
<sb0> (hdmi on mixxeo) intended use is 4x HDMI inputs 1x DVI/VGA output
<mithro> sb0: I was trying to figure out your 4 HDMI ports on the mixxeo - are they all inputs?
<sb0> I don't remember if the HDMI can also be used as outputs and with how much PCB rework
<sb0> yes
<sb0> there's only one catch, you can only have two simultaneously sampling due to the limited number of PLLs in the LX45
<sb0> switching them is OK
<mithro> sb0: yeah, I was just about to ask about how you manage with the limited PLL resources
<sb0> or you can use a footprint compatible FPGA with more PLLs
<sb0> iirc the lx75 works
<mithro> once you go bigger then the LX45, you need to pay for the tools IIRC :/
<sb0> it's not hard to get them for free..
<sb0> so you can get kicad boards routed in India?
<mithro> sb0: ahh I use you used the CSG484 footprint, we are using the CSG324 footprint with some "custom hacks" to allow both LX and LX-T devices loaded
<sb0> fgg484
<mithro> sb0: I'm working with a group in india who do open source hardware full time - http://numato.com/
<mithro> I've been doing the high level design and review work, they have been doing the work of actually generating the schematic and PCB
<mithro> sb0: I see that you aren't using any buffers / levelers on the HDMI inputs - how do you find the signal receive quality? I assume your using shortish cables?
<sb0> tried with ~2m cables
<sb0> why should external buffers be better than the buffers built into the FPGA?
<sb0> some devboards have them but AFAICT only for marketing reasons
<sb0> wow they still sell spartan 3a boards
<mithro> sb0: well they are not used for buffering - more releveling - IE making sure peak-to-peak voltage swing is large enough. When your cable is 30m, they make the difference :)
<mithro> sb0: I'm impressed that you did your board with 4 layers
<mithro> oh wait
<sb0> 6
<mithro> I just can't count :P
<mithro> 6 is still pretty good
<mithro> sb0: btw - where in the world are you located?
<sb0> and the FPGA would not detect the smaller voltage swing?
<sb0> hong kong
<sb0> you can perhaps do with 4...
<sb0> if I were to do this board again I'd use a 7-series and ddr3
<sb0> 7-series finally has acceptable SERDES and IODELAYs, as opposed to disasterous ones in S6
<sb0> and they _will_ fail on you if you do HDMI
<mithro> sb0: the Zynq chip seems pretty awesome - I have a couple of the Zybo boards to play with
<sb0> is the smallest zynq cheaper than the smallest artix?
<mithro> sb0: so, I saw on the list something about memory testing infrastructure?
<sb0> I'd rather not use this proprietary ARM stuff
<sb0> lm32 is fast enough to control hdmi dma...
<mithro> sb0: probably not - the Zynq has equivalent to an Atrix on the same chip as dual ARM hard core
<mithro> sourcing small quantities of the Zynq chips seems pretty hard though
<sb0> mithro, do you already have a s6 board with hdmi?
<sb0> you should try to run the mixxeo/misoc code on that
<mithro> sb0: yes, I have quite a few of the Digilent Atlys boards
<mithro> sb0: and a couple of prototypes of our board
<sb0> what sdram is on those?
<sb0> atlys and you board
<mithro> The Atlys is spec'd at 128Mbyte DDR2 16-bit wide data - MT47H64M16HR-25E - http://www.joelw.id.au/FPGA/XilinxMIGTutorial
<sb0> there's also the misoc sdram controller, as an open (and cleaner) alternative to MIG
<sb0> it supports S6 and DDR2, but only with a x2 command clock multiplier... feel free to implement x4 ;)
<sb0> yay! managed to get the full DDR3 SODIMM working on kintex-7 :)
<mithro> sb0: so, I'm interested in your sdram controller - best place to start would be getting the memtest core working on my board, right? https://github.com/m-labs/milkymist/tree/master/cores/memtest and https://github.com/m-labs/milkymist/tree/master/cores/hpdmc_ddr32 ?
<sb0> hpdmc_ddr32 is the old (milkymist one) verilog ddr sdram controller.
