what is the purpose of that agenda item? collecting random comments + opinions about jbuilder here? or anything in particular?
I was just looking at the page history wondering who should be talking now ;)
so it looks like amirmc added this agenda item a while ago, is he here?
oh, you've just said ., you definitely are
Yes, <5 minutes ago
I added after avsm mentioned on the email list. I figured it might be worth talking about now., so it was meant as a reminder.
If there are no comments, or things to chat about synchronously, then we can keep it on the issue.
well, my question about this is whether anyone has taken the time to follow hannes and talex5's advice on how to proceed with evaluating jbuilder
I use ppx.lwt currently, hopefully that will get ported
namely "lease try some difficult packages first -- i.e. those which need C libraries to be compiled for multiple targets"
I agree with hannes' assessment.
other issues include: how to execute (depopt) tests? how to build docs? how to release packages with jbuilder (is sth like topkg lint fulfilled by construction?)?
I have been trying jbuilder a bit and it is *very* fast
Contributions to lwt are welcome.
but I really don't want to regress on the publishing workflow that we have with topkg
and - keeping moving parts low - maybe someone should finish the topkg ports first? maybe someone can come up with a topkg which calls out to jbuilder instead of ocamlbuild (it seems avsm doesn't think this is a good idea)
hannes: +1
yes, I would really hate to lose the workflow automation of topkg
for me that's the only blocker, until then I am pretty happy to continue experimenting
I don't think it's sensible to take an approach that regresses there
don't get me wrong -- I'd really love to get rid of ocamlbuild, and jbuilder looks promising
sounds like we should wait until topkg + jbuilder is ready then. Although I don't know how that would look like
Did daniel say something about supporting jbuilder in topkg?
he will not do it himself
yes, he said he was happy to relicense some bits of code if it helps
hannes: the question about depopts is easy in your situation. You should get rid of them and have proper sub packages.
and that someone should copy/paste the bits of code needed inside jbuilder
as I understand it, daniel wanted jbuilder to present the same api as topkg for use in opam
topkg works by calling the build system with a list of targets
which are the one the package wants to install
I guess `jbuilder build <the list of targets>` should work
rgrinberg: let me rephrase this, you mean the solution is to always have a 1:1 correspondence of opam and ocamlfind packages? and never have some foo.bar package?
and yes, I tend to agree about removing depopts
(when possible)
never is a strong word. but a strong preference against depopts is what we'd wnt
a "a 1:1 correspondence of opam and ocamlfind packages" seems like a good idea too
(e.g. less names)
then I'd expect someone to clean up e.g. tcpip using jbuilder as a PoC... and maybe also enlighten people on how to relese multiple packages out of a single repository at once..
(I agree that a 1:1 opam to ocamlfind is a good idea)
thomasga: no jbuilder in there afaics
ha ok. So let me rephrase my position: until we have the same workflow as we have today with topkg, I think it is very unwise to switch the mirage packages to jbuilder.
I think we all agree here
(e.g. Mirage3 without topkg would have been a nightmare to manage)
that's b/c ya'll have 50 repos ;)
thomasga: are you convinced by daniel's assesment that jbuilder should reimplement the parts of topkg that it is missing?
thomasga: well... this raises two questions: what are the mirage packages? are these PRs on various repos about jbuilder getting merged?
@hannes: as far as I know only the _oasis repos are getting relifted with jbuildee
I'd say: oasis < jbuilder < topkg
hannes: some packages have never been topkg'd in the first place. Also for packages that strongly rely on depopts today, I believe that splitting them into proper opam sub packages is more important than a smooth release process.
rgrinberg: I am not sure how to merge topkg and jbuilder features, but I would trust Daniel on this one
I think he said someone should just "vendor" topkg inside jbuilder
I think the problem is that there is quite a lot of overlap between topkg (which creates an opam .install file) and jbuilder (which does too, as I understand it).
hannes: those don't have depopts
so the gain from jbuilder is marginal
I think packages such as lwt are a better targets
So topkg+jbuilder would result in duplication of some metadata.
rgrinberg: yes, they're (against your statement earlier) moving some topkg'ed package to jbuilder...
talex5: clearly need to sort that kind of overlap too
big, multiple sub packages, C bindings, ppx and camlp4, currently uses oasis
talex5: the overlap is as follows AFAIK: generation of .merlin, pkg.install, and META files. All of those things should clearly be done by jbuilder though
If someone (aka rgrinberg) can converts that and make a guide, lot's of packages can be converted
hannes: i might have misspoke, I think transitioning to jbuilder from topkg only makes sense if your package suffers from depopts
btw, I have a repo with multiple packages, C bindings, tests and jbuilder work great
(and it'll polish about the initial rough edges to make everything fit)
Yes, so the ideal system would be jbuilder + something for handling releases (possibly based on topkg's release system).
but I will need to publish some packages at one point :p
thomasga: including multiple targets/crosscompilation for the C artifacts?
good point about lwt, Drup, wihch I don't want to see get lost
hannes: not yet
also topkg has a nice watermarking system, doc generation, etc
(I'm really easy, please port to jbuilder -- I just won't do any of it (did sufficent oasis -> topkg work), and expect the same featureset as before)
lots of coold stuff
(I'm personally a lot more favorable to jbuilder's project descriptions that to topkg's lack of it)
(so when edges get a bit rounder, I might port ocsigen stuff to it)
if someone can just do a mix of both system (e.g. fast builds + nice release workflow) that would just be great
Drup: yeah, that's pretty clear. This is where I see the friction between topkg and jbuilder though. topkg shouldn't need its project description DSL when used with jbuilder
thinking out loud: a jbuilder flavor jbuilder will simply construct its project description data structure from the jbuild sexps. or use jbuilder's api.
