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<sb0> anyone has a Migen/MiSoC ZBT SRAM controller?
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<sb0> seriously, in python you can't terminate another thread while it is blocking on I/O? WTF?
<sb0> this is completely stupid
<_florent_> I had a similar issue a few days ago, didn't search that much, but yeah I wasn't able to terminate a thread waiting for a UDP packet that won't come anyway...
<_florent_> If you find a workaround please share...
<sb0> use asyncio in the thread (haha)
<sb0> what happens if you close the socket it's attempting to read from? does it bomb or handle that correctly?
<sb0> theoretically, it's just doing a os syscall, which at least on linux does the right thing
<sb0> cancelling socket.create_connection is more of an issue...
<sb0> bah
<sb0> you can also just mark the threads as "terminate when you can" and let them do the cleanup...
<sb0> they'll linger around in memory for a while until their ios complete or time out ...
<sb0> hopefully you can forget about the threads after you have flagged them for termination, unless python messed up thread garbage collection too
<ysionneau> you can provide a timeout to create_connection() maybe it can help?
<sb0> if that timeout is 10 seconds, without cancellation support terminating the thread can take up to 10 seconds
<sb0> which is pretty shitty
<ysionneau> timeout seems to be a float so I guess you can provide the precise value which works best (or, let's say, less shitty) for you
<_florent_> I ended up with a timeout in my case... which is yes pretty shitty, but it was a dirty test anyway...
<sb0> what if your network is slow and you need that long timeout?
<ysionneau> :/
<ysionneau> agreed timeout does not help
<sb0> + methods = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(methods.items()))
<sb0> + for name, (argspec, docstring) in methods.items():
<sb0> huh, no
<sb0> for name, (argspec, docstring) in sorted(methods.items()):
<GitHub123> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/NOui
<GitHub123> artiq/master a7405de Sebastien Bourdeauducq: protocols/pc_rpc: add best effort client
<GitHub123> artiq/master 6d11da3 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: pc_rpc/BestEffortClient: add logging
<sb0> + remote.select_rpc_target(args.target)
<sb0> + remote = Client(args.server, args.port, args.target)
<sb0> WTF?
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#12 (master - 6d11da3 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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<ysionneau> heuuuuuuu
<ysionneau> oops
<ysionneau> forgot to remove that sorry
<sb0> fixing it now
Bertl is now known as Bertl_zZ
<GitHub165> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/NOoK
<GitHub165> artiq/master b396f5d Yann Sionneau: pc_rpc: support for method listing, frontend: artiq_rpctool, +fixes by SB
<sb0> ysionneau, what if you want to pass a list as sole argument to a rpc method?
<sb0> I don't quite get how you parse the method arguments
<sb0> why not simply eval each command line argument?
<sb0> then you can use " or \ if they contain spaces
<ysionneau> 17:46 < sb0> ysionneau, what if you want to pass a list as sole argument to a rpc method? < you would have to do '((1,2,3))' which I confess is not really handy :/
<sb0> why didn't you just do method(*[eval(arg) for arg in args]) ?
<ysionneau> I wanted to avoid using the normal spliting by spaces to allow using spaces in python syntax without having to use " " everywhere
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#13 (master - b396f5d : Yann Sionneau): The build passed.
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<sb0> using " and \ could be a lesser evil than the confusing behavior with lists...
<ysionneau> yes now that you say it I realize it would be better in fact.....
<ysionneau> I agree it's more clear than having to do weird stuff like (()) for single parameter which is a list
<ysionneau> let me adapt this
<sb0> () is a tuple not a list
<GitHub55> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/NOHO
<GitHub55> artiq/master 1b3603d Sebastien Bourdeauducq: pc_rpc/BestEffortClient: add docstrings
<GitHub55> artiq/master 39dfbb4 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: ddb: support for best effort RPC client
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#14 (master - 39dfbb4 : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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