<mithro> sb0: so, where is the new one? :P
<sb0> the memtest core is a core that writes high speed LFSR data to the SDRAM, and then reads it back and compare, and is meant to test the new lasmicon controller
<sb0> yes, that and /lasmicon
<sb0> we use http://ddr-phy.org/
<mithro> sb0: I'm trying to figure out the best way to get to the stage of being able to run the misoc on my boards - I think starting with copying https://github.com/m-labs/misoc/blob/master/targets/mlabs_video.py to digilent_atlys.py and removing the minimac+dvi/vga out stuff - and replacing the flash stuff with the SPI stuff from ppro.py
<sb0> the first step would be to get a minimal SoC running
<sb0> ppro does XIP of the BIOS from the serial flash, and this stuff tends to act up, so I recommend you run the BIOS from BRAM first
<mithro> okay
<sb0> all you need to do is remove the flash stuff, derive the SoC class from IntegratedBIOS, and call IntegratedBIOS.__init__
<mithro> sb0: do you have a "minimal-customize-me.py" target hidden somewhere :P
<sb0> no... because all boards have different clocks and things like that
<sb0> but the ppro is close enough
<sb0> you should also derive from GenSoC instead of SDRAMSoC, until you start implementing the SDRAM
<mithro> sb0: the clocking infrastructure on the Atlys is closer to the mlabs_video.py ? We have a 50MHz input clock
<sb0> depends what you want to do...
<sb0> if you have no need for multiplied/phase aligned clocks etc. you can
<sb0> simply have a IBUFG/IBUFGDS driving cd_sys.clk
<mithro> sb0: will migen work inside a virtualenv?
<sb0> you can simply use PYTHONPATH and not install it
<mithro> ahh, it's pure python, \o/
<mithro> just following your README now, getting binutils
<mithro> sb0: I was sure I asked you, but I can't find it in the scroll back now - where in the world are you located?
<sb0> Hong Kong
<sb0> and you?
<mithro> Sydney, Australia
<mithro> sb0: it sounds like you might actually understand the IODELAYs inside a spartan 6?
<sb0> yes, and I don't like what I understand
<sb0> xilinx completely replaced them with a new design in the 7-series, a wise decision
<mithro> sb0: if I understand correctly, they can be used to delay incoming IO values by a given amount - with the delay being somewhere around ~16ps per tap on a grade -2 device
<sb0> you forgot some important details here: they delay incoming IO signals by an *uncalibrated* amount with *large PVT variations*, and the IDELAY *fails* should the delay exceed one bit time
<sb0> (and I mean the delay after the PVT variation. so you quite don't really know when you are safe...)
<mithro> sb0: does the calibration feature help at all?
<sb0> the programming interface of the IDELAY is another fuckup (and something they fixed in the 7-series). when you use that calibration feature that places the delay at a value between two transitions (at that given point in time - voltage and temperature can mess with it later), you can't know the number of taps, all you can do is increase/decrease them without knowing where you are
<mithro> sb0: and are the *large PVT variations* individual or systematic? IE each IODELAY is affected differently by the T/V
<mithro> sb0: yeah - that seemed pretty retarded
<sb0> of course, when you increase/decrease them and hit the first or last tap (or exceed a post-PVT delay of one bit time), you get unexpected behaviour
<mithro> sb0: what type of variation are people seeing in the wild?
<sb0> I don't have hard numbers... but the datasheet numbers are pretty scary
<mithro> sb0: do you know if IODELAY objects can be used between a BUFPLL and the input to the SERDES?
<sb0> you want to delay the BUFPLL output before you connect it to the SERDES clock?
<sb0> no, this will fail
<sb0> and changing the PLL phase will fail too, the SERDES expects fabric clock/bufpll clock phase alignment
<mithro> sb0: I'm looking for a way to accurately phase offset a bunch of ISERDES (this might actually be impossible). I've been looking at if I could use IODELAY to do this
<sb0> IODELAY cannot be routed to anything else than IOBs
<sb0> so no
<sb0> also, most SERDES clocking scheme that are not in xilinx application notes will at a minimum tickle a number of pesky ISE bugs and often fail completely
<mithro> sb0: well, delaying the IO into the SERDES is equivalent to delaying the capture clock, no?
