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In a toplevel, is there a way to ask for a list of all loaded modules?
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olczyk, why don't you ask the mailing list?
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Yeah, yeah. I've already asked the beginners group and comp.lang.functional.
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Random.self_init ()
let i = Random.int 200
let _ = print_endline( string_of_int i )
why does this keep printing the same number when i run it?
same random seed ?
it shouldn't be
i've even tried Random.init 1, followed by Random.init 2 and got the same number
ahhhh, maybe Random.self_init isn't being run
since it's not in let _
it's not compiling 'i' to be a constant is it ?
through over agressive optimisation
shouldn't matter
i'm talking about outputting the same number between runs of my program
now it's working
what did you change /
it was, as i suspected, that Random.self_init (or Random.init) were written in my program outside of let _
so they were never being executed
Shouldn't matter. Toplevel statements are run as they are come across. However this is looks like a bad mix of functional and imperative programming.
That is, I suspect the evaluation order isn't guaranteed.
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well, it does seem to matter
Yes, because you're forcing the evaluation order in the latter case. How did you structure it exactly?
with ; in let _
And still that works just fine here...
demitar@bubbles:~$ ./foo
demitar@bubbles:~$ ./foo
demitar@bubbles:~$ ./foo
demitar@bubbles:~$ cat foo.ml
Random.self_init ()
let i = Random.int 200
let _ = print_endline( string_of_int i )
well, it doesn't here.. just keep printing 119
What OCaml version are you using?
And what platform?
Well, it looks weird to me, perhaps 3.06 behaves differently (using 3.07+2 here).
as soon as i put the Random.self_init in to the let _ it started working
Yes, the ";" forces evaluation order so if that's the issue it should start to work.
How about not moving the line but adding a let () = Random.self_init () instead?
That should also force evaluation order.
that worked
what's the difference between let _ and let () ?
Well then that was the issue it seems.
let _ = allows any result rhs, let () = matches only unit. In general let _ is dangerous since it doesn't catch partial applications, ignore is better for that.
let () = Random.self_init ()
let i = Random.int 200
ignore print_endline( string_of_int i )
"This function is applied to too many arguments" for Random.int
but with "let _" instead of "ignore" it works
i mean "let _ ="
That's a syntax error.
You need to terminate the let with a ;; toplevel.
It automagically does that when it sees another let.
same error when i use ;;
let () = Random.self_init ()
let i = Random.int 200 ;;
ignore print_endline( string_of_int i )
Yes, that's because ignore is 'a -> unit.
You need to enclose print_endline ... in ().
But in this case ignore isn't relevant since you already evaluate to unit.
What you probably want to do is to wrap it all in a function and only run one toplevel.
Say: let main () = Random.self_init (); let i = Random.int 200 in print_endline( string_of_int i ) ;; main ()
well, i'm trying to figure out what the ideal toplevel should be
usually i use let _
but you recommended ignore instead
Yes, let _ = is commonly used in places where ignore is more relevant. That is, to ignore the return argument.
but let () matched only unit.. that would require that main evaluate to unit, which it may not always do... thus isn't let _ better?
No, you should really use ignore (...) explicitly when you don't care for the returned value.
The danger of let _ = is that it doesn't catch partial applications.
Thus you might simply be forgetting to pass the last argument to a function and you all of the sudden don't have a clue why your program doesn't do anything.
i understand
Good, so you don't want an example then? :)
i'm still a bit confused about foo ()
foo ()?
main ()?
i was confusing your main () with let ()
Ah, and remember that main just happends to be a convenient name of the main function, it's not run magically like in C.
so main () just takes a unit argument, but can evaluate to anything, while let () must evalutate to unit?
main () is simply a function.
let () = is a pattern matching expression.
but what is it matching?
() is the only value the type unit can have.
A completely unuseful example: let "foo" | "bar" | _ as x = "bar";;
in "let foo x = match x with ..." foo is called with some argument that is used in the pattern match... what is let () called with? or is it?
let () isn't a function.
pattern: you can also say let foo 10 = ....
It's a pattern match that matches the value () and doesn't bind the value to any name.
maddas, yes
oh, i see
let () as foo = would bind the value to the name foo.
pattern: () is the only value the type unit can have, so () is an exhaustive match
err, an exhaustive pattern
so about your earlier foo/bar example, maddas...
why does that evaluate to "bar"?
Sometimes it feels like I can do all kinds of irrelevant stuff in OCaml. ;-)
what happened to "foo" ? and why doens't "foo" have a -> ?
