rjo, your last emails say "PATCH 1..3/7" - are patches 4..7 missing?
[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/qGiigQ
migen/master 7c19e43 Robert Jordens: vivado: mode batch to prevent vivado from opening tcl shell on error
migen/master 6836432 Robert Jordens: cordic: vivado is bad at inferring compact adder/subtractor logic
migen/master 4328122 Robert Jordens: vivado: add more reporting
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rjo, you can get close - if you always access the page buffers (i.e. only make accesses that are within the same row in each bank) then the only dead times are due to refreshes, roughly 1%
otherwise, there are delays due to the precharge/activate when you cross a row boundary in a bank. on a sequential access, they are small.
switching between read and write also causes turnaround and write recovery delays
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sb0: re patches. yeah. they are not ready yet ;)
sb0: i see. so a lasmi dma master would then run at -- lets say -- 125 MHz with 512 bit wide data?
I'm not sure if we're going to do any DMA...
sb0: ack.
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we're probably going to put the network packets in BRAM
it's a small amount (a few kilobytes) and it's much easier. especially if we want to do some processing in gateware.
sb0: re DQ write leveling. are the measured read delays not a good estimate for the write delays?
they are related, yes
sb0: i was thinking about fast and long streams of rtio pulses.
sb0: but they not a better estimate than the initial write leveling you do?
the write leveling aligns DQS with CK (for each chip)
of course, the more skew one chip has, the more delay you need to put on DQS in order to align it
and the later it outputs data after a read command
but you put the same delay on DQ (-specced S/H).
there is no special leveling of DQ wrt DQS.
when writing, DQ has setup/hold requirements wrt DQS. but no, there is no special calibration mode for this timing, all you can do is try to write and read back
I don't think you can use the read DQ timing to determine the write timing, as the SDRAM has a nonzero clock-to-data (and clock-to-DQS) spec
(when reading)
write timing and read timing are related, but not to the level of precision we need
sb0: i see. and the DQ DQS length match is probably much better then what could be inferred from the read leveling.
yes. and we're already making a length matching assumption to be able to send the command/address to the SDRAM (though the bit times are 2x slower there)...
vivado is taking an unholy long time to compile this thing...
oh yes
that's why I've been mostly using ISE
isnt it supposed to be faster?
and why does it take 90k luts just for the lm32_load_store_unit?
rjo, do you really want all lines <= 79 chars?
sb0: pretty please ;) is that a problem?
it results in more lines/scrolling, and modern monitors (unlike 80col VGA consoles from ages ago) have no problems with long lines
but well, I'm not going to argue about that...
vivado is doing something wrong. both lm32 and mor1kx need ~90k luts just for the lsu
that may help explain the long compile times
did it fail to infer block RAM?
sb0: monitor real estate is not the reason for short lines. the fact that short lines are more readable has been known since the first books were printed ;)
sb0: doesnt look like it. it uses 241 "luts as memory"
sb0: they are all used as logic.
multipliers are there as well...
do you have a xilinx webcase account?
i believe i received that honor by randomly clicking around at some point in the past. but i never made use of it.
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vivado swap the dcache memories for luts to improve timing
so, it's not a bug, but a feature
I bet you can turn that off somehow
stekern: what message am I looking for to confirm that?
wait, I can look it up
stekern: it claims it only uses 240 luts as distributed ram
rjo, if that was years ago, they probably closed it (they closed a bunch of them and redirected users to the community forums where legitimate xst bug reports turn into FSM coding styles discussions that have nothing to do with the bug)
stekern: but 79k slice registers and 90k luts as logic...
otherwise, that's the sort of problem they used to fix
sb0: no i just checked. i can still log in with my old ETHZ account and jsut for good measure i am also getting a webcase account for here now...
sb0: ack. i might try to submit that then...
if there wasn't "Oracle Access Manager Operation Error
anyways. gotta go now. stekern. if you can give me a hint what i should be looking for, i'll scroll through the log tomorrow.
rjo: hmm, doesn't seem to be in the reports, so it was probably somewhere in the stdout output I saw it