sb0: sorry, no progress last week. Status is:
ku/a7 drtio: working in simulation, need onboard tests and adjustments (mosty on the phase detector part, I'm trying to get that working with a hdmi rx design)
ku jesd204: working fine (initialization issues have been fixed on ku and k7)
jesd204 cleanup: still some points to cleanup, but not blocking (I'll do that soon)
wb bridge: working in simulation and tested over udp, I'm waiting for the hardware to test between ku and a7
sb0: I expect to have everything in a usable state one week after receiving the hardware. I'll still have to do some cleanup after that but you will be able to work on the integration while I'll be doing my cleanup
sb0: a7 drtio: sorry I was speaking of the ku/a7 link for the wb bridge
sb0: for ku drtio I still have to get rx working (it's working with internal loopback, but not with external), I'm going to look at that today
sb0: could you estimate how long you think it will take to get the artiq-3 ethernet interface to a state where one can use it in the lab?
(we are being killed by 'connection reset by peer' errors under artiq-2 for a long-running experiment, making it impossible to take data, and I am trying to work out the best way forward)
whitequark, ^
cjbe, as for the lwip bug, that tends to vary depending on what is connected to the board (switch, router, direct to PC etc.)
sb0, yeah - if the artiq-3 stuff looks like it will take a while, I can probably bodge it (find the magic combination of hardware, then hack some way of gracefully recovering from the errors), but I would rather put the effort into artiq-3