darix: The solution I have in mind is to let @items be a proxy object that records whether it is accessed or not. That way, nanoc can know whether it potentially depends on the new item or not
I'll open source it later I think, need to iron few things out first
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guardian: ...which might mean never ;)
* Skyr
hasn't opensourced his config yet, because he wants to iron out a couple of things as well ;)
well… we'll see
I’m glad I opensourced nanoc! :D
I am too
ddfreyne: looks like nanoc rebuilds all my items, always
ddfreyne: how can i debug that?
guardian: rm -rf tmp will solve that, BUT if you want to do me a favour, send me your tmp :D
it will solve it?
how come?
something in tmp/ becomes corrupt :(
well I'll try with tmp removed first
zip your tmp/ first
(The broken one)
I was about to write
it it's because of tmp I upload it
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how do i tell nanoc not to delete my custom generated file in the output directory?
guardian: If nuking tmp/ solves your problem, do send me your old tmp/
TobiasFar: You probably have auto_prune: true in your nanoc.yaml/config.yaml
yep sure, think we agreed 3 lines ago :))
ddfreyne, yeah...is there a way to keep it with autoprune = true?
TobiasFar: How are you generating the file in output/ ?
It’s not the result of a routing/compilation rule I take it?
no..it's in the Rules file, File.open..it's a file with nginx redirect lines
TobiasFar: Ahh, you shouldn’t do that in the Rules file. Instead, create an item (in the preprocessor, if you want) and route it, so that the generated file behaves like a normal nanoc item
i have metadata for the redirects in each item so collect redirects in the preprocessing loop and write it out
TobiasFar: Instead of writing it out, create an item with the contents of the redirects, and add it to @items.
TobiasFar: Indeed… you can create a string with the contents using StringIO if you want
ddfreyne, is there a way to not have it put in a folder with index.html and putting a layout around the string?
TobiasFar: You can set up a routing and compilation rule for that specific item. The routing rule would return /.ayena.de.redirects and the compilation rule would be entirely empty
is there a more compact way of doing that?
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ddfreyne: removing tmp helps but, it looks like nanoc recompiles with css/main.css item through compass, then it recompiles many other items because my default layout cache busts my css file
ddfreyne: at least that's what I think is happening right now
guardian: Yeah, that is to be expected though
(Not that that can’t be improved)
so is there a way to prevent css recompile if nothing changes?
guardian: sounds basically like the same problem as my image handling problem^^
ddfreyne: if only the first css recompile didn't happen, then the rest would'nt be recompiled
afaik all items get recompiled if you add a new one
why did it try to recompile css/main.css in the first place?
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that's what I'm saking
nothing changed, just two compile -V in a row
second time recompiles and says identical
at least that's what I understood: identical means recompiled and found to be indentical right?
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guardian: just wait until you have a few hundred megabytes of images and it does that ;)
I’ll optimise that ;)
ddfreyne: can you explain why css gets recompiled in my case? maybe you don't have enough info
guardian: you can look up items by identifier free of charge (no dependencies)
how do I do that please?
apart from the one you found i hope
so if you change @items.find { |item| item.path == target } to @items.find { |item| item.identifier == target } and also the call to cache_bust to have an identifier as an argument, then that’ll be better
stbuehler: indeed
let's see
in fact semantically I like it better: referring to the css stylesheet identifier rather than path
and that reduces dependencies?
becaue identifiers don't change while path has to be copmputed?
given that you append the checksum of the file as querystring, i guess you could include the checksum in the output path and drop the querystring. might help some caching proxies which won't cache anything with querystring.
Dependencies are fairly coarse… you can’t have a dependency on a specific part of an item; it’s on the entire item directly
stbuehler: nope I dont' want to go that route
stbuehler: and cache proxies deal with query strings just fine
stbuehler: it's just squid proxy's default config which didn't but that was 2 years ago
stbuehler: until nanoc can route items based on content I'll stick to using query strings because the hash really depends on compass/sass' output
yesterday someone in #lighttpd wanted support for running lighty on debian 4.0
2 years ago doesn't seem that long ago...
yeah I own the server
it's nginx on squeeze without squid bullshit :)
yes, but not the ones where people run squid on :)
there are a lot of caching proxies, people do it at home to reduce bandwidth, mobile provides do it all the time, ...
hear hear
well i'll change that afterwards
still the choice is up to you ofc :)
compass's image-url uses a query string
guardian: couldnt you just use the checksum storted in the item object ?
so even if I change that on my site the whole result is half baked
as long as we don't have the delayed auto prune checksums in the output path can also theoretically break sites
darix: it really has to depend on compiled content, ideally
ddfreyne: better stil /about/ has a dependency of a an article post :)
guardian: Well, @items.find { … } for the /about/ page will also loop over articles, so that could be where the dependency is coming from
yes but
no because 1) in /about/ there isn't such a find
2) on my sites, blog posts and articles are treated alike albeit being routed differently and /about/ only depends on an article, not blog posts
but well it's up to me to find the reason obviously :)
guardian: /about/ depends on the stylesheet too, right?
it does, since it goes through default layout
so yeah it happens in default layout, when I don't layout /about/ there is no dependency
Error: The specified deploy target has an unrecognised kind ssh/scp <- i thought that was supported?
