sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
<GitHub141> [artiq] sbourdeauducq tagged 0.1 at e8891eb:
<GitHub37> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub37> artiq/master 4dd0693 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: add release notes/process
kyak_ is now known as kyak
<GitHub26> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub26> artiq/master fa1afb7 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: add information about CLOCK hardware
<GitHub26> artiq/master b3ba97e Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gateware: clean up and integrate QC2 modifications from Daniel
<GitHub14> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub14> artiq/master db8ba8d Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gateware: add clock target from David
<GitHub14> artiq/master 18f0ee8 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gateware: add QC1 docstring
<GitHub166> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub166> artiq/master dae63bd Sebastien Bourdeauducq: conda: add artiq-kc705-nist_clock
<sb0> whitequark, can you add that one to the buildbot plz?
<whitequark> one moment
<whitequark> the builds will become even slower...
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<GitHub121> [buildbot-config] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub121> buildbot-config/master e4fec5b whitequark: Add builder for artiq-kc705-nist_clock.
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<GitHub189> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to ppp2:
<GitHub189> artiq/ppp2 8cbb60b Robert Jordens: Merge branch 'master' into ppp2...
<cr1901_modern> rjo: ping
<cr1901_modern> I read your email. The main reason for me using a canvas- free zoom support- didn't work out. I've still been using a canvas mainly because it gives me free mouse handling/priority support and lets me create graphical objects like markers/num points easily. I've been thinking about going back to subclassing a slider however if I can figure out how to redraw the cursors.
<cr1901_modern> This is going to be necessay from a UI standpoint to distinguish max and min. Additionally, Qt, for whatever farfetched reason, let's you embed a standard widget into a canvas, so I could go a hybrid route if I so desired.
<rjo> "cursors" == "movable elements on the slider"?
<rjo> or handles?
<cr1901_modern> the former
<rjo> would be the same for me.
<rjo> something like looked like a reasonable approach to me.
<cr1901_modern> Well, I guess changing how the cursors paint themselves isn't absolutely necessary
<rjo> but i am also not really the most experienced here.
<rjo> but yes. free zooming should not be very helpful because of all the ticklabel adjustments necessary.
<cr1901_modern> If you're referring to how the labels get screwed up in my current design, there's a formatting string I can use to fix it
<cr1901_modern> but I don't remember it XD
<rjo> it is pretty tricky to implement useful automatic axis ticking and labeling. see the piles and piles of code matplotlib has for it.
* cr1901_modern thinks he did an okay job of it :P
<cr1901_modern> I guess your friends at NIST disagree? ;)
<rjo> anyway: even having two QSliders, one for start, one for stop, both properly linked and labeled would be fine with me.
<rjo> well we all knew that there are various tricky parts to it.
<cr1901_modern> Did you read my QtCentre post if sb0 forwarded you the email? It explains the source of the bugs
<cr1901_modern> (well the ones I know about)
<rjo> the others here have not commented much, nothing technical anyway.
<rjo> i don't think i have seen that mail.
<cr1901_modern> TLDR: Something that I'm assuming is an invariant, when converting between pixels to "what's displayed on the spinbox", isn't holding during resize. This includes the resize when the application starts.
<cr1901_modern> Just to humor me, could you copy/paste the code sample in the linked thread, uncomment line 62, and tell me if you get an assertion failure on start?
<cr1901_modern> if not, resize until you do
<rjo> ah. that is probable also the underlying mechanism for the flip-flopping data if you switch between view-to-range and range-to-view
<cr1901_modern> Yes, that is what I believe as well. Sometimes they do coincide exactly (as they should)
<rjo> yes. that code asserts on resizing.
<rjo> for labeling an axis just imagine the case where you are viewing the range [1e12 - 1e-6, 1e12] and want to supply proper ticks and labels without messing everything up.
<rjo> and remembering that this widget should be very compact.
<cr1901_modern> Well, rjo, you gave me an idea for displaying ticks
<cr1901_modern> It's definitely possible w/ scientific notation that each major tick is so close together that with a certain displayed precision, they have the same value
<cr1901_modern> i.e. 5 major ticks displayed, all with the value 1e12
<rjo> well. again you may look at matplotlib how they do it. they try to figure out the offset and rewrite the labels accordingly, displaying the offset somewhere in a corner.
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<cr1901_modern> matplotlib does what matlab does IIRC. Which is the major ticks all display the same value :P
<cr1901_modern> In any case, good to know that it fails on your machine too. At least I know the problem if anything
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<rjo> cr1901_modern: no. matplotlib writes it as "1e-6 2e-6 3e-6 + 1e12
<rjo> "
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<sb0> whitequark, why does CompileError need special treatment in
<sb0> can't the worker just "terminate with exception" like it does for all others?
<sb0> you want to suppress the traceback from inside the compiler?
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