Surely you mean Demitar :-)
That you can do it doesn't mean it makes sense... :)
i meant demitar
I always though "let 42 = 43" was an interesting ocaml brain-stretch.
pattern, I believe match x with [pattern match] -> [do this] is valid.
it is
that i understand
That is the -> part has nothing to do with the pattern matching expression, but with the match ... with construct.
i shouldn't there be a -> after let "foo" in your example?
pattern: For example, you can say: type bar = Baz;; let foo Baz = 100;; -- the function foo will take any value of the type bar (There is only one value something of the type Bar can have!)
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maddas, yes, that makes sense, i think
you can also say type myunit = ();;, so that works along the same lines
pattern, as I said the example was completely useless since there is no way to do anything different depending on what string you actually match.
maddas, yes, i understand that
let foo () = 100 is the same as saying let foo (x : unit) = 100
Ok, hope it helped :-)
demitar, but i still want to understand it
maddas, yes it did... i understand that now
The case where it's really useful is in the case of tuples.
let (x, y) = get_bounds ()
And such.
that makes sense
but i still don't understand your foo/bar example :(
What don't you understand?
as i understand pattern matching there must be somehting that the match evaluates to when it matches
so "foo" is the pattern
It either matches "foo" or "bar" or any string and binds that value to the name foo.
but where is the value it evaluats to?
s/name foo/name x/
The *value* is evaluates is "bar" the *name* it binds to is x. let "foo" | "bar" | _ as x = "bar";;
but what happended to "foo"?
let x = "bar" or let _ as x ="bar" are equivalent.
i'm still confused about what role "foo" plays here, though
pattern, it's simply a case which "could" happend but never will.
It's completely and utterly useless.
Except for the possible obfuscation value. ;-)
but even though it never happens shouldn't it have a value to evalute to? thus, shouldn't it have a ->
let "foo" -> "baz" | _ as x = "bar" ;;
No, you can't have an action happend inside a let ... = construct.
or somehting
That has nothing to do with pattern matching.
what doesn't?
It's part of the match ... with construct (or function for that matter).
but doesn't match ... with do pattern matching?
Yes, it contains pattern matching expressions. But those are contained in between the with [pattern match] ->
And subsequent expressions | ... ->
so i'm used to seeing the [pattern match] followed by ->
thus my confusion at your ->less "foo"
Yes, that happends with exception handling too.
Yes, there are reasons OCaml is scary at first sight. :)
At least when coming from a Cish background.
# let "foo" | "bar" | _ as x = "bar";;
val x : string = "bar"
# let "foo" | _ = "bar" ;;
what happened here?
why didn't it evalute to "bar"?
It did, but the value wasn't bound to any name.
shouldn't ocaml still report it? as _ maybe?
val _ : string = "bar" ?
the first expression didn't evaluate to anything toplevel. But bound "bar" to a name.
so toplevel expressions don't evaluate to anything?
Sure they do. But not the let expressions.
i see
Try "bar";;
# let "foo" = "bar" ;;
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
Exception: Match_failure ("", 4, 9).
so what is it that is being matched?
You are trying to match "bar" against an incomplete pattern match which only matches "foo".
Incomplete pattern matches are inherently evil.
so the pattern match is an entity in and of itself... it need not be "filled" with anything as x in "let foo x = match x with" is "filled" with a value when foo is called
the pattern match stands on its own in a "let [pattern match] = ..." expression, right?
or maybe "tested against" is a better term than "filled"
That sounds sensible. *goes back to doing his laundry*
thanks, demitar
it allows you to do nasty things like try let 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 = "small" with Match_failure -> "not small"
why would you do that?
let ... = f() in "small" I meant.
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either way you shouldn't match values but only constructors, like true | false | () | A(x) ....
some weird guys will say that integers are constant constructors, but don't believe them !!!
# let f () = 9 ;;
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# try let 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 = f() in "small" with Match_failure x -> "not small" ;;
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
- : string = "not small"
so how does this work?
well it's easy.
doesn't it let ... here always fail to match?
Banana, matching against values can be useful in the case of stream parsers.
