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<LittleDan> why isn't new a function?
<Riastradh> Classes are not first-class, but you must pass a class to new in order to instantiate it.
<LittleDan> I know, but why isn't new a function that takes a class as its first argument?
<Riastradh> ...because classes aren't first-class.
<LittleDan> what do you mean?
<Riastradh> What part of 'classes aren't first-class' don't you understand?
<LittleDan> Could you rephrase it?
<LittleDan> Do you mean not everything is part of the object system?
<Riastradh> There isn't enough in that sentence to make a different phrase from it.
<LittleDan> Classes are lower than types?
<mattam_> equal
mattam_ is now known as mattam
<Riastradh> No...classes are not first-class. I didn't say anything about types.
<LittleDan> mattam_: That's what I though
<LittleDan> t
<Banana> LittleDan: classes are not values.
<mattam> it means classes cannot manipulated by the language as values
<LittleDan> oh
<mattam> cannot be manipulated
<Banana> objects are values, classes are on another level, like modules or type.
<LittleDan> Why did they make it like that?
<Banana> because it is how it has to be.
<Banana> what would be the type of your "new" function ?
<LittleDan> why?
<Demitar> LittleDan, class | object is the same distinction as type | value.
<mattam> because otherwise you need a richer type system that needs runtime type information.
<LittleDan> Is there any reason for not having runtime type information besides performance?
<mattam> ocaml is about having a powerful static type system (and it is very good at it) and no type information at the runtime.
<Smerdyakov> Simplicity in the language design
<Banana> LittleDan: soundness.
<mattam> besides performance, there are probably type-checking issues
<Banana> but thinking of it if classes were values, then types would also be.
<mattam> the question you should answer now is why you need that LittleDan
<Demitar> The strong static rich typing allows me to write sloppy code and get away with it so don't go and change that. :)
<LittleDan> mattam: I was just wondering. In other languages I sometimes pass around classes as variables.
<Demitar> LittleDan, do you have an example?
<Banana> which languages ?
<Nutssh> Runtime type information means that the compiler cannot check as much at compile time.
<Demitar> An example of a language which isn't entirely dynamically typed preferably. :)
<LittleDan> Demitar: OCaml is the only statically typed language I know besides C
<mattam> python :)
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<LittleDan> mattam: That's dynamically typed
<mattam> i was answering Banana's question.
<Demitar> LittleDan, well dynamically typed languages can naturally pass classes about, or are there some who can't (it wouldn't be impossible naturally but a bit limiting)?
<mattam> python is very nice for its liberal type system, and awful for having literally no static checks, except indentation ;)
<LittleDan> Demitar: There are all of the non-OO dynamically typed languages
<Banana> typechecking done in the lexer, nice indeed.
<mattam> hehe
<mattam> a hack!
<Demitar> LittleDan, aww, you caught me off-guard on that one. ;-)
<Banana> LittleDan: do you need to build a class at runtime ?
* mattam got his little psql & mysql wrapper wrote, going to watch a film to forget about SQHELL.
<LittleDan> Banana: Sometimes, yes. In Python, it's often useful to use objects like c structures.
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<LittleDan> Banana: Of course in OCaml, I'd just use a record
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<Banana> you have to declare a type before using a record.
<Banana> you can't build them at runtime.
<LittleDan> Banana: I know, but that's what I'd do instead, even if it's not exactly the same
<Banana> i don't really understand... maybe it's too late.
<Demitar> It's not possible to use chained dbm databases in ocaml?
<Demitar> That is one entry contains another database.
<LittleDan> Banana: For certain purposes, I'd use objects with variables declared at runtime in Python or I'd use records in OCaml
<Banana> ok.
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<LittleDan> does < a : 'a; .. > -> 'a refer to a function that takes an object which has an attribute a of any type and returns something of the same type?
<Riastradh> s/attribute/method/1, yes.
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<LittleDan> Riastradh: (what does 1 mean at the end of a regex?)
<Banana> Demitar: you mean with the Dbm module ?
<Demitar> Banana, that was what I was thinking primarily, or should I google for another?
<Banana> can't you store just the name of the db ?
<Demitar> Banana, I'd have to encode the path somehow but yes, that has passed my mind.
<Demitar> The real question is how to serialize the datastructure I guess.
<Demitar> Then again, that's the simple part now that I come to think of it.
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<slashvar> Yop
<Banana> yo slashvar.
<Banana> Demitar: you want to put the inner DB in th same file as the container one ?
