avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<Atluxity> bsb-the-grey: fancy running into you here
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<Atluxity> Greetings good people of #mirage ! I am the head of the Norwegian Unix Usergroup (NUUG), and today I learned about unikernels. I was wondering if anyone in the community was located near Oslo, Norway and would consider giving a talk at our UUG. :)
<yomimono> Atluxity: I don't see him in IRC at the moment but http://www.skjegstad.com/ would be perfect
<Atluxity> yomimono: looks good
<Atluxity> I'll idle here and see if he turns up
<yomimono> atluxity: e-mail might be better; he has contact info under the about section of his site :)
<Atluxity> ah, thank you for that
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<bsb-the-grey> lol
<bsb-the-grey> I'm just a lurker
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<dell_> Hi,
<dell_> I wanted to know where I can find open bugs on Mirage?
<yomimono> hi dell_, they're a bit scattered across the various repos but here are good places to start: https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues , https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tcpip , https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www
<Drup> (Not to forgot https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Pioneer-Projects if that is what you are looking for)
<yomimono> if you're looking for ideas about how to do a larger contribution, you might find the pioneer projects wiki interesting as well
<yomimono> nice timing drup :)
<Drup> :]
<Nutan> Thanks, yomimono, I have just started with Mirage and would like to contribute being part of Outreachy
<yomimono> oh cool, Nutan! that's how I got started with MirageOS too :)
<Nutan> Are there any low hanging fruit kind of bugs?
<Nutan> Wow, that sounds great..!!
<yomimono> nutan: unfortunately we don't have a nice list of easy bugs
<yomimono> but a very fruitful way of finding a first contribution is to go through the "getting started" section of this page: https://mirage.io/docs/
<Drup> the pioneer projects are annotated with *presumed* difficulty rates though
<yomimono> nutan: so far I think we're close to 100% for people finding something to change about that documentation which qualifies nicely as an initial contibution
<Drup> However, I do think the best way is really to create a small unikernel doing whatever float your boat. Since mirage is heavily decoupled, the distance between "doing a unikernel" and "contributing to the ecosystem" is small
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