TobiasFar: rsync and fog are built-in, ssh and scp are not
Good news: tmp does not get corrupted THAT easily
guardian: Where does relativize_path come from?
I pasted it
and relative_path_to is stock helper's version
oh yeah :)
ddfreyne: sorry, im not sure im understanding things. i add tagging.rb to lib/ add "include Nanoc::Helpers::Tagging" to helpers.rb
FunkyPenguin: if you want to reuse it as-is, you don’t need to do anything with tagging.rb… just add the include to helpers.rb
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ddfreyne: so how should i define the tag class? what is the equivalent to link_categories?
ddfreyne: nevermind, got it - thanks
FunkyPenguin: What do you mean by tag class? there is no Tag class… once you have added the include to lib/ you can just use the methods in the Tagging helper in layouts et
ddfreyne: so, nothing obvious right?
ddfreyne: any of the two calls to cache_bust in the layout adds the dep
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guardian: Not at first sight
guardian: can’t talk atm, will take a closer look later
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ddfreyne: I progressed a bit, for when you want to think about it more. it all boils down to every item that goes through sass depends on all the other items :/
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guardian: Ahh… the sass filter does cause a dependency on all items because it needs content_filename attribute… hm.
is there a way around this? it should depend only on imported item, isn't that the point of what's happening in lib/nanoc/filters/sass.rb?
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guardian: Sass needs to find items by filename instead of identifier, so it needs to .find { |i| i[:content_filename] == … }
and doing item[:content_filename] creates a dependency?
guardian: yes, because that is accessing an attribute
Accessing content, attributes and paths creates dependencies
and can't that be relaxed?
yet it looks like the sass filter does its best to depend on imported items
and only those
and then it the end it depends on everything anyways
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is there a doc for item attributes?
particularly :content_filename?
Item attributes are entirely freeform; nanoc doesn’t about them. The filesystem data source adds the attributes :filename, :meta_filename, :content_filename and :extension by default though
Huh… that’s not even documented :(
* ddfreyne
adds to todo list
The cool thing is, though, that nanoc 4.x’ identifiers will eliminate all these problems :D
but why content_filename?
why not raw_filename?
instead of restricting raw_filename to binary items
guardian: raw_filename only works for binary items
and that also creates a dependency (same reason why dependencies on content are created)
I'm reading that
but I don't get the profound reason
eventhough items can be created dynamically
raw_fliename has sense for every on disk item, be it binary or text
then yeah if it doesn't help with dependencies… that's another story
also, sass filter does filter.depend_on so I guess at some point, in earlier nanoc releases, sass filtered items only had dependencies on imported items, and not everything
guardian: The reason why @items.find { |i| i[:attribute] == 'blah' } creates a dependency is because nanoc actually loops over all items to find the item that matches the predicate. All attributes are equal, so the same happens for :content_filename etc
guardian: As for raw_filename… hm. That would work, I think
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you just told accessing raw_filename creates a dependency as well right?
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Hm, it doesn’t, apparently
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ddfreyne: I replaced all [:content_filename] with .attributes.fetch(:content_filename) or .attributes.fetch(:content_filename, nil) depending on the code
ddfreyne: that prevents sass filtered item from depending on the world
ddfreyne: do you approve of this and want a pull request?
in sass.rb
guardian: That might work but it’s really not good behavior :(
I don't get why it's not good behavior
sass filltered items depending on everything isn't that great either :)
banging my head around why it's not good behavior and I don't see how it can break :(
guardian: Not sure about raw_filename… I think you could just use that straight away
the doc says raw_filename isn't available for non binary items
guardian: ah, true
that's why I used fetch
guardian: Accessing attributes *in general* needs to create dependencies
but content_filename is not a *general* attribute
and you don't use the value of the attribute to produce something, you use the value as an intermediate step to reach the corresponding nanoc item
guardian: true, and you could probably use it the way you do (with fetch etc)
that's why I believe in this special case it's acceptable
guardian: Perhaps, but I’d rather not put it in nanoc itself :)
guardian: It doesn’t quite feel clean
guardian: If it’s any consolidation, nanoc 4.0 will have identifiers that are actual filenames :)
consolation, too
but it doesn't feel ok to have sass filtered item to depend on everything
ddfreyne: would you accept to relax the constraint on raw_filename? and make it work on text items as well?
