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<rudenoise> Anyone got time for a quick Lwt question?
<hannes> sure!
<rudenoise> I'm wondering how I'd achieve something similar to Promise.all() from JavaScript, is it Lwt_mvar?
<hannes> Lwt.choose I'd say...
<hannes> or Lwt.join
<hannes> the mvars are similar to erlang-style mailboxes where you put and take values...
<hannes> if you want to sync multiple tasks [t1..tn], you either want that any finished (Lwt.choose) or all (Lwt.join)
<rudenoise> So I start with a list of repos and need to make a request for data about each, then add the responses (once all resolved) to a new list. Which I currenlty do with Lwt_list.map_s https://github.com/rudenoise/mirage-dashboard/blob/master/src/mirage_dashboard.ml#L49
<rudenoise> It works but is quite slow as (I assume) it handles each request/response in turn
<hannes> use map_p :)
<hannes> (the map_s is the sequential map, map_p the parallel one)
<rudenoise> Ha! That's done it, thanks Hannes!
<hannes> you're welcome
<rudenoise> I'll read the docs a little more closely next time.
<hannes> oh, no worries. asking questions is perfectly fine. this channel is too quite anyways (seems like most camels are sleeping) ;)
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<engil> ohai
<engil> Druup: following what you said the other day, I tested creating a custom device to run various shell commands at configure time
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<engil> But I think I miss something, do I really need to provide the module in the end to the application's main module ?
<Druup> engil: you don't, you can just add it as a dependency
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<Druup> engil: alternatively, you can specify it as a job
<Druup> it would be nice to have that in functoria directly, actually
<engil> thanks, that works well that way :)
<engil> (as a deps)
<engil> I think I'll keep this solution, way better than crafting some random shell script
<engil> what do you mean by having that in functoria directly ?
<Druup> engil: having a combinator that, given a shell line, would make a device running it a configure time
<Druup> at*
<Druup> sidenote: you don't even need this Shellconfig module
<Druup> just return something like "Functoria.Runtime" as module :)
<Druup> Functoria_runtime*
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<engil> oh, okay, great :), I could put pretty much whatever I want I think since I'm using my device only as a dep
<engil> (if i'm not mistaking)
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<Druup> Yes :)
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<reynir> I've had problems with doing ~7000 requests using map_p
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