<sb0> from an external perspective yes
<sb0> and this way of doing is the xilinx-recommended one
<mithro> sb0: sounds like I'm best of using a series 7 device if I want to make those delays accurate though?
<sb0> yeah, the 7-series iodelays (which look like they are based on the virtex) are much better than the s6 ones
<mithro> just looking at http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug471_7Series_SelectIO.pdf to see how it compares to the spartan 6 IODELAYS I've been looking at
<mithro> gah, my python version is too old....
<mithro> sb0: okay, got binutils, gcc and python all compiled and now getting an ImportError when doing a "./make.py all"
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<mithro> not seeing anything named "networkx"
<mithro> ahh, it's a required dependency
<mithro> installed!
<sb0> yeah. networkx is something we should get rid of at some point.
<mithro> sb0: so the build system appears to be using just basic "as" rather than "lm32-elf-as" - just trying to figure out why....
<sb0> are you building it with make.py?
<mithro> yes
<sb0> the prefix is variable, as misoc supports both lm32 and openrisc
<sb0> there must be something wrong with that part of the code..
<sb0> it's the first time I hear of it breaking though
<mithro> sb0: it's probably because I didn't install gcc/binutils to /usr/local
<mithro> sb0: recompiling my gcc with "--with-as" pointing to the right location fixed that issue
<mithro> sb0: pull request the right way to send a minor patch?
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<mithro> well, built the bios and bitstream successfully!
<sb0> mithro, don't use pull requests, send your patch to the mailing list instead
<mithro> sb0: just adding a custom platform to migen/mibuild/platforms - is that the right way?
<sb0> for a new board? yes
<sb0> but please have a look at the other platforms and try to keep signal names consistent
<mithro> sb0: yes, starting by copying the mixxeo file and customizing
<mithro> sb0: this stuff is pretty awesome so far, you guys have done excellent work!
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<_florent_> hi
<_florent_> sb0: "With 3-state DCI I/O standards, the DCI termination legs turn off whenever the driver is
<_florent_> active."
<_florent_> "The IOBUF_DCIEN primitive further allows the termination legs to be disabled
<_florent_> whenever the DCITERMDISABLE signal is asserted High"
<_florent_> "These features can be combined
<_florent_> to reduce power whenever the input is idle for a period of time."
<_florent_> so yes DCI is disabled automatically when we drive the output
<_florent_> since we don't care of power for now, it should be ok with only IOBUF
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<mithro> sb0: would you happen to still be about?
<sb0> yes
<mithro> sb0: so, I have a migen/mibuild/platforms/digilent_atlys.py which should be pretty good - is there a way to test it now? (I also have a misoc/targets/digilent_atlys.py - but I think that needs more work)
<mithro> are things in migen/examples/ useful for that?
<sb0> what do you mean by 'test'?
<sb0> well, no, that's very dependent on the peripherals you have on your board
<mithro> sb0: so - only way to test my platform file works is to use it inside a misoc?
<sb0> what exactly do you want to test?
<sb0> you can also make migen-only (without misoc) designs
<sb0> but no, we don't have migen test fixtures for whatever chip is on the devboard du jour
<mithro> sb0: don't have a migen which just flashes a single LED or something?
<sb0> it'd be a lot of work to make them, and not very interesting...
<sb0> ah, sure
<sb0> but that would only test the clock, the led, and some of the fpga toolchain setup. most of your pins would go untested :)
<mithro> sb0: seems like a good first step? :P
<mithro> sb0: btw your Rhino link on http://m-labs.hk/gateware.html goes to a parked domain
<mithro> sb0: https://github.com/m-labs/blinkie <-- I think that is what I'm looking for
<mithro> seems like, do your migen-tutorial then if that works, then try getting blinkie working?