ddfreyne: imho, for a text item, it's reasonable — raw_content gives the content, raw_filename gives :content_filename
why would the sass filtered item depend on everything just for reading one attribute?
that sounds wrong
that's exactly what I'm arguing for the last minutes :)
guardian: raw_filename for all items would be a good idea, I think
ah, because sass needs to find the other css items. sry, got it. and yes, the sass filter should work around that :)
nanoc’s goal is to be correct as possible, and that means that if it can’t infer that a dependency is not necessary, then it will create one
Too many is better than too few in this case
then create a getter that finds items based on filenames and doesn't depend on all items
better being “correcter” not “faster”
that way you have a clean api that is certainly not broken
ddfreyne: I don't get what makes .attributes.fetch dirty though
guardian: I never intended #attributes to be publicly accessible :)
@item[:foo] is the same as @item.attributes[:foo] and then creating a dependency, so with #attributes you’re short-circuiting some nanoc logic
ddfreyne: I'm happy to provide you with 2 pull requests anyways: one for item so that raw_filename is always available, and another so that sass filter uses raw_filename
would that work?
guardian: I wouldn’t bother, because I’m working on a nanoc 4.0 branch where identifiers are filenames
So you can do compile '/assets/fonts/*.eot' and @items['/assets/stylesheets/_fonts.sass'] for instance
but would the proposed changes make into 3.6.3?
guardian: your proposed changes?
<guardian> ddfreyne: I'm happy to provide you with 2 pull requests anyways: one for item so that raw_filename is always available, and another so that sass filter uses raw_filename
guardian: Those could go into 3.7.0
guardian: Actually, do submit a pull request on the master branch (not release-3.6.x and not experimental-4.0)
ddfreyne: if you have few spare minutes I find things weird with dependencies as well, unrelated to sass filter
guardian: sure, shoot!
If it’s about new items causing dependencies from all existing items onto the new item, that’s a known issue :)
show-data says items are outdated because Rules file changed
but it didn't
I'm launching compile -V, then show-data |less
and I don't change files...
guardian: are you using any environment variables or globals in your rules? can you share the Rules file?
oh actually! it's related to sass as well
is outdated: The rules file has been modified since the last time the site was compiled.
happens on the 2 files that go through sass
but the rules file didn't change
happens on /css/main/ and /css/feed/ which are the two top level scss items my site has
changes to the Rules file are detected by running a fake “spy” item rep through the rules and seeing whether the rules have changed
For example, if you at some point say “filter :erb, :time => Time.now” then the Rules file would “change” every millisecond
perhaps something similar is happening now
guardian: Can you share the Rules file?
guardian: I have to go, actually…
ddfreyne: no problem we talk about that later
that happening on the 2 sole items that go through sass filter can't be a coincidence
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ddfreyne: you around by chance?
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guardian: half and half
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ddfreyne: I nailed it, even with an empty hash filter :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options.merge({}) makes every sass filtered item depend on Rules
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guardian: do you have a minimal test site? Can you create an issue for that at github?
oh I'll try to understand further
filter :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options makes every sass filtered item depend on Rules
it's not about merging
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I also raped Sass filter, and now it returns the empty string instead of invoking sass
so with that NOP Sass filter, adding filter :sass, Compass.sass_engine_options makes every sass filtered item depend on Rules
ddfreyne: also, I was able to modify the Sass filter to avoid using a global var, interested in that? it happens options hash given to Sass::Engine by doing ::Sass::Engine.new(content, options) is passed around as iss
ddfreyne: so you can do option[:nanoc_current_filter] = self, and take that back afterwards
guardian: Oh yes, the global-less version would be very useful
guardian: Also, does it still occur without Compass?
what still occurs without compass?
the weird dependency on Rules?
it's all about Compass.sass_engine_options
in fact, my NOP Sass filter doesn't even instantiate a Sass engine nor use nanoc's SassFilesystemImporter
so, it's all about nanoc detects something change in filter options
ddfreyne: ok enough debugging for me, if you have an idea I'm all hears tomorrow :) somehow nanoc recording rule memory thinks Compass.sass_engine_options differs from rep to rep
ddfreyne: my puts in Rules shows it differs from item to item, so I bet it differs to from rep to rep when running that "spy" rep
ddfreyne: and finally, I did @sass_options = Compass.sass_engine_options in my preprocess block. which I reuse afterwards in compile rules… in order to workaround all that hairy mess ;/
ddfreyne: I would like to talk about it further when you have spare time to read those 10 lines of backlog please ;)
fuck it doens't workaround the pb, anyways bed time