avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<amirmc> Hi folks, the link for the MirageOS call is: https://meet.jit.si/MirageOS
<mort___> hm
<mort___> in but no sound or pictures from anyone else
<mort___> one other person in but with stopped camera and muted audio
<amirmc> My audio should be on
<mort___> if that's you with the little robot face, then the icons say your audio is muted
<amirmc> I did have it turned off but can't hear anyone now
<amirmc> Who you calling robot face? (my video is shared)
<mort___> ok you i can't see at all
<mort___> there is one blue robot face
<mort___> who is apparently the owner of the conference
<mort___> ok am going to try reloading and see if anything changes
<amirmc> Taht would be me. can you see anyone else
<mort___> ah
<noddy> there's a few ppl
<mort___> now there are many people in
<mort___> jitsi is weird
<noddy> but i can't see anyone's video
<mort___> i can hear noone and see noone's video
<amirmc> (sigh) this worked so well two weeks ago
<mort___> though i see many participants listed, all of whom appear to be muted
<mort___> trying again
<noddy> this worked flawlessly 2 wks ago
<amirmc> Dave is unmuted
<mort___> can still hear noone
<mort___> nada
<mort___> pins dropping
<mort___> if a pin drops in the forest and noone can hear it, is it still sharp?
<djs55> we could switch to irc for the chat and keep the video?
<mort___> i acn hear things now
<noddy> um i think it uses webrtc
<noddy> i think webrtc is over udp
<noddy> i think udp is hopelessly blocked on the lab internal network
<noddy> but it works via wifi
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<djs55> there are now 2 morts!
<Drup> My conclusion: irill's wifi is not appropriate for this.
<mort___> can never have too many morts
<Drup> welp, I don't have audio at all anymore :(
<mort___> drup: page reload?
<Drup> I think the wifi is just not good enough, nevermind. I will make sure to have a proper connexion next time
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