<Demitar> Banana, that was the original thought, but I've discarded that now.
<Demitar> Still I need to encode the data naturally.
<Banana> time to go to bed...
<Banana> good night.
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<karryall> is caml-list down ? no messages since last wednesday ... that's unusual
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<CosmicRay> hello. I'm wondering if there is any sort of database abstraction layer for ocaml, similar to JDBC, DBI, or DB-API?
<Hadaka> CosmicRay: you can use perl DBI with ocaml - that's probably the most common thing
<Smerdyakov> I have heard there is an ODBC interface.
<CosmicRay> Hadaka: that sounds incredibly evil :-)
<CosmicRay> Hadaka: can you elaborate a bit? OCaml has Perl bindings?
<CosmicRay> karryall: already have; unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything generic there
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<Smerdyakov> Hm. The ODBC interface looks pretty nice to me. I wonder why mattam doesn't like it.
<CosmicRay> *maybe* the ODBC stuff, but I'm not on windows here
<Smerdyakov> ODBC is not a Windows thing.
<Smerdyakov> Everyone supports it on all platforms, basically.
<CosmicRay> huh.
<CosmicRay> Hadaka: I don't know whether that is really cool or really evil :-)
<Hadaka> CosmicRay: me neither.
<karryall> CosmicRay: see this also
<CosmicRay> thanks karryall
<CosmicRay> the "humps" link to ocamlodbc appears broken
<karryall> it should be on maxence site somewhere ...
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<phj> How to use "Pattern matching of a parameter" ? please give some example .
<Smerdyakov> Example: Read the OCaml tutorial. :P
<phj> I'm reading it.
<phj> whether can I define function f as the following ?
<phj> let f = function
<phj> | x -> 1
<phj> |x,y -> x + y ;;
<Riastradh> That x will match anything.
<Banana> you can't do what i think you want to do :D
<Smerdyakov> I think you may be confused about OCaml and static typing.
<Smerdyakov> As Riastradh said, the first pattern matches anything, even a pair.
<Smerdyakov> And you can't have a function that takes both pairs and something else as input, anyway.
<phj> what I want to do is let function f with two different arguments,such as f x , f x y
<mellum> phj: you can't
<phj> is there any method to do that ?
<mellum> Yes, have two differently named functions
<Hadaka> phj: two different functions
<Hadaka> phj: also look into optional arguments in labels, that might be what you want
<Hadaka> but probably not, if you are *just* starting with ocaml
<phj> yeah,I'm newbie to ocaml.
<Hadaka> phj: so the correct answer is 'two different functions' for now - read more, learn more
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<phj> where can I found more tutorials document on ocaml except that of listed on ocaml home site?
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<gl> phj: or make your own type: "type mine = Double of int * int | Single of int" then "let f = function Double(x,y)-> x+y | Single _ -> 1;"
<Smerdyakov> Oh no.
<gl> :)
<Smerdyakov> Maybe that is too complicated for now, gl! :P
<mellum> phj: we could maybe give better advise if you told us what you *really* want. What should f do?
<gl> phj: then you could do this "f (Single 5))" or "f(Double(4,5))"
<gl> too many parenthesis in my expressions ...
<mellum> gl: seems much uglied than f_single 5; f_double 4 5
<mellum> uglier even
<Hadaka> phj: I would suggest you read the O'Reilly book - I consider it very good
<gl> mellum I agree
<Hadaka> phj: you can find a link to it from the caml pages
<mellum> gl: then why do you suggest it? :)
<phj> Hadaka: I downloaded it.
<gl> mellum I thought he wanted only one function
<gl> It's a (bad?) way to achieve this :)
<mellum> gl: I'm very sure he does not want a single function, but rather something else, and just thought this was the proper mechanism
<gl> phj you could speak :)
<phj> Hadaka: at page 37,where have a title named "Pattern matching of a parameter" ,I'm learning how to use "function" .
* mattam just found a bug in postgresql-ocaml :)
<phj> gl: yes,I wan only one function.
<Smerdyakov> mattam, why don't you like the ODBC interface?
<Hadaka> phj: you haven't read the earlier sections too well - a function can take only one type of arguments in - and you cannot match on argument type
<phj> s/wan/want
<mattam> Smerdyakov: because there is nothing more that a function to get the results of a query!
<Smerdyakov> mattam, so? What else do you want?
<mattam> finding metainformation about the results, the number of affected lines of a query...