<ysionneau> in the tutorial there is a simple led blinker (without SoC, no softcore) just to get familiar with Migen syntax
<ysionneau> then https://github.com/m-labs/blinkie is a led blinker a bit more complex : it uses a simple SoC
<ysionneau> with software running
<ysionneau> so yes you can try first the tutorial, it's always good to start with that
<ysionneau> but as sb0 said it will not test much of your platform file
<mithro> ysionneau: it proves I don't have a syntax error in my platform file :P
<ysionneau> yes, well it depends if you have conditional paths :p
<ysionneau> but in platform files I guess no
<mithro> migen-tutorial all works
<ysionneau> great!
<ysionneau> have you tried to just have a look at the verilog output?
<ysionneau> instead of directly generating bit file
<ysionneau> just out of curiosity
<mithro> ysionneau: yeah - I looked at the output from the examples when I first checkout the code
<ysionneau> ok
<mithro> ysionneau: I've also successfully built the misoc stuff for the mixxeo (but obviously can't test flashing that...)
<ysionneau> ok so your setup is all ready
<mithro> turns out that the Atlys clock is 100MHz not 50MHz - guess I will have to instantiate a PLL
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<mithro> okay, I've run into the problem with the DDR2 clock - with the MIG we use a DIFF_STL188_II clock to the DDR - however in your system it seems to be two single ended pins?
<mithro> it looks closer to what happens for the DDR clock in the kc705.py system
<mithro> sb0: or is this the 4X thing you where talking about earlier?
<sb0> no. what I meant is that the current PHY can only send 2 SDRAM commands per FPGA clock. if you want to use DDR2 at full speed, you should multiply the clock another time and make that 4.
<mithro> sb0: so, I'm not sure what the correct way to proceed with the DIFF clock issue
<mithro> sb0: is it as simple as just instantiating a OBUFDS using clk2_off ?
<mithro> is it just a legacy reason that there is a mxcrg.v for the mixxeo / m1 versus doing everything in Python for the ppro?
<mithro> blinkie works!
<ysionneau> \o/
<ysionneau> congratz
<mithro> trying a full misoc FramebufferSoC build now
<mithro> well, the .bit builds but doesn't meet timing
<mithro> so, after loading the .bit file misoc, what comes next? :P How do I interact / test it out?
<ysionneau> usually your misoc runs a BIOS
<ysionneau> you can connect via UART (usb<->uart ?)
<ysionneau> and just type "help"
<ysionneau> and you will be able to do a few things like reading memory, writing memory etc
<ysionneau> use flterm for that
<ysionneau> clone this https://github.com/m-labs/misoc and do "make -C tools"
<ysionneau> and then ./tools/flterm --port /dev/ttyUSB0
<ysionneau> or whatever ttyUSB or ttyACM your usb driver created while plugging your board
<mithro> ysionneau: so, as expected it doesn't work :P - how do I make it put the BIOS in BRAM rather than SPI flash?
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<mithro> looks like the lm32 has options like "CFG_IROM_ENABLED"
<ysionneau> we don't use IROM so far
<ysionneau> we put a ROM attached to wishbone bus
<ysionneau> class IntegratedBIOS:
<ysionneau> and while instanciating the GenSoC you can pass the cpu_reset_address , in order to set it to rom address
<mithro> ahh, yeah at the moment I copied the SPI flash setup which does self.register_rom(self.spiflash.bus)
<mithro> nothing seems to use IntegratedBIOS at the moment
<ysionneau> have a look at the de0nano port
<mithro> ysionneau: thanks!
<mithro> ysionneau: how does the BIOS get embedded in the BRAM?
<ysionneau> something like that
<mithro> okay, I checked the generated .v file and it looks to contain something like what I'd expect a ROM to look like
<mithro> well, do you have a "just pipe stuff out the UART" misoc example somewhere?
<ysionneau> well, in theory the BIOS outputs stuff at startup
<mithro> well, I was getting something out on the UART for a second
<ysionneau> are you using flterm?
<mithro> I was using gtkterm
<mithro> flterm shows similar output
<ysionneau> afaik gtkterm should work as well
<mithro> I'm pretty sure it's a speed issue
<ysionneau> what did you see? garbage?
