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<mort___> hannes: there?
<hannes> no, but here... not there..
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<mort___> sorry was afk :)
<mort___> so— about ocaml-pcap and the mess i made of it...
<mort___> i'm trying to put together a cleaned up master that doesn't have all the random commits i made in PR #3
<mort___> does anyone have an objection to that? is anyone actively using the current master branch and would find it annoying to have yet another pointless API change?
<hannes> mort___: I use the latest release, as do most people I'd think
<mort___> yeah, that's what i figured
<hannes> and you should never depend on a current/master branch for some API... rather stick to the API of the latest release
<hannes> thus: no objection from me
<hannes> :
<mort___> cool :)
<hannes> :) and thx for caring about it
<mort___> i'll try not to balls it up so badly this time…!
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<mort___> hannes: ok, my master branch now has my bad PR reverted and all djs55 good stuff reapplied (i think)
<mort___> before i dive off into the wilderness again — what i was trying to do with the bad PR was add support for a bunch of other packet formats. would you think that useful to add to this library, or something best done in some kind of aggregate library that uses this one for pcap parsing alone and pulls in others for other packet formats?
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<hannes> mort___: two scenarios: you want to implement protocol X --> the wire format of X should be in library X.wire_structs (to be reusable by other things)
<hannes> second: you just want to be able to parse Y, Z, A, B, and C: implement as a single independent library where people who want to work on protocol Y, Z, A, B can later carve it out into their own library
<mort___> yes— so (1) is what i believe several libs are now working towards (tftp.wire, mindy's recent work with tcpip), and (2) is where i'd gone to with my bad pr
<mort___> however, i'm now wondering whether ocaml-pcap is the place to do this or not at all
<mort___> as in, keep ocaml-pcap (which is the repo name for pcap-format ocamlfind lib) to be just pcap specific related stuff
<mort___> and then having some other as-yet-non-existing lib that aggregates pcap-format, such wire parsers as exist, and provides it's own parser-only implemnetations as needed
<mort___> since there are non-pcap capture formats that might reasonably be supported in such a tool, and since many people (possibly a majority?) will only want PCAP as it is
<mort___> plus specific protocols that they may be doing themselves, ie they won't want to pull in some kind of parses-everything tool
<mort___> i'm tempted therefore to force push my master onto mirage/ocaml-pcap, retaining my bad old-master as mor1-playpen
<mort___> any objections?
<mort___> (have checked with djs55, he's ok with this)
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<hannes> sounds good to me. yes, pcap-format should deal with pcap-format
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<mort___> hannes: ok, force push done
<mort___> hopeflly i didn't break anything (again)
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<apache2> oh no you broke my PR! ;)
<apache2> no :)
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