flux, OK, but isn't it also some trouble to work with crappy programming languages?
flux, what language(s) do you write in at work (besides OCaml)?
tfk, c, c++
smerdyakov, well, it can be an inconvenience..
smerdyakov, I guess the most trouble comes from debugging the old software written in C ;)
flux, working for someone else at all is an inconvenience. Apparently you found a price for it that inspires you to do it anyway.
tfk, and the obvious ones: perl, sh
<3 pointer arithmetic ^_^
It makes a joke?
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I almost blisfully forgot about java, that too..
|Lupin| has joined #ocaml
Hello, there.
Anybody willing to help with compiling Caml bindings for a C library in a proper and portable way ?
There aren't examples you can work from?
Smerdyakov: I don't know actually
Maybe you should look first....
any suggestion welcome
the library I am working on consists of a C file and two Caml modules
also, it comes from the same package as the C library it provides an interface too
No, I don't know anything about the subject.
so when the Caml bindings are compiled, the -L flag it receives points at the compiled C lib, but the -L flag that should be used later should point to the installed lib
(this is one of the issues)
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when i define a function as "let f ~a = print_int a; raise Exit;;", if i call it without the label (e.g. "f 1;;"), i get this warning: "Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function."
why is that? (if i remove the "raise" statement, "f 1;;" works fine)
The argument you're passing is treated as an argument to "raise Exit".
Or, that's my guess.
Labeled and optional arguments make me suspicious, so I don't remember much about them. :)
it seems to be a problem only with 'raise' though (maybe because it causes the return value of f to be 'a?)
That's what I'm thinking, though I would say "return type" instead of "return value."
i meant to write "to be of type" :P
I must admit that that looks like a bug to me :-o
perhaps someone can explain what's happening
should i ask it at caml-list?
maybe, just maybe, it is like a function a:int -> 'a, which can be interpreted to be for example a:int -> ('a -> 'b), which is the same as a:int -> 'a -> 'b, and the application without label applies it to the second parameter..
but yeah, go ahead
This is a good example illustrating why labeled arguments are a bad idea. :P
well, an obscure corner case I'd say.. labeled arguments are nice for currying, and optional ones nice for extending interfaces without breaking existing code.
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it seems to match the documented behavior "But beware that functions [...] whose result type is a type variable will never be considered as totally applied. [hence labels can't be omitted]"
I don't know what's the reason for that, though
I like my theory :)
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it apparently cannot be worked around either.. I thought adding a unit parameter would work, but no
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yes, only using f ~a:1 works
still no library compiling expert available ?