<ysionneau> by default the speed is 115200
<mithro> yeah - garbage and a couple of "fx"
<ysionneau> hum hum yes maybe a speed issue
<ysionneau> does the bitstream meet timings?
<mithro> hrm - The EXAR part delivers the data to the Spartan-6 using a two-wire serial port with software flow control (XON/XOFF).
<mithro> ysionneau: nope - I get the following error
<mithro> I'm very uncertain that I've gotten the PLL right
<ysionneau> ah if you don't meet timings then you should try first to fix that
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<mithro> I have a BIOS> prompt!
<ysionneau> yeah!
<ysionneau> what was the issue? PLL?
<mithro> yeah
<ysionneau> cool
<mithro> how do I exit flterm?
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<ysionneau> ctrl+C I think
<ysionneau> then just type "reset" + enter
<ysionneau> because it will have fucked up your terminal
<mithro> ha, I didn't even think to use the obvious :P
<ysionneau> ;)
<mithro> rebuilding with memtest enabled
<sb0> kc705 sdram: http://pastebin.com/MZ1ErXeu
<ysionneau> sb0: yeah!!
<mithro> ysionneau: so, what is the next step after the bios?
<ysionneau> so you found a reliable way of calibrating everything for the DDR2? (I'm not aware of the DDR technical details)
<sb0> DDR3 and yes
<ysionneau> right, cool
<sb0> reliable at least on one board ;)
<ysionneau> by reading the discussion (without understanding everything) it seemed not that easy
<ysionneau> mithro: I don't know, you could try to load an application by uart doing serialboot, or you could try to have the BIOS work in Flash
<mithro> ysionneau: serialboot sounds like a good idea
<ysionneau> so far you don't use the SDRAM onboard?
<ysionneau> (talking to mithro)
<mithro> ysionneau: nope! - which is why I'm compiling with memtest
<_florent_> sb0: cool :), I'll try it on my board once committed
<mithro> ysionneau: well - using mr and mw to read / write data seems to have kind of worked
<ysionneau> mithro: you are reading/writing to the on-chip SRAM?
<mithro> ysionneau: in theory - no idea if I actually got the address right....
<mithro> ysionneau: is there a way to get the memtest stuff to run from the bios? or do I need to load a memtest program using the bios?
<ysionneau> I've never played with memtest
<mithro> LD memtest.elf
<mithro> lm32-elf-ld: memtest.elf section `.bss' will not fit in region `sdram'
<mithro> lm32-elf-ld: region `sdram' overflowed by 14232 bytes
<mithro> make: *** [memtest.elf] Error 1
<mithro> opps, sorry about that
<ysionneau> maybe you can try to increase SRAM size
<ysionneau> x2
<ysionneau> what are you trying to test with memtest?
<mithro> if writing / reading from memory actually works
<ysionneau> you could not run the BIOS without reading/writing to memory
<ysionneau> memory here means SRAM (not the DRAM)
<ysionneau> the fact that the BIOS boots means that SRAM+ROM works
<ysionneau> and you can play with mr and mw indeed a bit to see for yourself
<mithro> yeah, but that is all on the FPGA, right? I'd like to test the off chip DDR2 memory
<ysionneau> write something, read it back
<ysionneau> yes SRAM+ROM is on-chip
<ysionneau> in your target file, have you wired everything for the DDR2 to work?
<ysionneau> I've never make DDR workd myself on a new target
<mithro> ysionneau: in theory I have
<mithro> ysionneau: it's probably all totally wrong though
<ysionneau> so yes you can test your DDR2 setup by uploading the memtest via serialboot
<ysionneau> sb0: the software doing the "Initializing SDRAM..." part, is this FPGA-chip dependant? board dependant? or does it work with all misoc ports?
<_florent_> mithro: before running memtest, you have severals things to verify and change to use the DDR2
<_florent_> mixxeo use a DDR not a DDR2, and you have to change the Phy's parameters
<mithro> _florent_: done!
