it doesn't do any file sharing yet, though
Doesn't matter
Just looking at code
okay :-)
oh, are you still working on it?
i figured.
i haven't done anything on it for a while, but i think i'm going to hack on it a bit this weekend
ok, cool
hm, I'm just too nosy... what GNOME theme do you use?
hee hee, i think that's a late version of bluecurve (redhat's metacity theme)
actually, the gtk theme is bluecurve as well
ok, thanks
phubuh: which file should I start reading the code from? :)
(so that it's easiest to follow the program flow)
Client is the most high-level module, DirectConnect is slightly more low-level, and Connection is just a high-level interface to non-blocking unix tcp sockets
Ok, thanks
You don't mind if I reuse any of your code, do you? (I'll mention you of course)
absolutely not :-)
i absolutely don't mind, that is
Ok, especially the Connection things might come in handy ;-)
the creation of 'commands' in directConnect.ml is really really yucky and kind of hard to follow
heh, ok
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alors ca marche ocamlsdl avec la 3.07
je m'aprète à le faire
karryall: c'est ok
vous reconstruisez tous les packages debian pour la 3.07 ?
on a bientôt fini
pour lablgtk 1.2.6: Jacques ne l'a pas annoncé ou j'ai raté le mail ?
il n'a pas annoncé, il a juste répondu sur la liste debian-ocaml
ah ok
(si je me souviens bien)
il voulait faire une grosse release de lablgtk2 (pas beta) apres la 3.07, ça va être pour bientôt
oi, there isn't any C/C++ backend for O'Caml, is there?
like an ocaml compiler that compiles to C or C++?
this would be silly
so I can submit things to topcoder.com while practicing O'Caml ;-)
not that i know of...
Well, I guess I'll just use Scheme and Bigloo for that then
if think there was one for caml light ...
what is the benefit of compiling to C?
it may still be in the hump but caml.inria.fr seems down
two-face: topcoder.com only accepts C/C++/Java/VB code
and I just wondered, I don't think there is any *good* reason to do it
Just thought I might ask
Maddas: you loose efficency even
two-face: Yeah, I know
karryall: j'ai réussi à sauver ocaml-xlibs :)
two-face: bravo
karryall: bizarre j'arrive à booter mon disque quelquefois
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does O'Caml have a binary xor operator/function built-in?
Cool, what's its name?
manual.html :)
ok :)
directConnect.ml ;)
Hm? :)
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calculate_key uses a lot of bitwise operators :P
ok :)
ah, 'lxor'
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Why are integers so small in ocaml?
small ?
I assume they are 4 bytes, but they only seem to hold 2^30 - 1.
Printf.printf "Why are these equal? %d %d\n" 0xFFFFFFFF 0x7FFFFFFF;
The rascals use bits for garbage collection purposes.
you can use int32 or nativeint or bigint
But they are boxed, i.e., heap-allocated and accessed via pointers.
it is a matter of performance, which wasn't the point
anybody got a spamoracle database ?
(i delete my spam usually :)
Is there a way I can convert this small int into a normal full four byte int mathematically? (bit shifting somehow?) So it will be portable to other languages?
you can use int32 types to get those
ocaml is not a low level language
I never found it to be a real issue, anyway
Lets say I have an "ocaml" int that I send to a C app. How can the C app deal with it? (I can't use int32 since I'm not in control of the ocaml app).
it deals with it like any other integer
z|away: in ocaml .h files, there are macros that can handle them
64 bit systems have a valid integer range of -2^62-1 until 2^62-1 in O'Caml
(in case that matters)
yes. I'm looking for something more mathmatical, not ocaml related I guess. In Ocaml, 0x7FFFFF02 is -254, but on C it will be 2147483394, So, if I'm in C, how would I get -254 out of that... so they would be the same across platforms.
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You should consider using bigint if you are about this and are doing something "more mathematical."
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s/about this/worried about this
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