an attempt to summarize: most people would be fine with switching to jbuilder if it didn't regress on the publishing workflow provided by topkg
it would be some work to do and that work would be helped by a nice complicated example port like lwt
with a nice writeup
I don't expect any movement on this without some work to provide jbuilder with the functionality we're missing and some work to provide the example mentioned above
further comments or explanations of my misunderstanding welcome
another feature missing in jbuilder seems to be mli-only modules...
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porting lwt to jbuilder just to for an example is pretty cruel :P. it's likely a massive task. But I think a typcial project with cstubs/ppx is in order.
need to run sorry, but I fully agree with the summary!
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it's not all about release workflow, also actual missing features... the cross-compilation of C code, atm usin ocl-stubblr etc., would be another feature we need for some libraries
rgrinberg: well, most people who learned oasis learned it by looking at lwt's oasis (written by diml!), why not repeat history ? :D
thanks hannes, that's a good point
but it is obviously not a all-or-nothing thing: different packages can use different build systems (and luckily those with c bindings are rather rare in the mirage ecosystem)
hannes: is that essential? just rename your .mli to .ml :P Agreed on the other points though.
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Yeah, if topkg was a decent wrapper around both systems, you could argue that the transition could be done gradually
rgrinberg: yes, tis is essential. no, renaming is not an option.
is symlinking an option? :)
no. doesn't work on windows.
and mli files are distributed/installed, whereas ml are not. if you duplicate the files (copy), each change will have to be done twice
ok then a manual rule that copies .mli -> .ml is probably doable. hannes if you think it's essential you should leave a comment here: https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/issues/9
I couldn't come up with any arguments why I couldn't do without it
a copy rule at build time may be an ok solution.. i will not distract myself into another build system
rgrinberg: Random question (since I literally *just* ran into this), is the jbuilder dependency on bash absolutely necessary?
there's no hard dependency on bash. just make sure not to use bash in your jbuilder rules
(mato: I use an old opam-repo snapshot atm without any newish sexplib etc. to avoid any of the struggle)
right, so it's the downstream's (in this case ppx_ast's) fault?
unless there are further points that could be helped by synchronous discussion, I'd like to propose that we move on
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hearing no objections: next item is meetbot, which I said last time I'd try to take a look at by this meeting
do or do not, there is no try, and in this case I did not
if we have other volunteers to look into that, I would be happy to see someone else take the time and set it up
otherwise I'll try to find time before our next meeting in April
other items?
I can add an AOB item about blog posts for the website about the hackathon.
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please do
well, as of about an hour ago,I have all the standalone ukvm tests passing on FreeBSD/vmmapi
nice mato@
that's great!
I *would* have had a mirage unikernel tested on FreeBSD by now, were it not for random breakage in the MirageOS dependencies on FreeBSD
mato: nice! what about clock?
hannes: I've solved clock, but can't test it properly w/o Mirage, which I can't install because blah.
the high level story for Solo5/ukvm is there are a bunch of in-progress ports that are hopefully going to merge together into a big happy family soon
originally we had the virtio and ukvm backends for Solo5 (both x86)
amirmc: to address your topic: gemma mentioned she has collected posts, and there'll be sth likely this week... avsm likely knows more
amirmc: I've collected the 10 trip reports we have received so far as well as some photos - I'm expecting a few more, then passing over to avsm
ukvm only ran on Linux/KVM on an x86
now some collaborators from ARM have got it running on Linux/KVM on ARM
hannes gemmag: great!
i can do a consolidated edit of the blogpost and send a PR to mirage-www
djwillia: have they actually booted on arm64 now? thats awesome!
and mato has got it running on FreeBSD/vmmapi.h, and I have got it working on MacOSX/Hyperisor.framework
the thing that makes all this difficult is that there are multiple "platforms" as well as multiple "architectures"
mato has a plan to make them all live happily together, which he is testing out with the FreeBSD port
avsm: i'm not sure if it's arm64 or arm32, mato do you know?
the cool thing about this is that on all of these platform/arch combos we should be able to run the tiny "unikernel monitor" (ukvm) instead of needing a more general-purpose VMM like QEMU
djwillia: avsm: arm64
thanks for the updates mato and djwillia :)
yeah, i think things are coming together rather nicely, hopefully april will be the month where Solo5 (and thus Mirage) gains a bunch of new targets
:D that's a great note on which to conclude I think!
thanks, everyone!
thanks yomimono for coordinating
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wave, sorry i wasn't able to attend the meeting, I did promise and do still intend to look at topkg-ing tcpip. from backscroll it seems like that's still wanted, and a further port to jbuilder would be done on top of that?
mattg: a topkg port would still be very welcome
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mato: Regarding the placement of the new source files: I put them in the kernel/ukvm dir alongside the existing UKVM/Solo5 kernel sources.
mato: Selection of the necessary files is done in the kernel/Makefile. Would you prefer if the Muen-specific code would reside in a distinct location e.g. kernel/muen ?
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