hannes changed the topic of #mirage to: MirageOS are OCaml unikernels - https://mirage.io - this channel is logged at http://irclog.whitequark.org/mirage/ - MirageOS 3.7.1 is released - happy hacking!
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<h01ger> anyone?
<hannes> h01ger: the debian opam package is not in a good state, and it looks like debian doesn't get their update together (please see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=908203 for further information, including fixes by mato) -- TL;DR: download https://github.com/ocaml/opam/releases/download/2.0.6/opam-2.0.6-x86_64-linux (signed by louis gesbert
* h01ger would like to get the opam package in buster fixed
<h01ger> this should just work as described on https://mirage.io/wiki/install
* h01ger reads #908203
<h01ger> https://paste.debian.net/1136767/ is btw my current problem
<hannes> h01ger: to me this looks like you try to use the not-working opam from debian. sorry, I already spent quite some hours on this issue, my recommendation is to use a good opam binary, as linked above.
<h01ger> thanks
* h01ger will try https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?att=1;bug=908203;filename=opam.diff;msg=68 instead, which is Stéphane's proposed patch for buster, based on mato's work, reviewed (but not tested) from anil. i can test that patch quite easily :)
<hannes> it may as well be that you've enough knowledge and power to push the patch which mato worked on and glondu linked to, and anil approved, into the main debian tree -- this would be great for other debian users as well :)
<h01ger> its not a tree but yes, that :)
<hannes> *shrug*
<h01ger> :D
<hannes> if you test that patch, and with your debian maintainer status, have enough weight, to get opam in buster fixed, that'd be amazing :D
<h01ger> i'm building the patched opam package now..
<h01ger> now testing it
<h01ger> <><> Creating initial switch (ocaml-system>=4.02.3) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
<h01ger> now worked \o/
<h01ger> now running 'opam install mirage' \o/
<hannes> you'll need a more recent ocaml though... opam switch create 4.08.1 :)
<h01ger> why do i *need* this?
<h01ger> (and why do i need to know this, iow, why isnt this handled with dependencies if i really need and not just want this?)
<h01ger> fixing opam / #908203 in buster will happen, the patch is reasonable and works. just the timeline for this happening is probably two months, when the next buster point release happens. (which is like 4-5 per year)
<h01ger> s#reasonable#reasonable size etc#
<h01ger> ┌─ The following actions failed
<h01ger> │ λ build dune 2.4.0
<h01ger> │ λ build ocamlbuild 0.14.0
<h01ger> i guess i need a newer ocaml ;p
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<hannes> why you need this -> OCaml is a programming language with a runtime that is continously enhanced. as developers, we like all the new features. as MirageOS project we stick to support "the latest two releases" (recently, 4.10.0 was released -- we are still supporting 4.07.0).
<hannes> opam knows about dependencies (also, ocaml is an opam package - but a bit magic) -- so opam install mirage will install you an old mirage if you use an old ocaml compiler and runtime. you can instruct opam with "opam install mirage.3.7.6" to get the shiny most recent mirage <- and this will fail on your debian/opam/ocaml-4.02.3 system.
<h01ger> ic, thanks
<h01ger> (already swicthed to ocaml 4.08.1 and successfullt ran opam install mirage, than got distracted)
<h01ger> now i hit 'no space left on device' when running 'make depend' for qubes-mirage-firewall :)
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<ahou> h01ger: have you considered trying the qubes-builder docs for mirage builds? you know, the one that starts with "create a disposable buildvm with 10GB of private space" ... :P
<h01ger> ahou: short answer: no
<h01ger> i created a buildbm though
<ahou> h01ger: semi-unrelated ... did you ever use qubes-builder on debian? (i adont know if that works or not)
<h01ger> i never used qubes-builder
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