when I have a two-bit "mode" value, and I rotate between the four modes, but I don't care about the actual bit values of the mode, is there a way to leave the choice of values to the compiler?
do you want them to be "optimal", or just arbitrary?
optimal, if at all possible
it's not really possible because you can't really express that in verilog or yosys
it's a hard problem because it spans so many abstraction layers
the LUT mapper is the place where you know if the encoding is optimal, but by that point most representation info has been lost
so I'll put in values and whatev'
then you can permute them later
i did that for boneless
hmmm, I'd need to make them symbolic for that
python enum is the thing I need to do, lemme do it then
should I call the input clock clk or sync?
sync is the name of the domain
the clock name is <domain>_clk, except for sync, where it's just clk
I'm... not sure what it means
let me expand
a domain is essentially a flip-flop control set, i.e. clock signal, reset signal (if any), enable signal (if any)
the "default" domain, the domain where you put synchronous logic in modules that only work in a single domain (have no CDC inside), is called "sync"
in that domain, the conventional name for the signals is "clk", "rst" and "en"
in any other domain, say called "foo", the conventional name for the signals is "foo_clk", "foo_rst", "foo_en"
nmigen will assign that for you when you create a ClockDomain object
it mostly matters when you're reading verilog output
or rtlil
argh ImportError: cannot import name 'enum' from 'enum' (/usr/lib/python3.8/enum.py)
ok fixed
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'smode' and 'int'
Signal(Enum) doesn't seem to work
maybe due to python 3.8
ahh no, you can't have a reset value that's an enum value