<phj> Hadaka: one function can ONLY take one type of arguments,right ?
<phj> in ocaml..
<Hadaka> phj: yes
<Smerdyakov> mattam, meta-information is available in the ODBC interface, via a more complicated querying function.
<phj> I see.
<phj> thank you all .
<mattam> also async behavior would be nice
<gl> you're welcome
<Hadaka> alas, I have to hop off now
<mattam> Smerdyakov: you mean i've got to create predifined querys for each thing i want, like getting the types of a result columns ?
<Smerdyakov> mattam, yeah! And you'll LIKE IT!!!!!!!!
<mattam> Smerdyakov: oh no, the result_info gives back your query string only (i have tested it)
<mattam> really i wouldn't call that an interface, it's like only giving the 'get this over http' function in a libcurl binding, imo
<Smerdyakov> Well, it's about the same kind of interface that I have in the SQL stuff for SML that I maintain. :P
<mattam> i know, it may suit your needs, but not mine :)
<Smerdyakov> However, instead of a query primitive that returns a list, mine folds over results. :)
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<CosmicRay> ok, here's an incredibly general question -- if it's a FAQ please say so... I'm a Python programmer (with an interest in functional languages)... what are the top reasons I should switch to OCaml?
<Smerdyakov> Try this: (uses SML for examples, but the reasons are really the same)
<gl> I don't know. What do you need ? :)
<CosmicRay> I do a lot of database and network programming. Little parsing, but a lot of data transformations. Some GUI, some curses...
<CosmicRay> I want something that scales nicely to large apps
<gl> /me remember he had to take a look at the hcoop web site
<Smerdyakov> Yes, you had to!! ;)
<gl> let's go
<CosmicRay> once thing about ocaml that attracts me is the static type system... though I make good use of type polymorphism in python...
<CosmicRay> python is a little *too* weak for me sometimes. though not such an agregious offender as Perl
<CosmicRay> whose types are roughly scalar and array :-)
<Smerdyakov> Have you read the page I linked to, CosmicRay?
<CosmicRay> loading it up now.
<CosmicRay> that was an interesting overview.
<CosmicRay> I wonder how expansive the built-in functional-style pattern matching is.
<Smerdyakov> Expansive or expensive?
<CosmicRay> could it, for example, be used to implement a parser grammar?
<CosmicRay> expansive
<CosmicRay> (for instance, are regexps supported as part of the pattern matching for a function?)
<Smerdyakov> No regexps.
<Smerdyakov> Use ml-lex and ml-yacc for parsing, as usual. :)
<CosmicRay> what are the differences between OCaml, Caml Lite, and SML?
<CosmicRay> is OCaml the one that is seeing the most new activity?
<Smerdyakov> Caml Lite is only used for teaching.
<Smerdyakov> I'd say OCaml and SML are pretty close in terms of work on the compilers themselves.
<Smerdyakov> There are probably more OCaml libraries.
<Smerdyakov> OCaml has OO stuff. SML doesn't.
<Smerdyakov> Besides that, they are identical in all important ways.
<Maddas> SML has call/cc :-)
<Smerdyakov> No, SML/NJ has call/cc.
<Smerdyakov> It's not part of the SML Definition.
<Maddas> Oh, ok.
<gl> Caml Lite ? Didn't you mean Caml light ?
<CosmicRay> perhaps :-)
<Smerdyakov> CosmicRay, now, if you like regular expression pattern matching, check out the XDuce language, which is designed for type safe XML processing.
<CosmicRay> Smerdyakov: it's not a big deal to me; I know that ocaml supports regexps about as well as Python does.
<karryall> CDuce also
<CosmicRay> just thought I'd check, since the OCaml syntax in some ways reminds me of formal parser notations.
<Banana> hum.... CDuce is still in early developpement. they barely have bytecode running now.
<Banana> (I mean compiling to ocaml bytecode).
<Banana> According to one of cduce developper : "Ocaml is a very good assembly language" :D
<TheDracle> Heh.
<TheDracle> CosmicRay: Whered you get your name from?
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<CosmicRay> TheDracle: well GammaRay was already taken on the network I first started IRCing on...
<CosmicRay> so being a geek, I became CosmicRay.
<TheDracle> I actually work on HiRes,
<TheDracle> It's a detector located out on Dugway Proving Grounds that we're using to meassure the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum.
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<Nutssh> Question? How do I disable the binding to button-2 in caml-mode and tuareg mode? I want it to paste, not print out the current type.
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