<mithro> well, in theory - I'm not sure I've got the timing numbers right
<_florent_> memtest is in fact testing the DMA
<_florent_> before that you have to verify that the PHY is working well
<mithro> _florent_: how does one do that?
<mithro> _florent_: I've only used the MIG in ISE to do this before
<_florent_> you could have a look here:
<_florent_> except that ddryyy was renamed to sdryyy
<mithro> _florent_: do you know what the test pattern is suppose to look like?
<mithro> _florent_: I seem to be getting 1011121310111213 every time
<_florent_> the write function is here:
<_florent_> that does not seem so bad
<_florent_> except that you only get results from phase 1 (0x10) and not phase 0
<mithro> sdrinit shows "Memtest failed: 524288/1048576 words incorrect"
<mithro> which looks precisely like *half* the words are incorrect
<_florent_> yes
<_florent_> can you provide me your target file?
<mithro> _florent_: target file?
<ysionneau> the file in /targets/
<ysionneau> misoc/targets/
<_florent_> your top in fact
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<_florent_> just to see the DDR2's parameters and how you instanciate the PHY
<mithro> _florent_: sure - just let me check that I haven't stuffed up my Geom/Timing settings
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<mithro> _florent_: I don't quite understand the correct values to use for req_queue_size=8, read_time=32 and write_time=16 given to the lasmicon.TimingSettings
<_florent_> you don't need to change that
<_florent_> req_queue_size if the size of the cmd fifo
<_florent_> read_time and write_time define the time to alternate between read and write IIRC
<mithro> _florent_: just uploading my target information now
<mithro> It's a bit confusing as originally this board had the MT47H64M16HR-25E part, but it was then replaced with the MIRA P3R1GE4JGF - yet the data sheet says it's been replaced with the P3R1GE*3*JGF
<_florent_> and if you read directly on the SDRAM? :) (but I think they are all compatible)
<mithro> _florent_: reading directly from the chip I find MIRA P3R1GE4JGF
<mithro> _florent_: they have different bank/col/row structure from what I can see
<mithro> sdrrd still returns 1011121310111213
<_florent_> we have a board working with DDR2, you can try to use the same settings on the PHY:
<_florent_> 80MHz sys_clk
<_florent_> self.submodules.ddrphy = s6ddrphy.S6DDRPHY(platform.request("ddram"), memtype="DDR2", rd_bitslip=0, wr_bitslip=4, dqs_ddr_alignment="C0")
<mithro> _florent_: I'm a little worried about the change I had to do to make the ddram_clock a DIFF_SSTL18_II
<_florent_> what was the change?
<_florent_> we are using that for our DDR2 board:
<mithro> Running on MiSoC rev. 86afedb4 (sysid:UN) at 83MHz <- should that be 80MHz?
<mithro> _florent_: got a link to a repo with this DDR2 board configuration in it?
<_florent_> yes you can change to 80MHz, but it should also work at 83MHz
<_florent_> sorry I can't give you the link, the design is for a customer
<mithro> well, I think I should head to bed
<ysionneau> funny (or normal): on lm32, call ra is pass-through :)
<ysionneau> it just continues to execute at the following instruction
<ysionneau> even if ra is something totally different
<ysionneau> which makes sense but I never thought about it :p
<larsc> so it first loads ra and then jumps there
<ysionneau> yep I guess so
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<GitHub164> [NetBSD] fallen pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/JSIWxw
<GitHub164> NetBSD/master 955faef Yann Sionneau: Load and store context according to trapframe structure
<GitHub164> NetBSD/master 13ee50f Yann Sionneau: Restore kernel stack upon exception if we were in userland......
<GitHub164> NetBSD/master 3140a34 Yann Sionneau: Add support for syscalls...
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<GitHub79> [NetBSD] fallen pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/QQk32g
<GitHub79> NetBSD/master bb0f731 Yann Sionneau: Add skeleton of character device support for uart
<GitHub79> NetBSD/master c950c7d Yann Sionneau: Update init sources
<ysionneau> I updated a small tutorial for those who want to play with NetBSD/lm32 : http://sionneau.net/edgebsd/
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