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Can someone with ocaml 3.07 run a short test program for me? I have 3.06 installed and I think I found a bug.
The program is only five lines:
let len: int = 32000;;
let buf: string = String.create len;;
let infd: Unix.file_descr = Unix.openfile "/dev/zero" [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0;;
let bytes: int = infd buf 0 len;;
let _ = Format.eprintf "bytes is %d, len is %d.\n@?" bytes len;;
In ocaml 3.06 on Linux, it reads 16384 bytes, not the requested 32000.
Hmm, looks like everyone is away from the keyboard. Sleep well, I may bug you in the morning.
Here's how you compile the program: ocamlc unix.cma -o foo
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TimFreeman: what about if you try to read 100 bytes or so?
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smkl: That works fine. The limit is 16384.
TimFreeman, you have not read the read() documentation carefully enough.
TimFreeman, the function is working correctly.
Smerdyakov: Cite some documentation. I read it quite carefully in the last hour and I disagree.
it doesn't guarantee that it reads all the bytes requested
Smerdyakov: is documented to work like the Unix read system call. The Unix read system call reads 32000 bytes when I ask it to read 32000 bytes from /dev/zero.
TimFreeman, that's a lucky break for you.
smkl: The unix read system call does read the number of bytes requested if you are reading from a file.
smkl: This has been the traditional behavior of the unix read system call for as long as it has existed.
TimFreeman, but the function has never been specified in documentation so as to require that behavior.
TimFreeman, try man 2 read to see for yourself.
Smerdyakov: It isn't luck. Unix read works that way.
No, the abstract specification of Unix read has never worked that way.
There's no reason for ocaml to emit a call to read 16384 bytes when I ask it to read 32000.
Why does there need to be a "reason"?
It fits the specification.
ocaml implementation uses an internal buffer for some reason ... that's why it's truncated
smkl: What's the reason? I gave it a buffer, all it has to do is call the Unix system read function and pass it my buffer and the size I requested.
hmm, because of the offset parameter
which is pretty useless, but ...
see otherlibs/unix/read.c ... i have to go
i guess you could just do buffer+offset when reading
smkl: I'm reading the POSIX standards. I'm sure it's in there somewhere. I agree that it isn't in the Linux "man 2 read" page.
smkl: But I'll continue tomorrow. Bedtime.
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j'ai defini un type : type type_validite = | Validite of (string*type_etats) list;;
et une fonction
let rec appartient e l = match l with
[] -> false
| t::q -> (e = t) || appartient e q ;;
Mais quand j'essai d'utiliser appartient
let v = Validite [("p",Etats [2]);("q",Etats [3])]in
appartient ("p",Etats [2]) v;;
j'ai une erreur This expression has type type_validite but is here used with type (string * type_etats) list
Comment je peut faire pour resoudre ce probleme en gardant appartient polymorphe ?
krosfells: it seems to me the problem is that v is no list
krosfells: maybe you should define the type as type type_validite = (string*type_etats) list
Ok thanks. It's work preety well
krosfells: or change the pattern matching in appartient Validite [] -> ... | Validite (t::q) ->
karryal: i prefer the other solution because with Validite [] the function becomes non generic. But thanks too
btw, there's List.mem that exactly this already
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whats new
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not much, it seems
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hi everybody
i have some works to do for my school in Caml
but i must use LaTeX for it
anyone have an idea to have a syntax recognition in LaTeX for Caml ?
you mean some kind of LaTeX pretty-printing of OCaml programs ?
french speaking ?
enfin oui
ben en fait
je début en LaTeX et en Caml
et j'ai un boulot scolaire a faire en LaTeX
des Exos sur Caml
j'aimerais avoir un moyen
d'avoir style la syntaxe reconnue pour Caml
j'entends par la style les mots clé en gras, paramètres en couleurs.....
pour mon code Caml
une idee ?
le manuel caml
bah ca concerne pas plutot LaTeX ?
y'a des outils de literate programming qui font ça
regarde ocamlweb
ah tu veux un pretty-print de code caml ?
pretty-print ?
nittch je te conseil le mode tuareg sous emacs et puis apres tu convertie ton source en ps avec les couleurs et tout.
bah la je met ca dans du \begin{verbatim}
tuareg j'utilise vi
ocamldoc (dans la distrib ocaml) peut aussi generer du LaTeX
ben si c'est juste pour imprimer le code sources en joli y'a un truc sous emacs pour convertir ton buffer un poscript
krosfells: oui mais ça fait du .ps, pas du LaTeX
je pourrais pas avoir un environnement latex
ah non ocamldoc ca va pas, il ne garde pas le code dans la sortie LaTeX
style \begin{ocaml}let.... \end{ocaml}
nittch: regarde ocamlweb
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ocamlweb a l'air de correspondre a ce que j'attends
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