# let f () = 0 ;;
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# try let 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 = f() in "small" with Match_failure x -> "not small" ;;
Warning: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
- : string = "small"
well in that case i admit that it's more concise that using a bunch of x -> if x = ... then
but here it seemed to match
pattern: it's easy, the pattern matching are compiled as some kind of big (switch) (like in C).
and there is a "default" clause added that raise Match_failure with the unmatched argument.
but the left hand side of the = is the pattern match, no?
the right hand side is what the matched pattern should evaluate to, right?
this notation is strictly equivalent to try match f() with 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 -> "small" with Match_failure x -> "not small"
well, that definitely is not what i'm used to understanding = to mean
i think this is more or less a "side effect" of the let "pattern" = foo in blah.
to allow things like let (x,y) = getpos() in ... which are usefull.
let (x,y) = getpos() i understand
you have to allow any kind of pattern expression on the left side of the =
and 0 | 1 | 2 is a valid pattern.
so you can write it too.
the lhs of the = i understand
it's the f() on the rhs of the = in your example that is weird
well to understant that you simply have to take the real meaning of let.
i'm used to thinking what's on the rhs is what the pattern match will evalute to, not what it is tested against
let is a binder, so let res = f() in ... is natural ok ?
but then let res1,res2 = f() in ... would also be natural.
ok, i think i understand
i was getting all confused with -> and =
makes perfect sense now
# let "foo" | "bar" | _ as x = "bar";;
val x : string = "bar"
but here why would x be bound to "bar" when "bar" matches "bar"?
let ("foo" | "bar" | _) as x = "bar"
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that's the right associativity.
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so there it does match "bar"
if not, your x would be non linear (that is ) there would be times when x is not binded to anything.
i think that added to my confusion
but now it too makes sense
hence let "foo" | _ as x = "bar" in print_endline x;; would not make any sense.
thanks for clearing that up for me
would be handy if ocaml printed parenthesis like you just did
as Demitar says earlier, matching over values can be usefull (especialy on string or chars) but it's better to use the match construct for this and add a _ -> case.
the let should only be used to deconstruct structural values, like tuples, records and so on.
* pattern
Yes, I wouldn't do that in a let construct, that'd be pure evil. =)
why is the let keyword there for things like let 0 | 1 = f() ?
why not just allow: 0 | 1 = f()
since it's not bound to anything
let 0 | 1 = f() is only a side effect of allowing let (x,y) = f().
you mean a special case?
* pattern
i guess that's true
but they could require binding with let
otherwise there is need to redefine a special "variable only" pattern class and it's rather difficult...
and then allow an expression without let
well, if it's difficult i understand
just trying to think of a clearer syntax
as to me let does imply binding
well you could turn this around by saying it's an empty binding.
(which is a binding :D )
i guess you can say that binding to nothing is a binding :)
but i think that's an abuse of the term binding... conceptually when you bind you expect to bind to something, not nothing :P
but semantically, you'd be adding nothing by allowing: 0 | 1 = f()
it's just syntactic sugar
would just make it easier for beginners like me to grasp :)
hum... it doesn't make sense to have only 0|1 = f().
what do you do if it matches ?
0 | 1 = f() in "small"
But that's an evil abuse of pattern matching anyway!
yo don't match over values.
Since it's an incomplete match!
demitar, yes, he used an exception for the default case
it is ugly
pattern: the exception is a "moindre mal".
that is there is no cleaner other way to handle that.
but as long as it is allowed semantically you might as well have it be as clear as possible syntactically :)
the let ... in is clear to me...
pattern, that it's possible doesn't mean it's good coding practice and thus should be encouraged.
banana, yesh i can see how it'd be clear to you since you're an expert... the syntactic sugar would really only help beginners like me
demitar, that's true
"expert" ...
then if it's bad coding practice, why allow it at all?
there must be some cases where it makes sense to use it, right? or if not, why not eliminate it?
Since you don't want to place arbitrary limitations "just because" it's bad style. It might make sense at times.
well, if it might make sense sometimes then why not allow a clearer syntax?
because it would be difficult to separate good pattern matching from bad ones...
pattern, it would greatly complicate the language at dubious gain.
i see
I only say crap...
it's feasable since the compiler detect when a matching is not exhaustive :D
thank god for that
or thank inria :)
the proper way is to use ocamlc -warn-error S
what does that do?
so that non exhaustive match are turned into error and not warning.
or better -warn-error A
that's not even in my man page
all warning are turned into compilation error.
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ptolomy, hey! How long have you been interested in OCaml? Or are you just spying? :)
Mm? Oh, a little of both. I've been interested for a few months now. Learned about it, and have been messing around with it until I get good enough to make it my primary language. :_
Are you graduating this spring?
Heh. Not likely.
I should be, but I'm gonna go a full 4 year instead.
Odd full circle I've come, though. From absurd assembly enthusiast to ocaml proponent.
Eh, I did the same thing. :)
Rather, a "180". Not full circle.
I think it's a natural progression, really.
I'm sure you won't find much argument here. :)
Oh. that reminds me..
I was just talking with some people yesterday about how my advisor has gotten a huge chunk of local people into OCaml by simply providing really useful OCaml tools and libraries in his research, and teaching a class where OCaml was required and useful things were made. :)
I actually started with it because of a course taught in it.
Good way to get going.
I know Ocaml has that very detailed formatting guide, and I have been thinking, 'Hey, it would be fun to make a program that does that for me, a la gnu ident'. But it would seem that such a thing would already exist. Any idea?
Sure. At least two emacs modes.
Puuh... that space wasting thread does *really* seem to be a bait for everybody who wishes to restate old ideas
Damn. Even more indication that I'm gonna have to move away from vim someday.
Hadaka, Which thread is this?
ptolomy: you don't want to know
and that comment was on the wrong channel, so it might've been a *bit* out of context :)
Ah. Heh. Okay.
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ptolomy, would you like to join us in #hprog?
What is 'hprog'?
TPU successor
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vim can auto-indent for you
and you can also reformat blocks of text in vim, if you like
This is true.
but I've grown samefully astyle/indent dependent in other languages, so I'm looking for any easy out. :)
what exactly do you want to do?
Well, I figured it'd be a good exercise in Ocaml/parsing to write a 'Automatically make your ocaml code compliant with the official style specification' program. However, if it's been done, I probably won't.
camlp4o pr_o.cmo mysource.ml
try that
well now. that's a thing a beauty.
* ptolomy
reads more on this camlp4
in vim i have:
map <F4> :!ocaml.reformat
% cat ocaml.reformat
cat > $TEMP_FILE
camlp4o pr_o.cmo $TEMP_FILE
then i can hilight a block of text in vim, hit F4, and it gets automatically reformatted
That's pretty great. I am going to steal that.
spread the word :)
the TEMP_FILE variable can probably be created better, so that it's unique
I'm going to make my girlfriend learn Ocaml. She wants to learn how to program, but she knows little about computer and much about math. Seems like a decent path to take.
yeah, if she knows lambda calculus then she practically knows ocaml already
and the concepts relating to sets and functions in general carry over very well
my gf is ending up learning c++ as a first language (required college course); it's going to be fun helping her with that :/
although she seemed pretty interested in the whole thing, I could probably get her learning another language on the side too :P
i wish i knew math better
all this stuff is new to me
you don't need to know much math to handle languages like ocaml though
well, "much math" is relative :)
i definitely need much more than to handle imperative languages
I don't have much math background other than the typical practical knowledge
I've never really associated ocaml with math.. what kind of math needs to be known?
you don't "need" to know it ahead of time... learning ocaml = learning math, imo
all the math I know is engineering oriented, so I get differentials and tings of that nature which don't have any basis for programming really
I odn't see where math comes in at all :P
well, all of this function applicaiton stuff *is* lambda calculus
Heh. then again, I don't really consider (internally) lambda calculus to be math either, so my estimation of ocaml's mathiness may be skewed.
sets, functions... that's all math
you don't need a background in the lambda calculus to understand how to use it, though
no, as you learn lambda calculus by learning ocaml
* ptolomy
think of APL.
and vice versa
and type systems are math... there's a section on types in this discrete math book i just got... so it must be math :P
Yeah. Ocaml infers types. That is fun.
* ptolomy
had to write a type-infering thing.. tricky tricky.
I've done it too. Not too bad.
logic, propositional calculus... both used in the manipulation of boolean values is math
of course, that's not used just in ocaml but in all programming
same with trees and graphs
* ptolomy
is really itching to write some ocaml/openGL stuff. Man, that'll be sweet.
yeah, that sounds like fun
So beautifully suited.
I just don't see those things as math I guess
articulated motion with trees, functional callbacks... *Homer-style Mmmm*
My theory is that is because math is taught wrong.
probably :P
* ptolomy
was taught until about maybe the age of 16 that math == arithmatic.
they're all in my math books, so they have to be math :)
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my problem is that I've taken so many courses aimed at presenting solutions to practical problems, that there isn't much theory behind what I ulearn and use
well there's theory, but I don't care about it
engineering isfun :P
yeah, i like practical stuff too
but on the other hand, i like solving problems in general
so there's theory stuff that i find interesting as well
I have tons of fun designing with languages that don't suck
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I'm wasting precious studying time by creating benchmarks for ocaml, C, and C++ in which ocaml wins.
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I can't make it work if gcc uses any optimization though.
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ptolomy, have you seen the great computer language shootout?
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ptolomy: Are you selectively creating benchmarks just so that O'Caml wins?
How about working on an optimization pass for the ocaml compiler? From looking at its output, value numbering should be a huge win.
I started that, then found out that the internal structure of the AST's in ocaml isn't amenable to it quickly. I was hoping it'd be a one-day project.
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They should just use CPS and simplify everything dramatically.
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